

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23



Because of the school's zero-tolerance rule, he was expelled from school because his mother accidentally left a table knife in his lunch box.


The police are exercising a zero-tolerance policy against motoring offenders.


The intro

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey,what up ! It's Mr.Wong here. Let's talk about games, shall we ? Now I'm not a hardcore gamer, more like a casual gamer. I play King of Glory(线上游戏)and League of Legends (线上游戏) once a week and a lot of games will have this thing called "Terms and Agreements" or "Terms and Conditions". They want you to agree with in order to play after you install the game. Don't know what that is ? Let's say you just purchased an iphone or just installed itunes to your pc or mac, before you start using your iphone or itunes, there's gonna be a huge wall of text, something like "please read this software license agreement carefully before using your device". And 90 percent of us or more including me won't even bother reading it because it takes too long. We just wanna play the game right ? So we just keep tapping or clicking "OK I agree, OK I agree !". But if you actually take the time to read it, you'll find that they put a lot of effort into it. I was really bored one day and decided to read one of the game's terms and agreements. There was a sentence that caught my eye becuase it was in BIG BOLDCAPS. It said something like "ZERO-TOLERANCE FOR CHEATING ! YOU WILL BE BANNED". That's right ladies and gentlemen, no cheating in games.

And today's word of the day is "zero-tolerance". Check it out !




boldcaps ~ 粗体英文大写

