

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

seamless (adj.)

UK  /ˈsiːm.ləs/  US  /ˈsiːm.ləs/

Definition: Done or made so smoothly that you cannot tell where one thing stops and another begins. 


seamless underwear

seam (n.)

UK  /siːm/  US  /siːm/

Definition: A line where two pieces of cloth, leather etc have been stitched together.


Smart VPN Service offers seamless video streaming capabilities.

Smart VPN 服务公司提供流畅的网上视频播放功能。

The new update of WeChat is not as seamless as before. 


If you have Airpods, you can also use them on Android, but it won't be nearly as seamless. 

如果你有 Airpods 耳机的话,其实你也可以把它们用在安卓系统的,只不过用起来就远远没有那么流畅了。

Xiaomi Mi Box 4 enhances the pixels and gives you the seamless movie watching experience. 

小米盒子4 提高了像素,为你带来了流畅的电影观赏体验。

seamlessly (adv.)

Definition: Without any sudden changes, interruptions, or problems. 


Apple's online service lets you seamlessly access, manage, edit, and share pictures or videos from your iPhone. 

苹果在线服务可以让你在你的 iPhone 上流畅地存取、管理、编辑和分享你的照片或视频。

Google services are loved because you can seamlessly use them across all devices. 



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Being part of Apple’s ecosystem has its benefits. For one, you can enjoy the beauty of iMessage. It syncs seamlessly across all of your Apple devices. But switching to an Android means you’ll have to say goodbye to iMessage. 

成为苹果生态环境里的用户有一定的好处,比如说,你可以畅享使用 iMessage 的乐趣,iMessage 会跟你所有的苹果设备同步,流畅无阻;可是如果你想换成安卓系统的电话,那你就不能再用 iMessage 了。

Why Is It So Hard to Switch from Apple to Android?

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 Before you know it 原来是这个意思啊!?(高分短语)

intuition 是什么呀?(高分词汇)

impartial 又是什么呀?(高分词汇)

Whta's the deal with him? 原来是这个意思啊!(口语必杀技)




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