Gig Recap 现场回顾: Parker Leftlover/PussyEyes/推骨牌的人 (育音堂 2023.9.20)
Gig Recap 现场回顾
Parker Leftlover(瑞士), PussyEyes, Domino Trigger 推骨牌的人
- Yuyintang 育音堂
在一系列幸运巧合和老友的牵线下,我得以与来自瑞士的乐队Parker Leftover取得联系。在Fazi的帮助下,这个由Nikita和Jonas组成的二人组正在筹备自己的小型巡演,而他们九月的行程恰好有了一些空当;于是我毫不犹豫抓住机会,在育音堂举办了一场以“夜游人”为主题的专场。
这个二人组在育音堂感到如鱼得水——他们的音乐是迷人的冷波、合成器流行、后朋克与独立摇滚的融合,捕捉到了上海音乐风貌的地下活力和国际化的流行元素。他们一只脚踏入Club Music的世界,另一只则深入独立音乐圈。他们的旋律如此巧妙,令人不能忘怀。欢迎他们随时回来!
开场表演来自PussyEyes,一队富有表现力的Trip Hop电子二人组,为这场演出的丰富与几近热带的氛围增色不少;还有推骨牌的人——他们激情四溢、令人屏息的编排为演出增加了一丝疯狂的活力。
Though a series of fun coincidences and old friends, I ended up with the contact for Parker Leftlover - the nocturnal groove makers from Switzerland made up of Nikita & Jonas. The duo were in the midst of setting up a little tour of their own (with some ace help in the form of Fazi) and had some open dates in September. So I jumped at the opportunity to lend a help - putting together a night-themed evening of tunes at none other than Yuyintang.
The duo felt right at home - a seductive, woozy blend of cold wave, synth pop, post punk and indie rock - capturing both the underground edge and the cosmopolitan pop of Shanghai’s musical landscape - with one foot in the club world and another in the indie circles.
Support came in the form of PussyEyes, the evocative trip hop electronic duo led by the Chuan Xi, who injects an ethereal touch to the music’s lush, transporting, and almost tropical production;
and Domino Trigger, who bring a madcap vitality to their high-wire and gasp-inducing arrangements.
Thanks once again to the bands, to the venue, and all the people who came out to support.
Words: Will
Photos: Will
Translation: 熙卡莉
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