

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

临阵退缩 in English. Ok... that’s something I do very very often. There are 2 ways to express 临阵退缩 in English. The informal way is: Chicken Out. The formal way is: Cold Feet. ↓ ↓ ↓

chicken out 

Definition: to decide at the last moment not to do something you said you would do.


I was going to ask Amanda out on a date last night, but I chickened out. I was too nervous that she would reject me.

昨晚本来打算约Amanda出来的,可是我临阵退缩了,我太紧张了 - 怕她会拒绝我呀。

get/have cold feet 

Definition: to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do.


Peter was about to propose to his girlfriend on Christmas Day, but he got cold feet. And it's now Easter, he still hasn't handed her the engagement ring yet.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

There are two ways of saying it. One is less formal and the other is more formal. Let's start with the less formal way. So, for example, I was going to ask Amanda out on a date last night, but I chickened out. I chickened out. I was too nervous that she would reject me. The more formal way of saying it is "cold feet." So, for example, Peter was about to propose to his girlfriend on Christmas Day, but he got cold feet. He got cold feet and it's now Easter, he still hasn't handed her the engagement ring yet.





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