
陕旅版六年级英语下册Unit 8 PartC 微课视频 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-10





(   ) 1. I think we need_________ players like Yao Ming.

       A. more    B. more than      C. most

(   ) 2. Maybe I will join the National Team _________.

       A. one day  B. others day  C. that day

(   ) 3. I _________ work hard and my dream will come true.

A. sure    B. believe    C. thinks

(   ) 4. _________ the future, I want to become a teacher.

       A. On    B. To    C. In

(   ) 5. What _________he want to be at the age of eight?

      A. do    B. does    C. did


Mary: What did he want to be when he was a child?

Li Ming: 1. _____________________

Mary: 2. _______________________

Li Ming: He liked swimming and speaking.

Mary: 3. ______________________


Toby: Look at Sam’s dreams. What did he want to be at the age of eight?

Aggie: He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon.

Toby: What was his dream when he was twelve?

Aggie: He liked swimming. So he wanted to join the National Swimming Team.

Toby: I believe work hard and his dream will come true.

1. What did Sam want to be at the age of eight?


2. What was Sam’s dream when he was twelve?


一、1.A  2. A 3. B  4. C  5. C

二、1.B 2. C 3. A

三、1.He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon.

2. He wanted to jointhe National Swimming Team.


