
Way to go ! 是什么意思呀?

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

Way to go! 

1. 称赞别人“做得好!” 

2. 讽刺别人“你还真会说话啊”、"你还真厉害啊”

I heard you won the contest. Way to go!听说你赢了比赛,非常不错!

Way to go, John - you broke the chair!John 你还真厉害啊,把椅子给弄坏了。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up peeps? It's Mr.Wong speaking. Here's an interesting fact: did you know that there are only two countries in the world where Coca-Cola cannot be bought or sold - at least, not officially.

The two countries are Cuba and North Korea, which are both under long-term US trade embargoes (Cuba since 1962 and North Korea since 1950). But don't worry! I'm pretty sure they have their own kind of soda or drink just like we have Jian Li Bao and Wang Lao Ji, right? Anyways, let's talk about the phrase of the day which is "Way to go!". Let's check it out!







什么是up my game 呀?





