

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-10





Unit 1 Space


课本 P86  Unit 1 的所有单词。


1 in a spaceship  在宇宙飞船里 10 in my dream  在我的梦里

2 in space  在太空 11 Ann’s dream  Ann 的梦

3 on Mars  在火星上 12 last night  昨天夜间

4 on the moon  在月球上 13 last month  上个月

5 have a great/good time 玩的开心 14 last Saturday  上周六

6 have an English class  上一节英语课 15 an astronaut  一个宇航员

7 have classes  上课 16 at the swimming



8 have a dream  做了个梦 17 yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

9 swimming pool  游泳池


1.Where were you yesterday? 昨天你 /你们在哪儿?

I was/We were in a spaceship. 我/我们在宇宙飞船里。

2.Where was he/she yesterday? 昨天他 /她在哪儿?

He/She was in a spaceship? 他/她在宇宙飞船里。

had a dream. 做了个梦。

3.I/ You/He/She/We/They had an English class. 上一节英语课。

我/你他/她/他们 had a great time. 玩得很开心。

4.There were no trees. 没有树。

5.There was no air/water. 没有水/空气。

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6.I had a dream last night. 昨晚我做了个梦。

7.Ken was in my dream. Ken 在我的梦里。

8.It was cold on Mars. 火星上很冷。

9.The Martians were very friendly. 火星人很友好。

10.Where are you from? 你们来自哪里?

We are from the Earth. 我们来自地球。

11.We had a great/good time together. 我们在一起玩得很开心。

12.Where were you last mouth?上个月你在哪儿?

I was on Mars.我在火星上。

13.Where were you yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在哪儿?

I was at the swimming pool.我在游泳池。


My dream

I had a dream last night. Ken was in my dream. We were in a spaceship and

then we were on Mars. It was very cold on Mars. There were no trees. There were

no air. There were no water. But there were Martions. The Martions were very

friendly. We had a good time.

Unit 2 An Accident


课本 P86  Unit 2 的所有单词。


1  watch TV  看电视 24  see the dinosaur show  看恐龙展

2  watch a film  看电影 25  wash clothes/the socks  洗衣服 /袜子

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3  help Mom  帮助妈妈 26  read books/a book  读书,看书

4  go swimming  去游泳 27  eat/have breakfast  吃早饭

5  go to the cinema  去电影院 28  go into the kitchen  进入厨房

6  visit a friend  拜访朋友 29  look sick  看起来病了

7  do(the) homework  做作业 30  another one  另一个

8  clean the table  清理桌子 31  make a mess  搞得一团糟

9  clean the room  打扫房间 32  eat slowly  吃慢点

10 go everywhere  到处,处处 33  too quickly  太快了

11 last Saturday  上周六 34  before dinner  晚饭前

12 at school  在学校 35  after school/dinner  放学/晚饭后

13 at home  在家 36  in the evening  在晚上

14 go to school  去上学 37  in the park  在公园里

15 go to bed  上床睡觉 38  at the cinema  在电影院

16 play football  踢足球 39  an old man  一位老人

17 play with Peter  和 Peter一起

40  the dinosaur show  恐龙展

18 go into  进入 41  see a robot show  看机器人展

19 come in  进来 42  the Science Museum  科学博物馆

20 come back  返回 43  watch a 4D film  看 4D 电影

21 get up  起床 44  play with  和⋯一起玩

22 be careful  小心一点 45  on the way  在路上

23 next time  下一次


规则动词 不规则动词

动词原形 过去式 动词原形 过去式

visit  visited  拜访,看望 go  went  去,走

clean  cleaned  打扫,清洁 eat  ate  吃

watch  watched  观看,注视 do  did  做

help  helped  帮助 have  had  有

want  wanted  想要 see  saw  看见

play  played  玩 make  made  制做

wash  washed  洗 give  gave  给

paint  painted  画画 take  took  带


1.I/You visited a friend.我/你拜访了朋友。

I/You didn’t visit a friend. 我/你没有拜访朋友。

2.He/She went to school. 他/她去上学了。

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He/She didn’t go to school. 他/她没有去上学。

3.We/They cleaned the room. 我们/他们打扫了房间。

We/They didn’t clean the room. 我们/他们没有打扫房间。

4.What did you do yesterday?昨天你做什么了?

I watched a film 我看电影了。

5.They weren’t at school.他们不在家。

6.He wasn’t at home.他不在学校。

7.We’re having breakfast. 我们正在吃早饭。

8.Mocky went into the kitchen. Mocky 进入了厨房。

9.What’s the matter? 发生什么事了?

Mocky ate the banana very quickly. Mocky 吃香蕉太快了。

10.The banana went everywhere. 香蕉喷得到处都是。

11.Ken helped him and Ann cleaned the table. .

Ken 帮助了他, Ann 擦干净了桌子。

12. Be careful next time. 下次小心一点。

13. The next day Mocky visited Ann and Ken again.

第二天, Mocky 又来拜访 Ann 和 Ken.

14.Mocky didn’t want any bananas. Mocky 不想吃香蕉了。

15.I had/ate breakfast at seven thirty. 我 7:30 吃早饭。

16.I went to school at eight o’clock.我 8 点钟去上学。

17.After school I painted with Peter.放学后,我和 Peter一起画画。

18.I played football at five o’clock.我 5 点钟踢足球。

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19.I washed my clothes before dinner. 我晚饭前洗衣服。

20.I did my homework after dinner.我晚饭后做作业。

21.I watched TV at eight in the evening. 我晚上 8 点看电视。

22.I went to bed at ten o’clock.我 10 点上床睡觉。


Mocky’s Bad Day

Last Saturday, Mocky visited Ann and Ken. He went into the kitchen. Mocky was

hungry. He wanted a banana. Ann passed him one. Mocky ate the banana very

quickly. Then he ate another one. Suddenly, Mocky looked sick. He coughed and

coughed. The banana went everywhere. Ken helped him and Ann cleaned the table.

Mocky was very sorry because he made a mess.

My diary

Last Sunday, I didn ’t go to school. I was at home. I got up at 8:00.  I had breakfast

at 8:30. I cleaned my room, but I didn ’t cleaned the table. I washed my socks but I

didn ’t do the homework. I watched TV but I didn ’t watched a film. I ate appl es but I

didn ’t ate bananas. I had a great time.

Unit 3 Sports


课本 P86  Unit 3 的所有单词。


1  last week  上周 12 come in  进来

2  in the race  在比赛中 13 wash the socks  洗袜子

3  in the 200-meter race 在200米赛跑中 14 wash the dishes  洗盘子

4  school sport day  学校运动会 15 Have  a  singing 举办歌咏比

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contest  赛

5  the first prize  一等奖 16 writing contest  书写比赛

6  have/win a first prize  赢得一等奖 17 spelling contest  拼写比赛

7  win the race  赢得比赛 18 speaking contest  演讲比赛

8  do the high jump  跳高 19 decide to do  决定做 ...

9  the long jump  跳远 20 on Sunday(s)  在周日

10  run very fast  跑得快 21 in the zoo  在动物园

11  come on  加油 22 want to  想做⋯⋯



1.Who was  second?谁是第二名?



Mocky  first.  Mocky 是第一名。

Ann  was  second. Ann 占第二名。

Ken  came  third.  Ken 占第三名。

John  last.  John 是最后一名。

2.Did he/she win the race yesterday? 昨天他/她赢得比赛了吗?

Yes, he/she did. 是的,他 /她赢了。

3.Did you/they go to school last week?你/他们上周去上学了吗?

No, I/they didn’t.没有。

4.Yesterday was the School Sports Day. 昨天是学校运动会。

5.Ken ran in the 200-meter race. Ken参加了 200 米赛跑。

6.We didn’t win the first prize.我们没有赢得一等奖。

7.I can win the first prize.我能赢得一等奖。

8. Mocky decided to do the high jump. Mocky 决定跳高。

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9.We had a singing contest today 。今天我们举行了歌咏比赛。

10.Did you do well?你做得好吗?

Yes, we did.是的,很好。

11.Which class was first? 哪个班是第一?

Class four.四班

12.Did you run in the 100-meter race?你参加 100米赛跑了吗?

Yes, I did.是的,参加了。



基变序,有规律,加 -th 从 4 起。

1,2,3,特殊记,结尾字母 t,d,d.

8 减 t,9 去 e,f 要把 ve 替。

ty 变成 tieth,整十数字要牢记。


基数词 序数词 缩写

1  one  first  1


2  two  second  2


3  three  third  3


4  four  fourth  4


5  five  fifth  5


6  six  sixth  6


7  seven  seventh  7


8  eight  eighth  8


9  nine  ninth  9


10  ten  tenth  10


11  eleven  eleventh  11


12  twelve  twelfth  12


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My day

Last Sunday, I didn ’t go to school. I visited my friends. We went to the zoo and

we played with the rabbits there. The rabbits were very cute and beautiful. They

were white. They had long ears and red eyes. We liked the rabbits very much. We

saw many animals: monkeys, pandas, tigers and lions. We had a good time.

Unit 4 Birthday


课本 P87 Unit 4 的所有单词。


1  a sunny day  晴朗的一天 11  summer vacation  暑假

2  a birthday gift  一个生日礼物 12  make a birthday cake  做个生日蛋糕

3  one by one  一个接一个 13  go to a restaurant  去餐厅

4  talk to  和⋯⋯交谈 14  in spring/summer  在春天 /夏天

5  on the phone  在电话里 15  in autumn/winter  在秋天 /冬天

6  in Australia  在澳大利亚 16  on November 23rd  在 11 月 23 日

7  his own gift  他自己的礼物 17  turn green  变绿

8  give flowers  送花 18  four seasons  四季

9  be happy  很高兴 19  my favorite season  我 最 喜 爱的 季

10  make a card  制作卡片 20  Happy Birthday  生日快乐


1.New Year’s Day is in winter. It’s on January 1st. 新年在冬季,它在 1 月 1 日。

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2. Children’s Day is in summer. It ’s on June 1st. 儿童节在夏季,它在 6 月 1


3.Women’s Day is in spring. It’s on March 8th. 妇女节在春季, 它在 3 月 8 号。

4.Teachers’ Day is in autumn. It’s on September 10th. 教师节在秋季,它在 9

月 10 日。

5.National Day is in autumn. It’s on October 1st. 国庆节在秋季,它是在 10 月 1


6.Christmas is in winter. It’s on December 25th. 圣诞节在冬季, 它是在 12 月 25


7.Mother ’s Day is in spring. It ’s on the second Sunday in May.

母亲节在春季,它在 5 月的第二个周日。

8.Father ’s Day is in summer. It ’s on the third Sunday in June.

父亲节在夏季,它在 6 月的第三个周日。


1.When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

It’s January 12th. 它是 1 月 12 号。

2.When is his birthday?他的生日是什么时候?

It’s March 1st. 它是 3 月 1 号。

3.When is her birthday? 她的生日是什么时候?

It’s September 3rd. 它是 9 月 3 号。

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4.Which season do you like?你喜欢哪一个季节?

I like summer.我喜欢夏天。

5.Why? Because we have the summer vacation.


6.It was a sunny day yesterday. 昨天是晴朗的一天。

7.Mocky had a birthday gift for Ken.

Mocky 有一个生日礼物要送给 Ken.

8.But it wasn’t Ken’s birthday. 但是今天不是 Ken 的生日。

9.They checked their birthday one by one.


10.It wasn’t Ann’s birthday, either. 今天也不是 Ann 的生日。

11.He talked to Mocky on the phone. 他在电话里和 Mocky 谈话。

12.Uncle Booky was in Australia. Uncle Booky 在澳大利亚。

13.Mocky was very happy because he had his own gift.

Mocky 非常高兴,因为他有了自己的礼物。


1. There are twelve months in a year. 一年有 12 个月

2. There are four seasons in a year. 一年有 4 季

3. There are seven days in a week. 一周有 7 天

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January  一月 Sunday  星期日

February  二月 Monday  星期一

March  三月 Tuesday  星期二

April  四月 Wednesday  星期三

May  五月 Thursday  星期四

June  六月 Friday  星期五

July  七月 Saturday  星期六

August  八月

September  九月 spring  春天

October  十月 summer  夏天

November  十一月 autumn  秋天

December  十二月 winter  秋天


My birthday

It was February 11th yesterday. It was a sunny day. I had a birthday gift for my

mom. But it wasn ’t mom’s birthday. We checked our birthday one by one. It wasn ’t

dad’s birthday, either. My brother called from Australia. He said  “Happy Birthday ”

to me on the phone. So I had some birthday gifts. I was very happy.

My mother ’s birthday

It was September 21st yesterday. It was my mother ’  thirty-third birthday. I

made a birthday card for her. My grandparents made a birthday cake for her. My

dad gave flowers to her. My mom forgot her birthday, She was surprised and she

was very happy. We went to the restaurant and had a big lunch. We had a good time.

Unit 5 Height and Weight


课本 P88 Unit 5 的所有单词。

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1  check the height  量身高 7  on the scale  在秤上

2  check the weight  测体重 8  have a funny dream 做了个有趣


3  the town center  市中心 9  one day  一天

4  85 centimeters tall  85 厘米高 10  the tallest girl  最高的女孩

5  the heaviest boy  最重的男孩 11  a  photo  of  my



6  the biggest planet  最大的行星


形容词 原级 比较级 最高级


短的,矮的 short  shorter shortest


长的 long  longer longest


高的 tall  taller tallest


小的 small  smaller smallest


年轻的 young  younger youngest


年老的,旧的 old  older oldest


大的 big  bigger biggest


胖的 fat  fatter fattest


瘦的 thin  thinner thinnest


热的 hot  hotter hottest


重的 heavy  heavier heaviest


高兴的 happy  happier happiest


早的 early  earlier earliest

第四关:重点句型 :

1.How tall am I ?我多高。

You are 135 centimeters tall. 你 135 厘米高。

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2.How much do I weigh?我重多少?

You weigh 33 kilograms.你重 33千克。

3.How tall is she? 她多高?

She is 130centimeters tall. 她 130 厘米高。

4.How much does he weigh?他重多少?

He weighs 130 kilograms.他重 130 千克。

5.How tall are you?你多高?

I am 147centimeters tall.我 147 厘米高。

6.How much do you weigh?你重多少?

I weigh 35 kilograms.我重 35 千克。

3.Who is taller?谁比较高?

John is taller than Peter. John比 Peter高。

4.How tall is Ken?  Ken 有多高?

Ken is 147 centimeters tall. Ken147 厘米高。

5.Who is the oldest? 谁年龄最大?

Ken is the oldest? Ken年龄最大。

6.Who is the shortest? 谁最矮?

Mocky is the shortest. Mocky 最矮。

7.We can check our weight. 我们测量了我们的体重。

8.Ann and Ken took Mocky to the town center.

Ann 和 Ken 带 Mocky 去市中心。

9.I’m taller than you.我比你高。

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10.They checked their height. 他们测量了他们的身高。

11.He was taller than Mocky and Ann. 他比 Mocky 和 Ann 高。

12.She was heavier than Ken. 她比 Ken 重。

13.Something was wrong!发生什么事了?怎么了?

14.Do you know why?你知道为什么吗?

15.Mocky had his foot on the scale.  Mocky 放他的脚在秤上了。

16.Which planet is bigger?哪一个行星比较大?

The Earth is bigger.地球比较大。

17.Which river is longer, the Yellow River or the Yangtze River?


The Yangtze River is longer. 长江比较长。

18.I think you are heavier than me. 我认为你比我重。

19.This is a photo of my family. 这是我们一家的照片。


My family

Hello! I ’m Ann. This is a photo of my family. This is my father. He is 180cm tall.

He weighs 160kg. This is my mother. She is 165cm tall. She weighs 50kg. She is

thinner and shorter than my father. I am 155cm tall and I weigh 41kg. I am the youngest and the shortest. My father is the heaviest and tallest. Can you tell me you family?


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Hello! I ’m Ken. I ’m 11years old. I ’m a tall boy. I ’m 168cm tall and I weigh 50kg.

I ’m the tallest boy but I ’m not the heaviest boy in our class. I like eating meat, fruit and vegetables, such as apples, bananas, tomatoes and carrots. I like playing football and I often play football with my friends. This is me. What about you?








