

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

职业病, it’s a term which we all find it hard to translate. In fact, there isn’t a direct translation for it. There is an expression which conveys the same meaning though: Occupational hazards. ↓ ↓ ↓

Occupational hazard(s)

Definition: in Chinese means 职业性危害. The English speakers humorously include 职业病 as part of a 职业性危害. 

Sorry Ken, I can't help it! Occupational hazards.


Divorce seems to be an occupational hazard for politicians.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

I have a friend, Peter. He works in a restaurant as a waiter. Even when we go out for dinner after he has got off work, he would not be able to stop being a waiter. He would help serving us food, pour us drinks etc. I would often tell him, "Mate, you need to take it easy! You are off duty now." He would simply reply, "Sorry, Ken, I can't help it! Occupational hazards!"





errand 是什么意思呀?(高分词汇) 【美音】

「灾难性的」英文怎么说?(高分词汇) 【美音】

「假设的」英文怎么说?(高分词汇) 【美音】

already 原来还可以这样用!?(口语必杀技) 【美音】

at the end of the day 原来是这个意思啊?(高分短语) 【美音】

