Guidelines of Guangdong HighPeople's Court
on Adjudicating Cases of Disputes OverStandard-Essential Patents(Trial)
For the purpose of appropriate adjudication ofdisputes concerning standard-essential patents (hereinafter referred to SEPs)in the field of communications, these guidelines are formulated in accordancewith relevant provisions of the laws, administrative regulations, and judicialinterpretations of the Supreme court,and with reference to business practices, and judicial practices.
The "standard-essential patent (SEP)"herein refers to a patent that is essentialfor implementing a certain technical standard.
For the adjudication of disputes concerning SEPs,attention shall be paid to review whether the patentee and the implementer of aSEP complied with the principle of good faith when engaging in activitiesrelated to the SEP.
The fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (hereinafterreferred to FRAND) commitment made by the patentee of a SEP may serve as abasis for adjudicating disputes concerning the SEP.
Where the ownership of a patent changes due tosuccession, assignment or other reasons, the FRAND commitment made by theoriginal patentee has equal effects on the successor and the assignee of the SEP.This commitment also has binding effects on the associated enterprise thereof.
For the adjudication of disputes concerning SEPs,the patentee’s contribution to innovation shall be taken into fullconsideration so as to protect the rights of the patentee pursuant to the law,and in addition, the interests of the patentee, the implementer, as well as thepublic interests shall also be balanced.
For the adjudication of disputes concerning SEPs,the examination and determination shall be made by taking industrialcharacteristics as well as business practices into consideration.
The intellectual property policies implemented by astandardization setting organization have binding effects on its members forstandardization activities and can be used as a basis for trial over disputesconcerning SEPs.
For adjudication of disputes concerning SEPs, withregard to issues including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the FRANDprinciples, the determination of the scope and exercise of the rights of therelevant SEPs, and the definition of the nature of related actions, etc., thecourt shall in general, consider applying of the local laws of the place wherethe protection is claimed or the lex fori.
The determination of infringement in disputesconcerning SEPs shall follow the method below:
(1) Identify the specific contents of the standardand determine whether the patent asserted in the case is a SEP.
(2) Where evidence indicates that the accusedinfringing product is in line with the standard corresponding to the SEP, itshall be deemed that the accused infringing product falls within the protectionscope of the SEP.
(3) The accused infringer who denies that the accusedinfringing product falls within the protection scope of the SEP shall bear theburden of proof of not having implemented the SEP.
Where the patentee of a SEP initiates a claimagainst the implementer that forbids the implementer from the implementing the SEP,the court shall determine the subjective faults of the patentee and theimplementer of the SEP in accordance with the FRAND principles and relevantbusiness practices, to determine whether such claim of forbidding implementingthe SEP shall be supported thereon.
When determining subjective faults of the involvedparties in accordance with business practices, the following shall be examined:(1) the overall history of negotiation between the involved parties, (2) thetime, manner, and contents of negotiation between the involved parties, (3) thereason for the interruption or impasse of the negotiation, and (4) otherdetails.
With comprehensive consideration of whether thepatentee of the SEP meets the requirements of the FRAND commitment and whetherthe implementer is at fault, the court shall determine whether the request forforbidding implementing the SEP shall be supported respectively according tothe following situations:
(1) Where the conducts of the patentee of the SEPdo not meet the requirements of the FRAND commitment and the implementer is notat obvious fault, the claim for forbidding implementing the SEP shall not besupported.
(2) Where the conducts of the patentee of the SEPmeet the requirements of the FRAND commitment and the implementer is at obviousfault, the claim for forbidding implementing the SEP may be supported.
(3) Where the conducts of the patentee of the SEPmeet the requirements of the FRAND commitment and the implementer is not atobvious fault, if the implementer deposits proper securities in a timelymanner, the request for terminating the exploitation of the SEP may not besupported.
(4) Where both the patentee and the implementer ofthe SEP are at fault in the negotiation process, whether the claim forforbidding implementing the SEP shall be supported will be determined bycomprehensively considering factors including, but not limited to, the degreeof fault of each party, whether remedies have been taken, the impact of thefaults on the negotiation process, and the relationship between the faults andthe breakdown of the negotiation.
The patentee of the SEP shall be deemed to haveviolated the FRAND obligation and thus be at obvious fault if the patentee hasconducted any of the following behaviors:
(1) Failing to send a negotiation notification tothe implementer, or failing to list the scope of the involved patent rights inaccordance with business practices and course of dealing notwithstandingsending the negotiation notification;
(2) Failing to provide patent information such as thesample patent list and claim charts to the implementer in accordance with businesspractices and course of dealing after the implementer has clearly expressed thewillingness to accept the patent licensing negotiation;
(3) Failing to provide specific licensing terms andcalculation methods for the alleged royalty to the implementer, or proposingobviously unreasonable licensing terms, resulting in the failure to conclude apatent implementation licensing agreement;
(4) Failing to give a reply within a reasonabletime limit;
(5) Obstructing or suspending the negotiationwithout justifiable reasons;
(6) Other obviously faulty behaviors.
The implementer shall be deemed to be at obviousfault if the implementer has conducted any of the following behaviors:
(1) Refusing to receive the negotiationnotification sent by patentee of the SEP, or failing to give an specific replywithin a reasonable time limit after receiving the negotiation notification;
(2) Refusing to enter into the non-disclosureagreement without justifiable reasons, resulting in the discontinuation of thenegotiation;
(3) Failing to give a substantive reply within areasonable time limit to the patent information such as the sample patent listand the claim charts provided by the patentee of the SEP;
(3) Failing to give a substantive reply within areasonable time limit after receiving the licensing terms sent by the patenteeof the SEP;
(5) Proposing obviously unreasonable terms forimplementation, resulting in the failure to conclude a patent implementationlicensing agreement;
(6) Delaying in or refusing to carry out the licensingnegotiation without justifiable reasons;
(7) Other obviously faulty behaviors.
Disputes over the determination of the royaltyarise in the SEP licensing negation between the patentee of a SEP and theimplementer pertain to disputes over royalties for SEPs.
Where the patentee of the SEP and the implementerhave negotiated with full consultation but still cannot reach a consensus onthe royalty, a lawsuit can be filed pursuant to law.
Where the claimed territory scope of the related licensed SEPs on whichjudicial determination is requested by the patentee or the implementer of the SEPexceeds the territory scope of the court, and the other party does notexplicitly raise an objection in the judicial proceedings or the objectionraised is deemed unreasonable after examination, determination can be made onthe royalty for such claimed territory scope.
Where both the patentee and the implementer of the SEPagree to have a specific period of time for restoration of negotiation duringthe trial of the case concerning disputes over the royalty for SEPs, the actionmay be stayed.
Where either the patentee or the implementer of theSEP holds that it is unnecessary to restore the negotiation, the action shallbe resumed in a timely manner.
The royalty for SEPs may be determined withreference to the following methods:
(1) Referring to comparable licensing agreements.
(2) Analyzing the market value of the SEPs assertedin the case.
(3) Referring to license information in thecomparable patent pool.
(4) Other methods.
For adjudication of disputes over the royalty for SEPs,where one party has evidence showing that the other party has crucial evidencefor determining the royalty, the former party may petition the court to orderthe other party to provide such evidence, and if the other party refuses toprovide such evidence without justifiable reasons, the court may determine theroyalty with reference to the royalty proposed and the evidence provided bysuch former party.
Whether a license agreement is comparable may bedetermined by comprehensively considering factors including, but not limitedto, the parties to the license transaction, the relevance of the licensedobjects, the transaction targets comprised in the royalty, and the genuineexpressions of intentions of both parties in the license negotiation, etc.
Whether license information in a patent pool iscomparable may be determined by comprehensively taking into considerationfactors including, but not limited to, the participant parties, contents oflicensed objects, control power on the industry and influence of the saidpatent pool, as well as licensing policies, etc.
Where the royalty for certain SEPs is determinedbased on the license information in a comparable license agreement or patentpool, such royalty shall be used as the criterion and be properly adjustedconsidering the degree of discrepancy between the license of the current caseand the said comparable license.
During the comparison for the degree of discrepancybetween the comparable license and the license of the current case,discrepancies in aspects including, but not limited to, the backgrounds oflicense transactions, contents of the license transactions, and terms andconditions of the license transactions may be taken into consideration.
To analyze the market value of the SEPs asserted inthe case, the court shall determine the ratio of the SEPs asserted in the caseto the total relevant SEPs and the royalties for the total relevant SEPs.
In order to determine the ratio of the SEPs assertedin the case to the total relevant SEPs, the patentee or the implementer of the SEPsmay provide evidence concerning the quantitative ratio of SEPs asserted in thecase to the total relevant SEPs and the contributions thereof.
The aggregate royalties for the total relevant SEPsmay be determined with reference to the accumulated royalties stated byrelevant industry participants.
The following factors may be taken intoconsideration when determining the royalty by analyzing the market value of theSEPs asserted in the case:
(1) Contribution of the SEPs asserted in the caseto product sales and profits, whereas such contribution does not include theimpact exerted by the inclusion of said patents into the standard.
(2) Contribution of the SEPs asserted in the caseto the standard.
(3) Advantages of the patented technology overother alternative technologies before the standard is developed.
(4) Information of royalty of the total relevant SEPspaid for the products implementing the SEPs asserted in the case.
(5) Other relevant factors.
The basic methods below shall be followed in theadjudication of monopoly disputes over SEPs:
(1) Following the basic analysis framework of theAnti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic ofChina.
(2) Taking into full consideration thecharacteristics of SEPs.
(3) Defining the relevant markets and determinewhether the relevant party has the dominant market position according to thespecific situations of individual cases.
(4) Determining the impact of relevant conducts onmarket competition according to specific situations of individual cases andpaying attention to the impact of the conducts on innovation, efficiency, andconsumer welfare.
The relevant market shall be defined in individual casesin accordance with the Guidelines of the Anti-Monopoly Commission of the StateCouncil on the Definition of the Relevant Market. In terms of market division,key attention shall be paid to the extent of substitutability of the relevantlicensed object. With respect to the determination of the extent ofsubstitutability, factors including, but not limited to, the basic attribute ofthe SEP, the market competition status, and the dependency of the downstreamproduct market on the relevant SEP in the upstream technology market may be considered.
The definition of the relevant market involved inthe licensing act generally requires the definition of the relevantgeographical market and needs to consider the territorial nature ofintellectual property rights. When the relevant transaction involves SEPs ofmultiple countries and regions, the impact of factors including, but notlimited to, the transaction terms and the standards and restrictions adopted byeach country, on the definition of the relevant regional market shall also betaken into consideration.
The market share is not the only factor fordetermining whether the patentee of a SEP has a dominant market position.According to the situations of individual cases, other factors may be takeninto consideration, including, but not limited to, the competition status inthe relevant market, the binding force of the FRAND commitment, the constraintsof the transaction terms on the patent asserted in the case, and thetransaction counterpart's dependency on and counterbalance capability over theoperator of the SEP.
Violation of the patentee of the SEP against the FRANDcommitment does not necessarily constitute abuse of the dominant marketposition. Whether the relevant conduct is regulated by the Anti-Monopoly Lawneeds to be examined according to relevant provisions in the Anti-Monopoly Lawand based on the specific situation of the case, in order to determine whetherthe conduct leads to effect of eliminating and restricting market competition.
The conduct that the patentee of the SEP petitionsto forbid implementing the SEP does not necessarily constitute abuse of thedominant market place. During the determination of whether the conduct of patenteeconstitutes abuse of the dominant market position, the court shall examinewhether the patentee has no justifiable reasons to request an implementer withgood faith to stop implementing the SEP without justifiable reasons, whetherthe patentee forces the implementer to accept unfairly high royalties or otherunreasonable license terms, and whether the relevant conduct leads to effect ofeliminating and restricting competition shall be examined.
In the determination of whether the patentee of theSEP abuses the dominant market position, carrying out licensing at an unfairlyhigh price, the court shall examine whether the patentee of the SEP requestsobviously unfair overpriced royalties without justifiable reasons which leadsto the effect of eliminating and restricting competition. In individual cases, factors,including, but not limited to the history license agreements of the patentee ofthe SEP, the status of royalties deviating from the normal market prices, the relevantnegotiation processes, and the overall royalties borne by relevant products.shall be comprehensively considered, to determine the impact of relevantconducts on market competition.
In the determination of whether the package licensetransaction mode of the patentee of the SEP based on patent portfolio falls withinthe "tie-in sale" conduct of abusing the dominant market position, thecourt shall examine whether the relevant package license transaction mode isthreatening, whether the mode is reasonable and necessary, and whether the relevantconduct leads to consequences of eliminating and restricting competition.
These Guidelines are applicable to the adjudicationof disputes concerning SEPs in the field of communications, and may beapplicable, by reference, to disputes concerning SEPs in other fields accordingto the respective industrial characteristics.
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