

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-08





Unit 1  What did you do during the holidays? 你在假期做了什么事情?

I read many books.我读了很多书。

I visited my grandparents. 我拜访了我的祖父母

I played games with my friends.我和我的朋友玩了游戏

I learnt writing. 我学习了写作

I wrote a storybook.我写了本故事书

during 在.....期间 holiday 假日;假期 learn 学习

practise练习 speak说

learn words and sentences 学习单词和句子 play games玩游戏

learn writing 学习写作 practise listening练习听

Good morning 早上好

Glad to see you again. 再次见到你很高兴 Glad to see you too.见到你我


Unit 2  Katie always gets up early. 凯蒂总是早早起床。

Peter always gets up at 7:00a.m.彼得总是上午 7 点起床。

always 总是;经常 weekday 平日 often 常常 after 在....之后

wave 挥手 return 返回 sometimes 有时 never从不

wave goodbye(to her mother)(向她的母亲 ) 挥手告别

be late for school 上学迟到 do her homework 做她的家庭作业

read a newspaper 读报纸 play chess下象棋 take a walk散步

return home 返回家中 watch TV 看电视 go to bed 睡觉

go to school by bus乘坐公交车上学

Unit3  I like my computer.我喜欢我的电脑。

What can we do on the computers? 我们可以在电脑上做什么?

We can send greetings to our friends.  我们可以给我们的朋友发送祝福。

We can email our friends. 我们可以给我们的朋友发电子邮件 。

We can email each other. 我们可以互相发电子邮件。

We can search for a lot of things. 我们可以搜索很多东西。

search查找;寻找 find out about发现;弄清(信息等)

world 世界 email 电子邮件 send 发送 greeting问候

email my friends 给我的朋友发送电子邮件

send greetings发送祝福 in the world  世界上

search for a lot of things 搜索很多东西

find out about countries了解国家 an interesting bird  一只有趣的小鸟

Unit 4  The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. 中秋节即将来临。

I enjoy eating mooncakes. 我喜欢吃月饼。

I enjoy  looking at the moon.我喜欢赏月

I enjoy eating the lotus seed mooncakes 我喜欢吃莲子月饼。.

I enjoy reading poems when looking at the moon. 我喜欢边读诗边赏月。

I enjoy drinking tea.我喜欢喝茶。

Which type do you like,Binbin?彬彬,你喜欢哪种类型的?

I like the ones with lotus seed. 我喜欢有莲子的那种。

How much is a box of mooncakes? 一盒月饼多少钱?

It’s 50 yuan.50元。

This mooncake tastes good. 这个月饼尝起来不错。

Here you are给你 mooncake月饼 lotus seed莲子 red bean红豆

nearby 附近的 centre 中心 lotus 莲花 seed种子

The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 type类型 bean豆子 taste尝

Unit5  It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. 明天将会是晴朗的和凉爽的。

It will be sunny tomorrow.明天将会是晴朗的。

There will be a light snow next Friday. 下周五将会有一场小雪。

询问天气:1.What’s the weather like today? 2.How is the weather


There will be a strong wind in xi’an.西安将会有强风。

weather forecast天气预报 sunny and warm 晴朗的和温暖的

strong wind 强风 light rain 小雨 heavy rain 大 light snow 小雪

sunny and cool 晴朗的和凉爽的 light 轻柔的;微弱的 rain 雨

heavy大量的;重 forecast 预报 clear 晴朗的

Unit6  I will bring a big bottle of orange juice. 我将带一大瓶橙子汁。

I will bring a few cans of Coke. 我将带几罐可口可乐。

a bottle of orange juice一瓶橙子汁 a box of cakes一盒蛋糕

a few cans of Coke 几罐可口糖果 boring 带来 meet 遇见

peanut 花生 fruit 水果 candy 糖果 wait 等待 can 罐

bar 条;棒 picnic 野餐 bottle瓶子

Unit7  What can I do? 我能做什么 ?(提供帮助 )

I can make them happy. 我能让他们开心

I can help them on the road. 我可以在马路上帮助他们。

I can help them to carry things. 我可以帮他们提东西。

We can help them to clean their homes. 我可以帮他们打扫屋子。

I can help them to get on or off the bus. 我可以帮他们上下车。

an old woman 一个老妇人 make tea 泡茶 make cakes 做蛋糕

help old people on the road在马路上帮助老人

clean their homes打扫他们的屋子

make them happy让他们开心 weak弱的 slow慢的

Unit 8 We  shouldn’t waste water. 我们不应该浪费水

We should plant more trees. 我们应该种植更多的树。

We shouldn’t kill wild animals. 我们不应该捕杀野生动物。

What are you doing? 你正在做什么 ?

keep the rivers clean 保持河流清洁

keep the air clean and fresh保持空气清新

plant more trees 种植更多的树

use bikes instead of cars 使用自行车替代汽车

shouldn’t kill wild animals 不应该捕杀野生动物

shouldn’t waste water 不应该浪费水 shouldn’t litter 不应该乱丢

Should 应该 shouldn’t 不应该 waste 浪费 blouse 女式短上衣

enough足够的 save节约 drop(一)滴 fresh 新鲜的

Unit 9  This bird is bigger than the first one . 这只鸟比第一只鸟更大。

Tom is  taller  than Mike.  汤姆比迈克高

Tom’s hair is  shorter than Mike’s. 汤姆的头发比迈克的短

big bigger biggest大 small smaller smallest小

tall taller tallest 高 short shorter shortest短,矮

long longer longest 长 than 比 clay泥土

Unit 10  I don’t feel well today. 今天我感觉不好。

What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?

I have a cough. 我咳嗽了 I have a headache. 我头痛了

don’t feel well 感觉不好 have a cough 咳嗽 have a headache

头痛 have a fever 发烧 take medicine 吃药 have a good rest

休息 feel 感觉 well (身体)好的 cough 咳嗽 headache 头痛

fever 发烧 medicine药 rest 休息 just 仅仅,只是

Unit 11 Shall we go to the theatre? 我们去看戏好吗?

Let’s see a play.

Hello.Is that Anne?  Yes,This is Anne.

concert hall 音乐会大厅 see a film看电影 see a play 看戏剧

enjoy the music 享受音乐 cinema 电影院 theatre 剧院 theatre 剧院 call

打电话 plan 计划 idea 主意 play 戏剧 concert 音乐会 hall 大厅

film 电影

Unit12  It’s Christmas again!圣诞节又到了

Here’s a present for you. 这是给你的礼物。

Here’s a Christmas card for you. 这是给你的圣诞卡片。

Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 Christmas tree圣诞树

Christmas card 圣诞卡片 present 礼物 celebrate 庆祝 Christmas 圣诞节

decorate colorful 彩色的 light 灯 dress up 装扮 Santa Claus 圣诞老

人 receive 收到 merry 欢乐的 greet问候


Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴

Nice to meet you,too. 见到你我也很高兴

How are you?你好吗 I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢你

Happy birthday.生日快乐

Thank you. 谢谢你 You’re welcome. 不客气

I’m sorry对不起


1.He read_____intersting book last week.A a B.an

2.What ___you do during the holiday?A do  B.did

3.I practised_____.  A listening  B.listen

4.Katie always____up early.A get B.gets

5.I enjoy_____mooncakes.A eating B.eat

6.It’s time _____the weather forecast.A for B.to

7.It will___sunny and cool tomorrow. A is  B.be

8.I can help them to get_____the bus.A on  B.with

9. I can make _____happy.  A them  B.they

10.This bird is____than the first one.A bigger  B.big

11.I _____feel well today.A don ’t  B.doesn’t

12 The Mid-Autumn Festival is _____.A coming B.come

13.We _____waste water .  A should B.shouldn’t

14.I like_____computer.  A me  B.my








