
百万亲子教育专家推荐宝宝最爱的英文绘本鸭子骑车记DUCK ON A BIKE

2015-08-10 毛妈Carol

宝妈评《Duck on a bike》

书籍装帧精美,将司空见惯的文字融入耳目一新的情感和理性化的秩序驾驭,从外表到内文,从天头到地脚,三百六十度的全方位渗透,从视觉效果到触觉感受……始终追求“秩序之美”的设计理念把握,并能赋予读者一种文字和形色之外的享受和满足,开本大小很合适,充满活力的字体不仅根据书籍的体 裁、风格、特点而定.字体的排列,而且还让读者感受受第一瞬间刺激,而更可以长时间地品味个中意韵。从秩序有臻的理性结构中引伸出更深层更广瀚的知识源,创游一番想像空间,排列也很准确,图像选择有规矩,构成格式、版面排列、准确的图像选择、有规矩的构成格式、到位的色彩配置、个性化的纸张运用,毫厘不差的制作工艺……近似在演出一部静态的戏剧。


Duck on a bike绘本原文

One day down on the farm,duck got a wild idea,"I bet I could ride a bike!" he thought.

He waddled over to where the boy parked his bike, climbed on, and began to ride.

At first he rode very slowly, and he wobbled a lot, but it was fun!

Duck rode past Cow and waved to her."Hello, Cow!" said Duck.

"M-o-o-o," said Cow. But what she thought was,"A duck on a bike? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen!"

Then Duck rode past Sheep."Hello, Sheep!" said Duck."B-a-a-a," said Sheep.

But what she thought was,"He's going to hurt himself if he's not careful!"

Duck was riding better now.He rode past Dog,"Hello, Dog!" said Duck.

"Woof!"said Dog. But what he thought was,"That is a mighty neat trick!"

Then Duck rode past Cat."Hello, Cat!" said Duck.

"Meow," said Cat. But what she thought was,"I wouldn't waste my time riding a bike!"

Duck pedaled a little faster.He rode past Horse."Hello, Horse!" said Duck.

"Ne-e-e-igh!" said Horse.But what he thought was ,"You're still not as fast as me, Duck!"

Duck rang his bell as he rode toward Chicken."Hello, Chicken!" said Duck.

"Cluck! Cluck!"said Chicken. But what she thought was,"Watch where you're going , Duck!"

Then Duck rode past Goat."Hello, Goat!" said Duck.

"M-a-a-a" said Goat. But what he thought was,"I'd like to eat that bike!"

Duck stood on the seat and rode past Pig and Pig."Hello, Pigs!" said Duck.

"Oink," said Pig and Pig.But what they thought was,"Duck is such a show-off!"

Then Duck rode no-hands past Mouse."Hello, Mouse!" said Duck.

"Squeak," said Mouse. But what he thought was,"I wish I could ride a bike just like Duck."

Suddenly, a whole bunch of kids came down the road on bikes.

They were in such a hurry that they didn't see Duck.

They parked their bikes by the house and went inside.

Now all the animals had bikes! They rode around and around the barnyard.

"This is fun!" they all said."Good idea, Duck!"

Then they put the bikes back by the house.

And no one knew that on that afternoon, there had been a cow,

a sheep, a dog, a cat, a horse, a chicken, a goat, two pigs, a mouse, and a duck on a bike.



