
【英文绘本】Pete the Cat 系列之 A Pet For Pete —毛妈Carol分享

2015-04-11 毛妈Carol
A Pet For Pete




Pete is going to the pet store.
He is going to get a pet.
Pete wants a bird, a hamster, or a lizard.
But then Pete sees a goldfish.
“That’s what I want,” he tells his mom.
Pete’s mom gets fish food.
“I’m going to call you Goldie,”
Pete says to his new pet.
“You are my first pet,” Pete tells Goldie on the way home.
Pete takes Goldie to his room.
He feeds her fish food.
“Now what?” asks Pete.
He can’t play with Goldie.
He can’t swim with her.
Pete knows what he can do!
Pete paints a picture of Goldie.
He paints four fins and an orange tail.
“What a pretty painting,” says Pete’s mom.
“You can keep it,” says Pete.
“Cool painting!” says Bob.
“Can you make one for me?”
“Sure,” says Pete.
Pete paints a picture for Bob.
“Wow!” says Bob.
“It looks just like Goldie.”
Bob shows Pete’s painting to his friends Tom.
Now Tom wants a painting, too.
Pete paints another picture of Goldie to take to school for show-and-tell.
“This is Goldie, my pet fish,” Pete tells his class.
“Cute fish!”
“Cool fish!”
“Nice work!”
“I wish I had a picture of Goldie,” says Benny.
“I’ll make you one,” says Pete.
Everyone in Pete’s class wants a painting of Goldie!
Pete’s grandma wants a painting, too.
Pete has a lot to do.
He has to feed Goldie.
He has to do homework.
Pete paints and paints.
He makes paintings for everyone on his list.
At last Pete is done!
He worked hard.
There is no paint left.
Pete’s paintings are a big hit!
Pete is happy to be done.
But Pete is not done.
Now everyone in town wants a painting of Goldie!
Pete gets more paint.
“I don’t know what to do,” he says to his mom.
“I wish I could paint pictures for everyone. I just don’t have time.”
Pete’s mom has an idea!
She tells it to Pete.
“Great idea!” says Pete.
Pete gets right to it.
This time he works outside and makes a huge painting.
Honk! Honk!
Beep! Beep!
Here comes Pete.
He has made one painting of Goldie for everyone in town to enjoy!
What a great day!
When Pete gets home, he tells the real Goldie all about it.

Pete在宠物店买了一条金鱼,他给金鱼取了一个名字叫Goldie. Pete发觉自己没法和金鱼一起玩,他决定给Goldie 画一幅画。Pete画得太好了,妈妈、哥哥、奶奶、朋友还有同学都想要他的画,甚至镇上的每个居民都想要他的画! 可是Pete没有时间来画这么多画,妈妈想到了一个好主意。Pete画了一幅巨大的Goldie画。他和妈妈开车把这幅画放到镇山,这样所有的人都能看到这幅画了!
1.《A pet for Pete》 同样是一个温馨的小故事。Pete的绘画作品得到身边人的肯定和赞赏,而他也十分愿意将这份快乐分享给大家——为每个人(每只猫)画一幅画,可是自己精力有限,最终还是妈妈想出了好办法。

2.欣赏插画:一起观察其中的场景,人物,物品等。该故事涉及到很多动物的名称,如goldfish, bird, hamster, lizzard等,可以一边在图中指出,一边用英语念出来。

3.欣赏故事文字:家长可以读给孩子听,或者和孩子一起读。其中有一些表示惊奇或称赞他人的短语,家长可以提高音调,配上夸张的表情来朗读。如:cute fish! Cool colors! Nice work! Great job! What a great day!







