
【口语必杀技】Don't hold your breath 原来是这个意思啊!?

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

don't hold your breath

Definition: Used to say that something is not going to happen soon.

1. 所说的事可能不会发生;不要当真,这可能不会兑现

2. 不会很快的;别眼巴巴等着;有你等的

She said she'd get back to us, but don't hold your breath!


I'd, he'd, she'd, they'd 等应该如何发音 ← 请点击这里收听

She said she might finish by this afternoon but don't hold your breath.


更多关于 don't hold your breath 的用法 ← 请点击这里

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up peeps? It's Mr.Wong here. Before we talk about the phrase of the day, let me tell you guys about the National 7-11 Day. For those of you who don't know what 7-11 is, it's a convenience store for food, snacks, hot and cold beverages, but the most popular drinks are the Slurpees!

A Slurpee is a frozen carbonated drink sold exclusively at 7-Eleven stores. So on July 11th of every year, it is the National 7-11 day. You know, because July 11th, 7-11, uhh… you get the point.

Alright, so I live in a really poor and ghetto neighborhood. We have Mexicans, Somolians, African-Americans etc... 7-11 is the day where they give out free Slurpees, and you know what that means? Our local 7-11 is gonna be packed with all these kids and homeless people. It's like a war zone. You'll see kids running around trying to get Slurpees and they'll spill all the Slurpees on the floor, making the floor all sticky and wet, licking the Slurpees off the machine, be like *slurp *slurp *slurp, ewww… that's nasty, and that's the day I'm not going to 7-11. My friends were like, "Hey, maybe this year is different, maybe it won't be as bad." And I'm like, "Don't hold your breath."And.........speaking of "don't hold your breath", that's gonna be our phrase of the day, let's check it out!

更多关于 be packed with people 的用法 ← 请点击这里





Have a good one 原来是这个意思啊!?(口语必杀技)

If it weren't for you 是什么意思呀?(高分短语)

Each and every 又是怎么用的呢?(高分短语)

Zero-tolerance 是什么意思呀?(高分词组)

impartial 又是什么呀?(高分词汇)

Whta's the deal with him? 原来是这个意思啊!?(口语必杀技)



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