

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

鼓起勇气! A Chinese expression that is often used in our daily conversation. The English version of 鼓起勇气 is surprisingly similar, you could say: Pluck up the courage.↓ ↓ ↓

pluck up the courage 

Definition: Try to make yourself be brave enough to do something.


Last night I finally plucked up the courage to ask Amanda out.

昨晚我终于鼓起勇气,尝试约 Amanda 出来。

I'd love to do a parachute jump, but I can't pluck up the courage.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

There are simply too many situations in our lives that we need to 鼓起勇气 to do something. For example, before you ask a boy or a girl out, before you bungee jump, before you take your exam, or before a job interview… So how do you say that in English? You could say "pluck up the courage," "pluck up the courage." So you could say, " I've been in love with Amanda for 10 years. Last night I finally plucked up the courage to ask her out." But she rejected me. She said she is already married, and that was 10 years ago.





Whatnot 是什么意思呀?【美音】

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