

夏天的陈小舒 夏天的陈小舒 2021-09-28





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  1. 让婴儿从出生起就背躺着睡觉,不能侧卧,不能俯卧。这点非常重要。

Research has shown that one of the best ways to reduce the risk of SIDS and sudden and unexpected death in infancyis to sleep babies on their back.

2. 宝宝的头和脸不能被任何东西覆盖。

3. 无烟的环境,包括不接触二手、三手、四手烟。。。

4. 提供安全的睡眠环境,远离各种安全隐患。(可搜索我的微博文章,用“安全睡眠”,“安全”等关键词)

5. 让宝宝在一个独立的表面睡觉(比如自己的小床),和父母同房间,直到6个月或12个月后。

6. 母乳喂养宝宝。


- 包裹婴儿是让婴儿安静下来入睡和躺着睡觉的好策略,尤其是在头六个月。

- 包裹起来,并以背部朝下(躺着、仰卧)的方式放在床上,可以让宝宝稳定地保持躺着(推荐睡姿)睡觉。

- 包裹婴儿不会影响到母乳的消化吸收及母乳喂养的频率,还可以有效的减低他们的对疼痛的反应,而且包裹婴儿也有利于早产儿神经肌肉的发育。

- 包裹婴儿时,注意要让宝宝腿部可以自由活动,胸部能够自由呼吸,并确保宝宝没有在包裹前穿得太厚,不要遮住头,没有感染或者发烧。

- 如果宝宝和大人睡在一起,不论是睡在床上或是别的什么地方,一定不能包裹婴儿。一起睡已经是不安全了,包裹起来一起睡,会更加不安全。

- 当你发现宝宝已经可以翻身了,尤其是可以翻身来趴着睡了,就不用再包裹婴儿了。


– 确保宝宝背躺着,脚在婴儿床的一端,而非头。

– 确保婴儿的裹布低于脖子,避免遮住宝宝的脸。

– 让宝宝在睡觉时,脸不被遮住(床上没有枕头,没有被子,没有床围,没有羊毛垫,毛绒玩具等)。

– 仅仅用轻的裹布包裹婴儿。裹布可以是纯棉的或者平纹细布,不用毛毯或者其他厚软的替代物,因为这些东西包裹的话,很容易过热。中国家长常常担心孩子冷着,总以为感冒是冷引起的,忘记是病毒作恶,而常常忽略热的危害。常常有家长问为什么孩子夜里出汗,孩子出汗,不是缺钙,不是肾虚,热的热的热的,都是热的(除了极其微小的情况下,是艾滋病、甲状腺疾病,罕见的儿童癌症)10。

– 包裹不要太紧,必须保证臀部、腿部、胸部能够自由活动(胸部的自由活动指正常呼吸运动)8,9。

– 确保在裹布内的婴儿没有穿太多。热的天气就只穿纸尿裤(尿不湿),冷的天气就穿睡袋。

– 提供安全的睡眠环境(安全的婴儿床,床垫,合理的铺床,床上不乱放东西,只放包裹好的婴儿。

– 如果宝宝和大人睡在一起,不论是睡在床上或是别的什么地方,一定不能包裹婴儿。一起睡已经是不安全了,包裹起来一起睡,会更加不安全。


– 当你发现宝宝在玩的时候可以自由翻身,由仰卧翻身为趴着(通常在4-6个月),这是可以不再包裹婴儿让其睡觉了。


Wrapping and placing babies on the back provides stability and helps to keep babies in the recommended backposition1-2. Epidemiological studies have shown that being on the back and wrapped decreases the risk of SIDS morethan being on the back without being wrapped3. Wrapping a baby also reduces crying time4 and promotes sleep bylessening the frequency of spontaneous arousals5-6 . However wrapping a baby does not influence breastfeedingfrequency and duration and the amount of ingested milk7. Wrapping has also been shown to be effective in reducinga baby’s response to pain, while preterm babies who are wrapped and placed on their back show improvedneuromuscular development.3

Tummy sleeping increases the risk of sudden unexpected infant death and must be avoided. Wrapping a baby andplacing them in the tummy position is even more dangerous as it prevents babies from moving to a position of safety2,3.Wrapping techniques that use tight wrapping with the legs straight and together have been associated with anincreased incidence of abnormal hip development.3,8 Other studies have linked tight chest wrapping with an increasedrisk for pneumonia9, while some studies have indicated that overheating may occur if the baby is wrapped with theirhead covered or if the baby has an infection3. It is therefore important to allow for hip flexion and chest wall expansionwhen wrapping2,3 and to ensure the head is uncovered and the baby does not have an infection or fever3.A variety of baby wrapping techniques appropriate to the baby’s developmental age can be used based on theprinciples of safe wrapping. For example, a younger baby (less than 3 months) may have their arms included in thewrap to reduce the effects of the Moro or ‘startle’ reflex; whilst an older baby (more than 3 months) may have theirlower body wrapped with their arms free, to allow the baby access to their hands and fingers which promotes selfsoothing behaviour, while still reducing the risk of the baby turning to the tummy position. The Moro or ‘startle’ reflexshould have disappeared by the time the baby is 4-5 months of age.



Wrapping your baby safely to help prevent developmental dysplasia of the hip(安全地包裹婴儿以预防臀部发育不良):












Gerard CM, Harris KA, Thach BT. (2002) Spontaneous arousalsin supine infants while swaddled and unswaddled during rapideye movement and quiet sleep. Pediatrics 110 (6): e70.
Gerard CM, Harris KA, Thach BT. (2002) Physiologic studies onswaddling: an ancient child care practice, which may promotethe supine position for infant sleep. The Journal of Pediatrics 141(3): 398-403.
van Sleuwen BE, Engelberts AC, Boere-Boonekamp MM, KuisW, Schlupen TWJ, L’Hoir MP. (2007) Swaddling: A systematicreview. Pediatrics 120(4): e1097-e1106.
Ohgi S, Akiyama T, Arisawa K, Shigemori K. (2004) Randomisedcontrolled trial of swaddling versus massage in themanagement of excessive crying in infants with cerebralinjuries. Archives of Disease in Childhood 89(3): 212-216.
Franco P, Seret N, Van Hees JN, Scaillet S, Groswasser J,Kahn A. (2005) Influence of swaddling on sleep and arousalcharacteristics of healthy infants. Pediatrics 115(5): 1307-11.
Renfrew MJ, Lang S, Martin L, Woolridge M. (2000)Interventions for influencing sleep patterns in exclusivelybreastfed infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsOnline: (2) CD 00013.
7. Bystrova K, Matthiesen AS, Widström AM, Ransjö-Arvidson AB,Welles-Nyström B, Vorontsov I, Uvnäs-Moberg K. (2007) Theeffect of Russian Maternity Home routines on breastfeedingand neonatal weight loss with special reference to swaddling.Early Human Development 83(1): 29-39.8. Kutlu A, Memik R, Mutlu M, Kutlu R, Arslan A. (1992) Congenitaldislocation of the hip and its relation to swaddling used inTurkey. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 12(5): 598-602.9. Yurdakok K, Yavuez T, Taylor C. (1990) Swaddling and acuterespiratory infections. American Journal of Public Health 80(7):873-875.10. van Gestel JP, L’Hoir MP, ten Berge M, Jansen NJ, Plotz FB.(2002) Risks of ancient practices in modern times. Pediatrics110(6): e78.
11. L’Hoir MP, Engelberts AC, van Well GT, McClelland S, WestersP, Dandachli T, Mellenbergh GJ, Wolters WH, Huber J. (1998)Risk and preventive factors for cot death in The Netherlands,a low-incidence country. European Journal of Pediatrics 157(8):681-8.


4001 儿童感冒:国际权威组织的护理建议
4002 婴儿尿布疹
4003 宝宝拉肚子是不是乳糖不耐受了
4004 宝宝使用说明书:宝宝0~3个月的发育
4005 宝宝正常的大便、便秘和乳糖不耐受
4006 如何安全地包裹婴儿(预防新生儿睡眠中的意外和臀部发育不良)
4007 宝宝3~6个月的发育
4008 美国儿科学会——儿童驱蚊剂的选择
4009 健康卡片 | 美国儿科学会:痱子
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4011 关于过敏和过敏测试的一些信息
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4015 阳光下的健康问题:如何安全地享受阳光
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4018 婴幼儿湿疹(上):哪些因素影响湿疹
4019 宝贝和狗狗,如何安心做朋友&中国疾病控制预防中心|狂犬病知识热点问答
4020 小夜灯会对孩子不好么?
4021 到底能不能用夜灯啊?看权威机构和科研论文怎么说
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4023 经验分享| 如何让熊孩子爱上刷牙
4024 宝宝6~9个月的发育
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4026 宝贝是上火了吗?如何预防婴幼儿过敏性疾病




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