

GND设计 GND设计集团

近日,2021墨尔本国际设计奖 Melbourne Design Awards 公布获奖名单,GND设计集团作品保利·天悦公寓荣获住宅设计类别 International Residential 金奖龙光·天境海岸花园售楼处荣获商业设计类别 International Commercial 银奖佛山梅沙双语学校荣获景观类别Landscape Design - International银奖!这份殊荣也同属于业主单位及相关合作单位!


关于奖项 About awards 

墨尔本设计奖是由DRIVEN x DESIGN主办的全球性大奖,主办方拥有十个年度奖项,其中涵盖巴黎设计奖、伦敦设计奖、柏林设计奖、纽约设计奖等,而墨尔本设计奖是系列奖项中最早设立的,因其严格的评审制度,该奖项历来都是国内外设计师争相竞争的目标。

DRIVEN×DESIGN拥有超过75000名会员,7500个品牌及2500个设计工作室组成的全球社区,包括BIG, FOSTER, SOM, Gensler等知名设计公司。会员涵盖全球设计师、思想家、战略家及设计爱好者等。

▲Partners & Supporters

 获奖作品 Winner 

Poly · Grand Mansion

International Residential

GOLD in the Melbourne Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 保利发展

设计机构 | GND恩嘉设计



Poly Grand Mansion belongs to Poly's highest-end grand mansion series, with only five buildings in the world. The project integrates Foshan's water system, ecological parks, urban landmarks, art and sports commercial complexes, urban three-dimensional slow-moving systems, combines local plots, and incorporates advanced community concepts to create a high-end community with vitality. For Foshan city, it is an innovative quality residence as a precious treasure of the times. GND N+ designers integrate "Foshan Grand Mansion Life" with the city, emotions, comfort, light luxury and the personality of "you", redefining the reason for "us" to enjoy luxury in the city.

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 获奖作品 Winner 

Logan · Tianjing Coastal Garden

International  Commercial

SILVER in the Melbourne Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 龙光集团

设计机构 | GND恩嘉设计



At the beginning, we injected the concept of "natural fusion and exclusive quality" into the design, and divided the space into 6 major areas as the direction - "Enter · the realm of perfection, Talk · the world of freedom, Search · historical books, and Enjoying the breeze, Watching light and shadow of water, Welcoming the guests" . The design introduces natural ecological elements, waves and green plants to create a landscape, integrating nature and architecture. By using light luxury design techniques to blend the beauty of nature into the space design, we combine nature and humanity, modernity and light luxury, and pursue an aesthetic space from inside to outside, so as to build an ideal city full of vitality of life that is suitable for "visiting and living that is observable and enjoyable" through every story and detail in the space.

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 获奖作品 Winner 

Foshan Meisha Bilingual School

Landscape Design - International

SILVER in the MELBOURNE Design Awards 2021

业主单位 | 佛山万科

设计机构 | GND杰地景观




Createa diverse communication platform by link of space GND Jiedi Landscape startsfrom “bounded” to “unbounded” design concept in the landscape creation of Foshan Meisha BilingualSchool. In terms of external design, the square in the campus opens to thecity, promoting the integration between them; while in terms of internaldesign, the form of combining “gallery, courtyard, laneand platform” in Chinese traditional architecture isadopted for creating a border less space integrating architecture, landscapeand interior as a whole. Through making full use of space, a multi-dimensionalspace for learning, living and interaction is hence created.


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