
镌刻时光的艺术与留白 | 中海·望庐

赛肯思景观 景观周 2021-02-03


Project of the British king's cross blocks, extract design concept, make the living space of modern minimalist art quiet, isolated from the outside noise design, link to the past, present and future through time and space to experience demonstration area in the narrative space as the breakthrough point, through the space between nakedness ups and downs in a regular change, reflect the rhythm of cadence, like a declare the time space piece of music


过去 承载了太多历史的记忆



The past carries too many memories of the past

If there is no freeze in the corner of the alley

Maybe we can find traces of it in the design




Modern elements with industrial colored iron mesh

Modern and traditional industries coexist

The site culture continues.


Landscape is the continuation and innovation of architecture. The demonstration area also follows mies van der Rohe's design concept that less is more. It is not crowded but the perfect entrance adopts geometric line processing, presenting a light and transparent interface. The background grid woven by iron art creates a space atmosphere of combination of virtual and real.





Silence and silence are inherent qualities of sculpture

By virtue of this timeless quality

Give it a gentle moment


The sculpture in the opposite scene is named after a BOOK recording the changes of times, BOOK. The surface of the sculpture is made of rusty steel plates. The color of the surface material will change with time and present different states, giving life to the sculpture.


Everything freezes, like an eternal and fleeting snapshot of a moment. But the more familiar time stands still, sensuously anticipating a moment of wonder or beauty, the beauty of space and time or the contentment of the heart at that moment


With design as the carrier, the traditional industrial era is frozen here.


Time Tunnel是时间的静止


人们从现实世界抽离 进入想象中的世界

Time Tunnel Where Time Stood Still

It connects the past to the future

People pull away from the real world

and enter the imaginary world

现实的世界光怪陆离,充斥着各种复杂情绪,现实中的人们对未来的世界充满好奇。Time Tunnel使用94根钢管编织成疏密有致的透视空间,如同时光隧道,通向未来世界。廊架尽头的叠水象征着艺术之源,为深邃安静的空间增添了一丝灵动。

Time Tunnel used 94 steel pipes to create a dense and coherent perspective space. It was like a Time Tunnel. The stacked water leading to the end of the corridor of the future world represented the source of art and added a hint of inspiration to the deep and quiet space.


未来的世界 会是什么样子?



What will the world be like?

A spark in the dark night?

Or a dancer moving silently through time and space


The overlapping of the space tells the story of space and time. It is feasible to stand when overlooking the space and resting space overlap. The spacious landscape platform is matched with Gaze on flowing benches to create a tranquil and leisurely space atmosphere.


Still moving large area of water, a perfect sense of weakening the building blocks and fitted, sculpture Dancer lightsome lithe and graceful dance, with metal performance at ease and inversion between light if heavy smoke from the start, and to freeze out subjective cognition and subtle emotions increase space art interactive pool to catch every detail of habitant mood a casual idleness, a quiet rest, and the future of general imagination with daydreaming.



Master architect Mies van der Rohe once said that the devil lies in details. Only when there are details in design can there be details in life. The design team will put the pursuit of design quality into details and integrate artistic design language into details to form rich landscape rhythm

项目档案项目名称:中海·望庐示范区业主单位:杭州中海启晖房地产有限公司景观设计:成都赛肯思创享生活景观设计股份有限公司建筑设计:深圳市库博建筑设计事务所有限公司室内/软装设计 : 上海无间建筑设计有限公司雕塑设计:杭州诺特拉斯装&XSPACE艺术空间施工单位:浙江新绿洲景观工程有限公司项目规模:占地面积24598㎡ 示范区景观面积2000㎡项目地址:杭州市下城区设计时间:2020.05竣工时间:2020.08项目拍摄:赛肯思刘聪 / 视方摄影-翱翔撰文/排版:赛肯思品牌部






AHLA 亚洲人居景观奖申报开启

