
New Music 新唱片发行: Zoogazer动物园钉子户/Very Natural非常大自然/The Bootlegs靴腿

liveCNmusic liveCNmusic 2023-09-23

Zoogazer 动物园钉子户 - 动物园钉子户 II

Scattered about Nanjing an Xuzhou, indie outfit Zoogazer have been steadily piecing together their newest effort over the past five years, indulging in synth pop theatrics and indie pop stardom along the way. The result - the inventive, sprawling and fascinating sophomore release - aptly self titled 动物园钉子户Ⅱ. That blissful jangle still remains at the core of the band, but what’s most intriguing is how many different hats the band seems to be wearing this time around. From gliding on jazzy city pop melodies, to riding on soaring reverb-filling hooks; from the synth pop-meets shoegaze sentimentality and most shockingly, screamo emo theatrics - you’ve never quite sure where the band is heading track by track. A release that will only grow richer with time. Cohesion be damned! 




Very Natural 非常大自然  - Very Natural 非常大自然

Indie pop made with a human, dare I say natural touch, Very Natural out of Guangzhou are a much-welcomed addition to the increasingly saturated indie pop scene. Jangle-filled and infused with a woozy romantic charisma, the band taps into the ins and outs of life and love with almost effortless agility - coasting on the simplistic yet ever satisfying melodies that never once need to rely on production tricks or gimmicks. A perfect summertime appetizer flavored with colourful pop grooves and sun-baked swagger. 




The Bootlegs 靴腿 - 星加坡

After years of riding high on a wave of success and more importantly, a wave of distorted vocals, simmering bass Iines, jangly guitar riffs, and propulsive drums - The Bootlegs are soaking it all in on their latest LP - 星加坡. The band’s signature lo-fi dream pop sound - embedded with a retro surf pop charm and a nostalgic indie veneer that plucks those heartstrings whilst keeping your head bopping - isn’t so much combed over as it is refined - its grooves dug in deeper and its textures taking on richer meaning. From the evocative reverb spillover of ‘宝利来’ to the dry monotone beat that hovers above the dusty twanging in ‘Spit Boy’ - every detail is more deeply felt here, infused with a hazy rustic afterglow that evokes a time and place very much separated from the present - one that moves at its own leisurely pace along the rural coastlines where modernity has yet to encroach on its residents and a humid sense of longing lingers in the air. While The Bootlegs has always felt like they were charging headfirst into the sunset, this time around the band is watching the sun rise with wistful deviance.

在这几年的成功浪潮中高歌猛进,更重要的是,在失真的人声、跃跃欲试的贝斯线条、噪向的吉他旋律和具有推动性的鼓声中,The Bootlegs 在他们的最新全长专辑《星加坡》中内化了这一切。乐队标志性的低保真梦泡音乐——镶入复古冲浪流行乐的魅力,披上怀旧独立音乐的外衣,在拨动你心弦的同时让脑中保持悦动——与其说是梳理,不如说是提炼——它的律动更加深入,声音质感更富意义。从《宝利来》溢出的令人回味的混响,到《Spit Boy》中似尘土飞扬的鼻音之上,干燥的单音节拍不停盘旋——每一处细节在此都令人更加印象深刻,注入朦胧的乡村余晖,唤起了与现在截然不同的时空:沿着乡村海岸线,以自己悠闲的步调走动,现代性还未侵占居民,潮湿的渴望感在空中久久不去。虽然 The Bootlegs 总令人感觉他们一头奔向夕阳,但这一次,乐队是以怀旧的方式望着太阳升起。



Translated by: Aling

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