
教科版(广州)六年级英语下册Module5 Unit9 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Unit  9

abroad  [əˈbrɔːd]  在国外

South Africa  [saʊθ 'æfrɪkə]  南非

nature  [ˈneɪtʃə(r)]  大自然

choose  [tʃuːz]  选择(过去式是chose)

Sydney  悉尼

opera  [ˈɒprə]  歌剧

Sydney Opera House  ['sɪdni ˈɒprə haʊs]  悉尼歌剧院

harbour  [ˈhɑːbə(r)]  海港

bridge  [brɪdʒ]  桥

Sydney Harbour Bridge  悉尼海港大桥

Japan  [dʒə'pæn]  日本

Tokyo  [ˈtəʊkiəʊ]  东京

France  [ˈfrɑːns]  法国

Paris  [ˈpærɪs]  巴黎

capital  [ˈkæpɪtl]  首都

Washington D.C.  华盛顿哥伦比亚区

White House  [waɪt haʊs]  (美国)白宫

tower  [ˈtaʊə(r)]  塔

Tower Bridge  [ˈtaʊə(r) brɪdʒ]  塔桥

Big Ben  [bɪɡ ben]  大笨钟

New Zealand  [ˌnjuː ˈziːlənd]  新西兰

Wellington  [ˈwelɪŋtən]  惠灵顿

kiwi  [ˈkiːwiː]  几雏鸟

Canda  加拿大

Ottawa  渥太华

maple  [ˈmeɪpl]  枫树

flag  [flæɡ]  旗



Unit 9 What will you go?

Ms White: If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go?

Ben: I think I will go to South Africa. I love nature and in South Africa I can see many beautiful mountains and forests.

Janet: I will choose Australia. I'd like to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.

Xiaoling: I want to go to Japan. Tokyo is so modern and it's a great place to go shopping, too. I'd like to buy a robot there.

Ms White: Where will you go, Jiamin? Jiamin: If I can travel abroad I will go to France, of course. I love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world!










例:I can go to any country that I want.


【知识点二】choose选择  过去式:chose  第三人称单数:chooses

例:I will choose France because I love the food there.


【知识点三】 abroad  国外的,go abroad 出国

例:Which country do you want to go if you can go abroad?


【知识点四】the capital of ….的首都

例:Beijing is the capital of China.


【知识点五】I‘d like to ……我想做/要…..

例:I'd like to go to France.


【知识点六】 If I can do ……, I will do …. 如果我可以..., 我将会...


例:If I can fly, I will fly to the top of the mountain.



(   )1. He goes to school ____ taxi.

A. by    B. on   

C. take  D. in

(   )2. ___ your mother_____ to the supermarket last Sunday morning?

A. Did , go   B. Did , went

C. Does , goes  D.Is , going

(   )3. Henry is very lazy and he does ______ at home.

A. anything  B.everything

C. nothing   D.something

(   ) 4. Do you have ______ to say ?

A. something important    

B. important anything

C. important something   

D. anything important

(   )5. Jenny often ___ to school early, but this morning she __ to school late.

A. go; went     B. went; goes   

C. goes;went    D. goes; goes

(   )6.My father ___ to America last week.

A. flew   B. flying

C. fly   D. flies

(   )7.Would you like to have fun with us ?

A. Yes, I’d love to.     

B. No, I wouldn’t.   

C. Yes , I like.

(   )8.____she _____milk for breakfast this morning?

A. Does,have   

B. Is, having   

C. Did, have

(   )9. I’m going ____ my homework tomorrow.

A. does    B. to do   

C. did D. do

(   )10.He_____free today, but he ____ busy tomorrow.

A. is, is     

B. is going to be , is     

C. is , is going to be


(   )1.A.should    B.may       C.want

(   )2.A.Paris       B.China     C.London

(   )3.A.capital    B.abroad   C.bridge

(   )4.A.inventor    B. read   C.sat

(   )5.A.world        B.lion     C.panda


1.What are you going to do this Sunday?


2.What is the capital city of the USA?


3. Is Shanghai the capital of China?


4. Would you like to go with us?(做肯定回答)


5.Where would you like to go if you can travel to any city in China?



四、看图,选句子, 把其字母编号写在括号内。

A.The kiwi is from New Zealand.

B.The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

C.There is a maple leaf in Canada’s national flag.

D.We can see Big Ben in London.

E.The White House is in Washington D.C..


1.There are many beautiful mountains and __________(forest) in South Africa.

2.If I can travel abroad , I __________(go) to Paris.

3.Every morning I see many people __________(do) kung fu in the park.

4.It __________(take) me two hours to walk home yesterday.

5.He was the __________(tall) in his class.


A little boy came to a new city. His name was Peter. Of course,he lived with his mother and father. His family was very rich(富裕的). They had a driver and a lot of servants(仆人).   

Peter was going to his new school. On the first day his parents said to him, “ Peter , be modest(谦虚的) at your new school. Don’t say we are rich. ” And Peter said , “Yes, Dad, Mom.”    

So Peter went to school. He saw his new teacher. And he sat down with the other children. The teacher said,“Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition(作文). The topic(题目)of the composition is "My family". So every child wrote a composition. It was Peter’s composition:“My name is Peter. My family is very poor . Both my father and mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor. ”

(  )1. Peter’s parents were very __________.

A. small         B. modest          

C. poor          D. rich

(  )2. Peter’s parents told him not to _____________.

A. play on his way to school        

B. be late for school

C. say they are rich             

D. write a composition

(  )3. The teacher asked the children to write____________.

A. a letter      B. a composition         

C. a book      D. a story

(  )4. Peter wrote a composition about his__________.

A. friend      B. teacher     

C. school     D. family

(  )5. Which of the following is right?

A. Peter told a lie(说谎)in his composition .

B. Peter didn’t like writing a composition.

C. Peter’s parents wrote the composition.

D. The teacher was very poor ,too.



一、1-5 AACDC  6-10 AACBC


三、1. I'm going to see a film.

2. It's Washington D.C..

3. No, it isn't.

4. Yes, I'd love to.

5. I would like to go to Beijing.


五、1.forests  2.will go  3.doing  4.took  5.tallest

六、 1. D   2. C   3. B   4. D   5. A



