展览· HdM 伦敦 | 罗曼·贝尼尼(Romain Bernini)个展《自由幻境》
展览名称:罗曼·贝尼尼 | 自由幻境
开幕时间:2018 年 11 月 8 日(周四) 18:00 - 20:00
展览时间:2018 年 11 月 8 日 - 12 月 3 日
展览地点:HdM 伦敦 | 42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH
HdM 画廊伦敦空间非常荣幸地举办法国当代艺术家罗曼 • 贝尼尼(Romain Bernini)个展《自由幻境》,呈现其最新创作。展览将持续到 2018 年 12 月 3 日。
罗曼 • 贝尼尼生于 1979 年法国蒙特勒伊,2004 年研究生毕业于巴黎索邦大学。自那时起,贝尼尼便确认了自身备受批评家肯定的具象叙事绘画风格。
“我试图守卫想象的力量,以人造丛林去表达各种欣喜和焦虑,将自己设为一位充满幻觉的萨满,用绘画去描绘来自远方的幻境,启程一趟从我工作室展开的远行。”—— 罗曼 • 贝尼尼
《自由幻境》中展出的作品描绘了一个梦境般的斑斓世界—— 幻异的色彩和不明的人物将画面切割成不同的碎片,漂浮依附于艳丽的大理石背景之上。贝尼尼试图让观者感受到一个时间静止的维度,而阴影的存在提示大家正处于一个神秘不安的环境之中,看似荒诞的超现实主义作品像是一个多维世界切换的出入口,激发和唤起观者内心中对神秘主义最本能的认知,从而探索进入了由贝尼尼所塑造的一个狂喜寂静的如梦般光怪陆离的乌托邦。
罗曼·贝尼尼,《尝试 16》,布面油画,22x27cm,2017
罗曼 • 贝尼尼的作品被广泛收藏和受邀展出在多个重要艺术机构,如:法兰西艺术学院(法国巴黎)、Galerie Suzanne Tarasieve(法国巴黎)、Collection d'Art Contemporain Société Générale(法国皮拖)以及尚贝里美术馆(法国尚贝里)等。
Exhibition: Romain Bernini | Expended Minds
Opening: 2018.11.08 (Thur.), 18:00 - 20:00
Duration: 2018.11.08 - 12.03
Location: HdM London | 42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH
HdM GALLERY is proud to present ‘Expended Minds’ – a solo exhibition showcasing the most recent works of French Contemporary artist Romain Bernini.
About the Exhibiton
Born in 1979 in Montreuil, France, Bernini graduated with a Master of Fine Arts Degree from Sorbonne University, Paris, in 2004. Since then his work has garnered significant critical acclaim for its figurative painting style.
"Harnessing the power of imagination, ecstasy and suspense, with artificial jungles, hallucinations and self-proclaimed Shamans, my painting represents a distant fantasy, a trip far removed from the artist’s studio. " – Romain Bernini, 2018.
The works presented in ‘Expended Minds’ portray ethereal reflections on a dream-like and colourful world. Canvases burst with fantastical colours and looming figures that float against vivid marbled backgrounds. There is a note of suspension as these figures appear frozen in a moment of time, contextualised only by the shadows that anchor them to their uncanny environment. Bernini’s surreal works act almost as portals into alternate universes invoking a sense of excitement, mystery and inspiring the most basic instinct of discovery. Through the exploration of these strange utopias we see an eerie beauty in the work of Romain Bernini as he presents an indeterminate world, suspended like a dream in silent ecstasy.
Romain Bernini, Grans Bwa XIX, oil on canvas, 160x160cm, 2018
The theme of depersonalisation rests at the core of Bernini’s works allowing the artist to explore the human condition in a more general way. His anonymous characters, often depicted wearing masks, represent a shedding of personal identity; the figure has transcended beyond the subjective to represent something greater than the individual, drawing into question the rationality of our contemporary society, which places such importance upon the ego and sense of self.
Furthermore, Bernini’s works represent a sense of borrowing from other cultures. Placing a number of his figures in Hopi Masks traditional to Native American culture, he ties this theme to that of depersonalisation, utilising the belief that when a Hopi man places a mask upon his head he overcomes the self and loses his personal identity – receiving instead a spirit which represents universally a thing of the natural world.
Romain Bernini, Korean Larsen, oil on canvas, 41x33cm, 2017
Widely collected and exhibited both domestically and internationally, Bernini’s works have been featured at notable institutions among which are listed: Académie des Beaux-arts, (Paris, FRANCE), Galerie Suzanne Tarasieve, (Paris, FRANCE), Collection d'Art Contemporain Société Générale (Puteaux, FRANCE), and Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry (Chambéry, FRANCE).
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街,100015,中国
+ 86 10-59789320
周二至周六 11:00 – 18:00
42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH
周一至周五 10:00 –18:00