


由浙江音乐学院、 西湖区人民政府主办,杭州市西湖区“艺创小镇”、浙江音乐学院作曲与指挥系承办的2022杭州现代音乐节“艺创奖”国际管弦乐作曲比赛将于2022年10月14-18日在浙江音乐学院拉开帷幕。作为杭州现代音乐节的活动之一,2022“艺创奖”国际管弦乐作曲比赛面向全球青年作曲家征集优秀的音乐作品。


1. 免收报名费。

2. 作曲者国籍不限,不限是否学生,限于40岁以下(出生于1982之后)。每位只能提交一部管弦乐作品(非协奏曲)。


4.参赛作品乐器编制为:3 3 3 3/4 3 3 1/4 perc.1 Timp/1Harp/14 12 10 8 6。













2022 The Second Hangzhou Contemporary Music Festival “Artinno Award”International Orchestra Composition Competition

 I. Aims 

Sponsored by Zhejiang Conservatory of Music and the People's Government of Hangzhou Xihu District, Hangzhou Xihu District Artinno Town, and organized by the composition and conducting Department of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, the 2022 Hangzhou Contemporary Music Festival "Artinno Award" International Orchestral Composition Competition will be held in Zhejiang Conservatory of Music from October 14 to 18, 2022. As one of the activities of Hangzhou Contemporary Music Festival, the 2022 "Artinno Award" International Orchestral Composition Competition call for outstanding orchestra pieces from young composers around the world.

 II. Eligibilities 

1.There is no application fee.

2.The competition is open to composers from all nationalities, whether student or not, but only under 40 years old (born after 1982). Only one orchestra piece is allowed to submitted by an applicant (concertos are not allowed).

3.The duration of the submitted piece should between 10-12 minutes.

4.The instrumentation: 3 3 3 3/4 3 3 1/4 Perc. 1 Timp/1Harp/14 12 10 8 6.

5.The submitted pieces must have not been performed before, and must be composed after 2021.

6.The selected finalists should attend the rehearsal and premiere concert(unless for special circumstances).

 III. Submission Materials 

The applicants should provide an anonymous PDF score. The applicants should also provide a scan of a valid ID, a personal photo in resolution higher than 1 M, phone number, email address, address, a short biography around 150 words and a short introduction of the piece around 150 words. 

 IV. Application Deadline 

The applicants should provide an anonymous PDF score to the competition committee via email to hzmf@zjcm.edu.cn before July.15.2022. 

 V. Competition and Judging Procedure 

The jury of the competition will select 6 outstanding winning works. These works will be performed by Sichuan Symphony Orchestra at the final concert on October 16, 2022, and the judges will decide the final rank based on the live performances. At that time, they will select one first-prize winner and award 100000 RMB; two second-prize winners with an award of 50000 RMB; three third-prize winners with a bonus of 20000 RMB (all of the amounts are pre-tax).                                                                    

The Composition Committee of the festival will provide a set of tickets for all the winners of the 2022 Hangzhou Contemporary Music Festival, and will be responsible for the landing transportation and accommodation of foreign winners during the festival (international travel expenses will not be covered).

2022 Hangzhou Contemporary Music Festival

Hangzhou Xihu District Artinno Town


来源 | 艺术处

编辑 | 沈典轶

审核 | 葛德平

