
陕旅版六年级英语下册Revision 1 微课视频 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-10





1.打电话_____________    2.上网_____________

3.读电子书_____________    4.一片面包_____________

5.一杯茶_____________    6.赛跑_____________

7. 篮球运动员_____________    8.跳高_____________

9.一碗面_____________        10.多少钱_____________

11.还有其他的吗?_____________        12.稍等_____________


(   ) 1. _________ you please give me a glass of juice ?

   A. Can    B. Could    C. May

(   ) 2. It _________ me fifteen yuan to buy apples.

       A. take          B. takes           C. cost

(   ) 3. — What _________ you like to eat? 

      — We’d like two bowls of noodles.

       A. would        B. will        C. do

(   ) 4. _________beautiful it was! 

       A. Why        B. How        C. What

(   ) 5. _________was the weather?

       A. How        B. What        C. Why


1. He _________ (be) my brother.

2. The giraffe is _________ (tall) than the deer.

3. This dog is_________ (strong) than that one.

4. John is_________ (draw) a picture on the blackboard.

5. The pupils are_________ (excite).

6. There are some_________ (book) on the desk.

7. In 2006, he_________ ( start) to play the piano with his feet.

8. She_________ (take)up the phone and calls for food.

1.make a phone call   2. go on theInternet   3. read an e-book

4. a piece ofbread     5. basketball player    6. high jump

7.a bowl of noodles    8. how much         9. anything else             10. wait a minute

1.B  2. B 3. A  4. B  5. B

1.is  2. taller  3. stronger  4. drawing  5. excited    6. books   7. started   8. takes


