
祝贺!福建师范大学洪振生教授PNAS | 钠离子电池硬碳负极的超快合成

研图汇 2022-09-01


硬碳是一种重要而应用广泛的碱金属可充电池负极材料。传统上用外加热场制备结构良好的硬碳材料需要长时间和高能耗,不利于硬碳材料高通量制备和结构调控。近日,福建师范大学物理与能源学院洪振生教授研究团队报道了一种分钟级超快速制备硬碳负极材料的新方法及物理机制。该研究采用焦耳热、高压等多场作用的放电等离子体炉(SPS),可在升温速率达300-500度/分钟和保温时间仅1分钟就可制备出结构良好的硬碳材料。用此方法制备的硬碳材料与传统炉子制备的硬碳材料相比具有更少的缺陷、孔度和更低的氧含量,从而具有更高的电子导电率。同时,基于第一性原理计算和分子动力学模拟(AIMD)从物理机制揭示了多场作用下快速形成的sp2杂化炭和更紧密堆积炭材料的加速炭化动力学。实验验证所制备的硬碳材料用作钠离子电池负极材料,能有效地提高了材料的首次库伦效率(达88.9%),可逆容量和倍率性能(5 A g-1的超快速倍率下还有136.6 mAh g-1 的容量)。材料在5 A g-1下经过3000次的长寿命循环后仍可稳定在250 mAh g-1。该制备方法具有通用性,采用不同的碳源均可制备出高性能的硬碳。本研究获得具有自主知识产权的快速制备硬碳材料的新型制备技术,揭示了多场作用快速碳化物理机制,为推动硬碳材料迈向实用化钠离子电池应用提供了重要的科学指导。  

研究成果以《Ultrafast Synthesis of Hard Carbon Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries》为题发表在国际顶级期刊PNAS上。该论文福建师范大学为第一单位,论文第一作者为我校硕士生真义超,洪振生教授为唯一通讯作者。该研究得到国家自然科学基金面上项目和福建省杰出青年基金等多方资助。

Figure 1. (A) Schematic diagram of the SPS system and (B) the annealing mechanism. HRTEM and SAED images of (C) M9005, (D) M11005, (E) M13005, and (F) TF1100.

Figure 2.  (A) Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms, (B) NLDFT pore size distribution, and (C) SAXS patterns of SHCs.

Figure 3.  (A–C) Fitted Raman spectra of SHCs with different temperatures based on the Lorentz function. The Raman spectra are divided into four bands (i.e., T-, D-, D′-, and G-bands) (from small to large Raman shift, respectively). R2 is a coefficient of determination. The high-resolution XPS spectra for (D–F) C 1s and (G–I) O 1s of SHCs.

Figure 4. Molecular dynamics simulations. (A) Initial structure. Final material held at the target temperature for 2 × 10−9 s (B) without external field, (C) under external pressure of 25 MPa only, and (D) under applied bias and external pressure of 25 MPa. (E) Change of the structural composition for materials under different conditions.

Figure 5. (A–D) CV curves of SHCs at 0.1 mV⋅s−1 in a voltage range of 0.01 to 2 V. (E) Galvanostatic initial discharge/charge curves of SHCs at 0.03 A⋅g−1. (F) Rate performance at enhanced current densities of the SHCs. (G) Cycling stability at constant 0.03 A⋅g−1 of SHCs. (H) A long cycle life test of M1105 at a high rate of 1 A⋅g−1.

Movie S1. The molecular dynamics simulations without external field.

Movie S2. The molecular dynamics simulations under applied bias and external pressure.



1. 气固相原位红外测试;
2. 原位XRD与原位Raman测试;
3. 变温原位XRD测试;
4. 变角度XPS测试;
5. 电池原位光学显微镜测试
6. 环境球差电镜测试;
7. 电池充放电原位红外测试。
8. 原位(电化学)拉曼测试

