
英国动物研究网络之“关怀”| 会议信息

科学史图书馆 科学史图书馆

British Animal Studies Network ‘Care’

These three online sessions are being held in the lead up to the in person BASN meeting ‘Care’ on 6 and 7 May 2022


About this event

Details of that meeting can be found herehttps://www.britishanimalstudiesnetwork.org.uk/FutureMeetings/Care.aspx), where abstracts of these talks and author bios can also be found.

  • Natalie Lis (University of Queensland) – Caring for Penguins in View: A Brief History of how Care Shaped the Development of the Penguinarium

  • Amy Dover (Newcastle University) – How Images of Non-human Animals Influence our Need to Care

  • Bentley Crudgington (Manchester University) – A Slow Ritual of Care

Friday 25 March, 14.00-16.00 GMT – Care for and with Horses

  • Alex Franklin (Coventry University) and Nora Schuurman (University of Turku) – Practicing a Response-able Ethic of Interspecies Care: Trying to Become With Well, in Support of Equine Rescue and Rehabilitation

  • Rebecca Smith (Liverpool University) – What is best for the Horse? Examining the Construction of Veterinary Care for an Older Horse

  • Charlotte Brigden (University Centre Myerscough) – Narratives of Equine Care: The use of I Poems to Hear the Voices of Equine Caregivers at the end of Life

  • Sese Ma (Kyoto University) – Caring as a Friend: Learnings from an Interspecies Community in Tamba, Japan

Friday 29 April 14.00-16.00 BST – Care and Wild Animals

  • Monica Vasile (Maastricht University) – Unlikely Technologies of Care: Dart Guns, Hand Puppets, and Locked Feeding Stations to the Rescue of Nearly Extinct Species

  • Laura Gelfand (Utah State University) – Caring and Conflict: Wolves and the Double-Edged Sword of Concern

  • Emilie Crossley (Hokkaido University) – Feeding Foxes: Care, Commodification and Conflict in Japan’s Wildlife Tourism Industry


