
人教精通版六年级英语下册全册课课练 | 含答案 | 可下载

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Lesson 1同步练习


1.去沙滩     a. stay at home

2.太阳      b. moon

3.月亮                         c. go to the beach

4.聚会                         d. sun

5.待在家里                     e. have a party


1. the man, yesterday, was, at home.


2.they, so, were, happy, two days ago.


3.holidays, I, Xian, went to, my, during.


4.had, party, a, big, I, my, with, friends.



(    )1. He       (was/were) free last week.    

(    )2. The men _______ (was/were) busy yesterday.

(    )3. They _______  (was/were) at museum this morning.

(    )4. He         (didnt/doesnt) do homework last night.

(    )5. There         (was/is) no one here a moment ago  



We enjoyed the        and        at night.


                     with my friends at home last week.


       to Sanya with my parents               .


                     with my family.


(   ) 1. We______ to learn English three years ago.

A. begin    B. began    C. beginning

(   ) 2. We______ in a hotel by the sea during the winter holiday.

A. to stay   B. staying   C. stayed

(   ) 3. Our English teacher often asked us to practise______.

A. listening     B. listened     C. listen

(   ) 4. -- _______ did you learn English?

-- We often sang, danced, chanted and played games.

A. How        B. What      C. Where

(   ) 5. The rabbit ______ a new dress from her mom for last Spring Festival.

A. getting      B. gets        C. got

Lesson 2同步练习


1.去沙滩________________               2.待在家里____________   

3.乘飞机_______________                4.享受日光浴______________   

5.聚会______________                   6.在晚上_______________

7.看星星和月亮___________________      8.过春节_______________   


(   )1. Betty spent two hours ______ the concert.        

A. listen         B. listen to        C. listening to       D. listened to

(   )2. We should ______ when we are waiting for the bus. 

A. wait in line    B. wait for line     C. wait on line       D. jump in line

(   )3. They _____ lots of photos when they ______ in Beijing. 

A. took; are       B. taken; are      C. take; were         D. took; were

(   )4. ---Did you go to the movies last night?


A. Yes, I was      B. Sorry, I can’t    C. No, I didn’t        D. Yes, I do

(   )5. I have so much homework to do today, _____ I had to stay at home and do it.  

A. but           B. however         C. so      D. because


(   ) 1. Did you enjoy your holidays?                    A. We listened and played.

(   ) 2. What did you learn in your English lessons?        B. By train.

(   ) 3. Where did you go during the holidays?            C. Yes, we did.

(   ) 4. How did you get there?                         D. I had a big party.

(   ) 5. What did you do during your holidays?            E. We went to Sanya.


1. interested, in, English, very, are, we, (.)


2. learned, English, we, doing by, things,(.)


3. you, learn, English, did, how, (?)



Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English holiday camp in their holidays. And their parents weren’t with them, though they were very young.

Now they still enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents. Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their life. And also learn some knowledge about living skills, science, reading and writing... The most important for the children is to learn to look after themselves.

Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensive. Most of the families can afford to send their children there for further study, for making their bodies strong... And the government never charges (收费) for them.

It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things. Perhaps it has something to do with the kinds of holiday camps.

(    )1. When students in Hong Kong are in the holiday camps, their parents______.

A. must be with them    B. have to look after them nearby  

C. must stay at home     D. aren’t with them

(    )2. The cost to take part in a holiday camp is______.

A. very dear        B. not cheap     C. very high         D. low

(    )3. The students who often take part in the holiday camps ______.

          A. must have much knowledge        B. must be very thin  

C. must be very tall                 D. must be very beautiful

Lesson 3



学;学习;学到_______      说_____________       主题______________

单词;词_____________      句子___________       黑板_________________                           



1. Last summer, I often went _______ (swimin the river in my home town.   

2. We all hope _______ (watchthe great football match.

3. The twins ______ (have) a good time at the party last night.    

4. The girl _______ (sell) many flowers and made much money.

5. It took us two hours _______ (get) to Shanghai by train.         

6. I spent the whole morning          (clean) my house.


Dear Tony,

Its great to       (告诉)you something about my holiday. I went to Sanya on holiday with my parents during the last       (冬天)holiday. We       (去)there by plane. It was my first time to       (乘坐)a plane, soI was very      (激动). It was really

       (温暖) and sunny there. I went to the beach and         (躺)on the sand to enjoy the bright sunshine. I        (游泳) in the sea, too. We had a great        (时间) there.

How was your holiday? Im looking forward to         (知道)about it.



Lesson 4同步练习


1.listen to English________________      2.speak English________________   

3.read English________________         4.write English________________   

5.talk in English________________        6.play in English________________


1.boradblcak_______________          2.clouro_______________    

3.earln_______________               4.gporu_______________   

5.koob_______________               6.rokw _______________   

7.aeyr _______________               8.chools _______________    


1.We learned many new words and used them.


2.We are interested in English.


3.We have learned a lot of new sentences.



    ) 1.What ________ you want ,  Daming ?

A.  do         B.  does      C.  are.  

    )2.  I’m going to _____my  homework tomorrow.

A.  does      B.  do        C. did.            

    ) 3. I__________a snowman now. 

A. am making     B.  make    C.  made  

    ) 4.--What are you______do?

--I’m going to play football.             

A.  going   to     B.  to   C.  going  

    )  5.-- What are you doing?

--We are  __________. 

        A.  going  to swim   B.   swimming    C.  swim

 (    )6.She’s buying things_______your birthday.

A.  to    B. give     C.  for 

    )7.  --Who can help me?    

--Sorry,  I_______carry the bag. 

A  can’t      B.  can      C.  don’t

    )8. I want________.

A.  hamburger     B.  two hamburger     C.  a  hamburger 

    )9 . It’s  thirty ______and  twenty-five_____.     

A.  dollars, cent     B.  dollar, cent    C  cents, dollars. 

    )10. --What do you want to eat  ?           

--________,   please.

A.  Cola       B.Vegetables     C.  Book.


Jill and Kate are going hiking with their class tomorrow . They went to take some fruits with them . Jill likes oranges and Kate likes apples . When they get to the market , they can’t find any oranges , and the apples are too green . “What are we going to buy now ?” asks Kate “Hey ,what’s that big round fruit over there ?” asks Jill.“I don’t know. Let’s ask the sales-girl .” “What do you call this ? ” “Youzi ,”answers the girl . “Why don’t we buy one ?”asks Jill “OK. We ’re going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit ! ”says Kate . 

    )1.     Kate is going hiking this afternoon . 

    )2.     Jill like apples and Kate like oranges . 

    )3.     They don’t buy apples because the apples are too green .

    )4.     Youzi is a big round fruit . 

    )5.     They’re going to eat a new kind of fruit tomorrow .

Lesson 5同步练习


1. He is ________ (study)English in the classroom.

2. I ________ (learnEnglish  three years ago.

3. What _______ (do) you do last weekend?

4. She ______ (singfamous song now.

5. Sarah ______ (liketell stories in English.


1.do______        2.tell______       3.teach______    

4.learn______      5.begin______     6.sing______    

7.dance______      8.play______      9.wash______ 

三、找出不同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内 。

(    ) 1. A. English    B. history     C. Chinese  D. weather   

   ) 2. A. sing       B. pear       C. dance    D. chant   

   ) 3. A. word       B. sentence   C. window   D. phrase   

(    ) 4. A. play        B. learn       C. tell       D. snowy   

   ) 5. A. way        B. game       C. story      D. on


(     )1.We usually learn _______each other . 

         A. about     B. from     C. to

(     )2.Can you tell the funny story ________ English?        

A . from      B. at       C. in  

(      ) 3. How long ______  you studied English?   

A. do       B. are     C . have

 (      ) 4._______ ?


       A. How tall are you ?     B. How long are your legs ?   C .How old are you ?

 (     ) 5.--Which subject do you like ? 

       -- _____________

        A . orange.     B. Sunday.     C .English . 

(     ) 6.Our English teacher taught us _____ many ways?   

A. of       B . in    C. at

(     ) 7.--Do you like English?

       -- _____________

A. No, I do      B. Yes, I do   C .Yes, I did 

(     ) 8.当你想知道汤姆怎样学习英语时,你应该问:________ 

A.How long are you ?    B. How do you learn English ?   C. How large are you ? 

(     ) 9.当你想表达“你会说英语吗?”时,你应该说:____ 

  A .Can you speak English?     B .How big is your bed ?   C .How large is your bed ? 

(     ) 10. 当你想知道你的朋友是否对英语感兴趣时,你应该说:_______ 

       A .How tall are you ?    B. Are you interested in English?    C .How heavy are you ? 

Lesson 6同步练习


  1. ________did you learn English?

A. what       B. how      C. where 

  2.I have _______ English party .

A. a         B. an        C. the

  3.Does the girl __________an English performance?

A. have        B. has      C. have 

  4.Did you_______ tasks?

A. do       B. did     C. does

  5.We learn English ________ each other.

A. about        B. from      C. at

  6.—How about acting a drama?     


A. Thank you.       

B. That sounds great.     

C. I don’t think so.

  7.We learned English _________doing things .

A. on        B. in        C. by 

  8.How do your classmates ________English ?  

A. learn      B. learned    C. learns 

  9.Look! The boy is _________with his friends in English.

A. talks         B. talking        C. talk

  10.I am good ________English .

A. in          B. at        C. for 


  1. I like ______(play) in English with my friends.

 2.She ________(have) an English party yesterday.

 3.We _______(learn) English by reading an speaking.

 4.Our English teacher ________(tell) us many ways of study.

5.We are going to ______ (do) English exercises after school.

 6.I studied with Mary and __________(learn) from each other.


    1. 当你想知道如何学习英语时,问:        A. what did you do?        B. How did you learn English?         C. How about this one?

    2. 当你告诉别人自己如何学英语时,说:        A. I often go to school early.        B. I like doing exercises.        C. We usually learn English from each other.

    3. 当你想询问别人是否会说英语时,问:        A. How can you do this?        B.What can I do for you?         C. Can you speak English?

    4. 当你想知道别人是否做了某事时,问:        A. Do you like the green car?         B. What is the car like?         C. Did you have an English party? 

    5. 表达正在做某事时,问:        A. I often read English books in library.        B. I did my homework.        C. I am doing tasks now.


      A                                                   B

    1. How did you learn English?                A. No, she isnt. 

    2. Can I study English with you            B. That sounds great. 

    3. We had an English party yesterday.   C. We learned English by doing things.

    4. Did you read many English books?           D. Yes, you can. 

    5. Is she singing a famous English now.        E. No, I dont.








