
北师大版六年级下册英语全册教案及教学反思 | 可下载

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Unit 7 Vacation


本单元围绕 “vacations ” 展开教学活动,让学生学习用 “I ’d like/ love to  ⋯⋯” 和

I hope to 旅游 ⋯.等句型谈论各自喜欢的旅游胜地,进一步拓展学生的知识面。

本单元的核心语言项目是 Talk about the place you would like to go. ”  课程设置

有易到难,从对 vacations 的简单评价和概括过渡到具体要求,实现了旧知识和

新知识的衔接。通过谈论旅游胜地的人文地理, 把 I'd like to⋯⋯./I hope to ⋯../I ’d

love to ⋯.. 这一语法点贯穿始终,使感性的语言材料和语法知识融为一体。此外,

教材还对已有的语言项目进行拓展, 通过讨论选择最向往的名胜, 提高学生的认



学生第三单元和第八单元中已学过用一般将来时和一般过去时谈论 vacations


具备了较强的听说能力, 并期望在课堂上有更多的语言输入和输出;而部分学生

可能因基础较差, 没有信心开口说英语。针对不同的学习需求, 教师在设计课堂

教学任务时必须注意基础英语材料, 并在此基础上作适当拓展;同时,注意激发



1. 语言技能目标

能够运用恰当的形容词和定语从句描述旅游胜地,如:I like places where the

weather is always warm. Hawaii is too touristy.

能够询问并描述他人或自己向往的地方,如:Where would you like to go on

vacation? I ’d like to go som ewhere relaxing.

能够分析某个地方的优缺点如:I don ’t want to go anywhere cold. It ’s best to ⋯⋯

2. 语言知识目标

掌握本单元描述旅游胜地的形容词, 如:tiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling,

peaceful, touristy, and convenient;

能够用 would like 或 hope to 来询问和描述他人和自己向往的地方, 如: Where

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would you like to go on vacation? I ’d like to go somewhere relaxing. I hope to go ⋯..

I ’d love to go ⋯..

3. 情感态度目标




4. 文化意识目标

通过谈论世界各地名胜, 学习英语国家的社会文化和历史背景, 促进对英语的


5. 学习策略目标

认知策略:通过观看风光片等形式进一步认识大自然, 养成热爱大自然的好习


交际策略:在交流中了解世界各地名胜的特色, 从中学会欣赏大自然、 热爱大


资源策略:通过手机不同的图片和信息, 了解大自然,扩展知识面, 开阔视野,



重点词汇:consider, lively, sight, including, tower, church, underground, wine,

translate, light,

provide, sail, pacific, continue, programming, report, dream

重点句型:Where would you like to go on vacation?

I ’d like to go somewhere relaxing.

I hope to go ⋯.

I ’d love to go  ⋯..

It ’s best to ⋯⋯.

话题:Talk about the place you would like to go.


熟练运用 Why not +V.?/It ’s best to +v.  这两个句型来提供建议。

Period 1

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Section A 1a---2c

【Teaching procedures 】

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the language points in Unit 6.

Ask:  What  kind  of  music do  you  like/love/prefer?  What  kind  of

clothes/writers/movies/ ⋯  do you like/love/prefer? I like/love/prefer music that ⋯I

prefer writers who ⋯

2. Have a dictation.

Step 2 Pre-task

1.At first introduce the key vocabulary.

Eg: Let's try to explain some new adjectives in our own words and make up some

sentences now. See exciting first. Who can explain it in your own words in


What does exciting mean? Exciting means not boring, or means hard to be quiet .

Who can make up a sentence with it?

(Surfing makes us exciting.The boy is very exciting when he is watching a football


Then do the same with other new words

2.Tell students to look at the posters in the picture and compare them .

Poster 1, help students to say, It is a beach. A man with sunglasses is

sleeping ⋯⋯ .. .

Vacation 1 Take it easy on a Florida beach! (relaxing, peaceful, boring)

Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

1b We'll listen to three students talking about where they would like to go on

vacation and why.Listen and fill in the chart. And then Check the answers .

1c First students work in pairs to talk about the posters Then ask several pairs to

present their conversations.

(T: I'd love to visit Paris, because I like relaxing vacations.Where would you like

to go on vacation, S1?

S1:I'd like to climb Mount Emei, because I like dangerous vacations .Where would

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you like to go on vacation, S2?

Ss :I prefer to travel to the USA, because I like exotic vacations .Where would you

like to go on vacation, S3?


2a & 2b.

1. Read the instructions to students and ask some volunteers to read after you if


2. Play the recording, students finish the work .Check the answers.

Step 4 Post-task

2c  Tell them to use the information in Activities 2a and 2b to role play


(Holding a picture of Hawaii). I hope to visit Hawaii some day.

Get a student to answer, So do I . I like places where the weather is always warm.

Showing a picture of Mexico,/  Niagara Falls  to make up similar

conversations. Note to use the information in Activities 2a and 2b.

Step 5 Grammar Focus

Present the conversation below by saying to the students and writing it on the


Where would you like to visit? I'd like to go somewhere relaxing/.Interesting/

fascinating ⋯⋯.

Explain  “some day” I hope to go to France some day . This sentence means I hope

to go to France some day, but I'm not sure I will . Maybe I will go there in the

future and maybe I won't. The sentences with some day are often used to express


Step 6 Homework

Oral work: 1.Revise the new words.

2. Read 1b, 2a.

★3.Recite 2b

Written work; Ex. Book--- Period 1.

Period 2

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Section A (3a-4)

【Teaching procedures 】

Step 1 Revision

Ask: Where would you like to go on vacation? Why?

Check homework

Step 2 Reading

1. Read the passage quickly and try to answer the questions

Q1: Where is Paris?

Q2: Are there any beaches?

Q3: What is the most famous sight in Paris?

Q4: Do Frenchmen speak English?

Q5: If you go to Paris, how will you visit the city?

Q6: What do you think of Paris?

2. Circle the things you like about visiting Pairs and underline the things you don't



⋯one of the liveliest cities in Europe  ⋯it has some fantastic sights, including  ⋯

it ’s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places ⋯ one thing that

is not expensive ⋯ is wine!


⋯It doesn ’t have any beaches or mountains ⋯⋯ can cost a lot of money  ⋯quite an

expensive place  ⋯many people don ’t like to speak English

3. Some language points

●why not ⋯ = why don ’t you ⋯  为什么不 ⋯⋯

● consider 是动词 ,意为“考虑,思考”, 相当于 think, 后面可以接名词、 代词、动词

-ing 形式或从句。We're considering moving to Seattle.

consider后面还可以接 “特殊疑问词 + 动词不定式 ”结构。

I am considering what to do next.


● continue 是动词 ,意为“继续”, 可指一直不停地继续 ,也可指中断后再继续 , 后

面可以接动词不定式或动词 -ing 形式。

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Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to



4...Practice reading aloud

Step 3 Pairwork


1. Read the instructions to the class and ask a pair of students to practice the sample


2. Then in pairs, have students make their own conversation according to activity


3. Ask some pairs to present their conversations

Part 4.

Ask students to think of a city. Then get them to work in pairs.

Step 4 Homework:

Oral work: 1.Revise the new words.

2. Read 3a skillfully.

★3. Recite 3a.

Written work: 1. Exercise Book---period 2.

Period 3

Section B-2c

【Teaching procedures 】

Step 1 Leading in

1. Revise P54 3a by asking two or three students to read it to the class .

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Pre-task

Part 1.

Now brainstorm a list of things that are important to you when you go on

vacation. Write them down in your exercise books.

Step 3 While-task

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1. Read the instructions to students. Tell them to guess the meaning of travel

agency first( If you plan to have a trip or vacation, you can go to a travel

agency. A travel agency is an office that can help you make travel plans. Also

they help you get plane tickets and hotel reservations .)

2. Students listen and finish the work.

(A whale watch tour means you stay in a ship and go out to the ocean during the

time of year when the whales are migrating, then you can see them

travelling. Amusement park means a place like Disneyland. You can do lots of

rides and play lots of games there)


1. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss understand what they should pay attention to.

2. Ss write their answers.

3. Play the recording again, one sentence by one sentence .Check the answers.

Step 4 Post-task

2c. Pairwork

In pairs, students' role play conversations using the information from activity 2a

and 2b .Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

(, ⋯to go to a small town, ⋯to go by ship, ⋯to go to a place which is too

crowded, ⋯to travel by plane, ⋯to go to anywhere too far, ) .

Step 5 Homework:

Oral work: 1.Revise the new words.

2. Read Dialogue 2b skillfully.

★3.Get ready a short passage about your trip in the past.

Written work: EXbook








