
外研版(一起点)六年级英语下册全册课课练 | 含答案 | 可下载

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2023-01-02







   1.A.chicken    B.hot dog    C.menu D.noodles

(   ) 2. A.grape    B.apple    C. fruit D.lemon

(   )3. A.monkey     B.panda   C.bear  D.pear

(   )4. A. thirteen   B.third    C.eight  D.thirty

   5.A.shirt    B.skirt    C.purse  D.blouse

(   )6. A.Beijing    B.friend   C.Harbin  D. Shanghai

(   )7. A.knife     B.short    C.long D.tall

(  )8. A.mother   B.doctor   C.nurse  D.teacher

(    9.A.football   B.basketball C.yellow   D.table tennis

(   )10. A.six     B.seven   C.eleven    D.book


    1. The red T-shirt is eight ________ .

A.dollar    B.dollars  C.cent    D.yuans

(     ) 2. Daming ________want a hot dog.

A.is not  B.do not  C.not    D.does  not

(    ) 3. ________ are thesebananas ?  They are $ 20.

A. How  many  B. What   C,How   D. How much

(    )4. ________ hamburgersdo you want? Three.

A.  How  many  B. What   C,How   D. How much

(    )5. How much ________the orange juice?   Oh,________ 8 yuan.

A.is , It is   B.are, they are    C.are, it is   D.is , this is

(    )6. Can I helpyou?  A cola________please.

A.  for   B.at      C.in    D.for

(    )7. Would you like________ orange juice?

A.some    B.any   C,a    D.an

(    )8. Here you are!  ________.

A, That is allright   B. Not at all   C.of course   D.Thank you.

(    ) 9..What      youwant ? A hot dog ,please

A do   B does    C is    

(   )10.What       Simon want ?A hot dog.

  Ado    B does    C is

(   )11.Ahot dog     good

  Alook    B looking    C looks

(   )12.He drinks      milkfor breakfast every morning.

 A  many    B  much    C  a

(   )13.Howmuch     they ?ten yuan.

 A  be    B are    C  is

(   )14.It’s one     and five     .

 A  dollars cent   B dollar cens    C  dollar cent

(   )15.Can you help     ?

 A  she    B he    C  him


1.Does he__________ (want) an apple ?

2.My father _______  (want) a cola and I______ (want) some milk .

3.Can you help ________(we)?

4.Let’s go andhelp ________(he).

5.A cola for ________(I) ,please.

6.What do you want ________ (drink)?

7.The hot dog is 75 ________ ( cent)

8.My father and I ________ (be) at home。

四.连词成句( 14分)

1.                            eat dowhat you to want?


2.want I eat a to hamburger.


3. drink to what do they want.


4.    much isthe how dog hot


5.      much ,it ,is how


6.      dollars, twenty-five ,cents ,it ,is ,twelve ,and


7drink, what, you, want,do,to.


五.选词填空: 10分)

Can,   want, and, how much, how many

1. ________ is a hamburger?   It is 4 yuan.

2. ________ I help you ?  I want a hot dog,please.

3. ________ books are there on the desk?Thirty-five.

4. I ________ a hamburger,please.

5.  Iwant some noodles ________ some meat.


    1. What do you want , Daming?

 (    )2.How much is the hot dog?

(   )3. Here you are.

(    )4. Do you like hot dogs?

(   )5.  Can you sing an English song?

A.  Yes, I can . I can sing many English songs.

B. Thank you.

C.  Yes , I do.

D.  It is two dollars.

E.  I want some noodles and fruits.

七.阅读理解(  10分,根据对话内容,判断正误,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。

Mother Sally, can you help me,please?  I want to go shopping.

Sally :OK. Mum. What do you want to buy?

Mum : some eggs,some oranges,some milk, and some chicken forsupper. What can we have for lunch tomorrow?

Sally : I do not know.

Mother : oh ,yes it is. Some fish.

Sally : Is fish very expensive ( 昂贵的)?

Mother yes it is. But dad likes fish.

Sally : what about some rice?

Mother : I want some nice bread.

Sally : OK. Let\' s go.

 (     )1. Sally and mum want to buy some food, some milk and some fruit.

(     )2. They want to buy some bread.

(     ) 3. Fish is cheap. ( 便宜的)

   4. Sally\' s father likes fish.

(     ) 5. Sally wants to have chicken and rice for lunch tomorrow.


◆ 英汉互译

1. 明天的天气 _________________          2. 在家看书 _______________   

3. have a good night_______________        4. after dinner_______________

◆ 选出不同类的单词

(    ) 1. A. sunny         B. windy       C. rain          D. cool

(    ) 2. A. tomorrow      B. Sunday      C. Monday      D. Friday

(    ) 3. A. Tuesday       B. week        C. Thursday      D. Saturday

(    ) 4. A. hot           B. warm        C.windy        D. cool

(    ) 5. A. dinner         B. lunch        C. breakfast     D. hamburger


◆ 选择单词的适当形式填空

win     have    go     swim     wind

1. – What’s the weather like in Qingdao?

  -- It’s         .

2. Let’s go         this afternoon.

3. Mrs Green wants ____shopping.

4. They’re going to ___ apicnic in the park next Sunday.[来源:##]

5. I am the ____.

◆ 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1. We _____ (have) a partytomorrow evening.

2. She is going to _____ (play)with me this Sunday.

3. It ______ (rain) soon.

4. It ______ (rain) now.

◆   根据汉语翻译句子

1. What are you going to do ____________ (晚饭后)?

2. We are going to eat ________ (12点半).

3. When are you going to ___________ (去野餐)?[来源:Z.xx.k.Com]

4. It _______ (将要下雨) soon.

5. I’m going to ___________ (踢足球).


Unit 1 I took some photos 练习题


1.have--    2. watch--     3.am/is--      4.are--      5.do--     


1.underthe tree            2.野餐              3.the middle of           

4.in the tree            5.在星期六                6.in this photo             

7.send photos           8.看起来饥饿               

9.....外面看              10.愉快的一天              


1. Children are______(run) on the playground.

2. Yesterday we______(have) a picnic in the park.

3. I can_______(jump) high.

4. He______(send) me an email now.

5. We want______(visit) Zhongshan park.


1.Are/to/picnic/going/we/ have/park/in/ a/ the


2.ducks/ eating/picnic/ the/ our/ are 


3.snow/ in/ it/going/ is/ Harbin/ to 


4.had/ Saturday/funny/ a/ day/ on/ I/ very


5.singing/ trees/are/ the/ birds/ the/ in 



It ison Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes. We are playing inthe park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys areclimbing the hill. Tom is drawing by the lake. Mike and John are swimming inthe lake. Where are Betty and Mary? They are sitting under a small tree. Theyare reading a picture book. We are very happy.

( )1.What’s the weather like today?A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s fine.    C.It’s raining.

(  )2.Whereare they playing?A. In the park.      B.On the hill.    C. In the lake.

(  )3.Who isclimbing the hill?A. Some girls.   B.Some boys.    C. Some teachers.

(  )4.Whereare Betty and Mary?

 A.They areon the tree.  B.They are under thetree.    C.They are in the lake.

(  )5.Whatare Betty and Mary doing?

A. Theyare reading a picture book. B. They are dancing.C. They are playing. 

Unit 2 The sun is shining  练习题


   1.A.doll      B.bear    C.panda      D.kangaroo

   2.A.bus-driver   B.fire fighter    C.father-in-law  D.cook

   3.A.hamburger   B.hot dog      C.noodles    D.goal

   4.A.ear       B.eye          C.ginger       D.mouth

   5.A.angrily    B.friendly       C.quickly     D.happily




(1)hot_____ _______

(2)friendly______ _______

(3)Important_______ ________


(4)sit_______ ________

(5)hear______ ______

(6)hold______ _______

(7)write______ ________

(8)put______ ________






1.The naughty bird____________(正在飞).

2.It’s______ ______ (开始)rain.

3.The ducks are_____________ _________(吃我们的三明治).

4.The sun____ _______(正在照耀着).



1.He _____ for our bag ahours ago.

  A.looks  B.looked   C.is looking   D.will look

2.We______at eight tomorrowmorning.

  A.starts  B.started    C.are starting   D.were starting

3.Look at thechildren.They______under the tree.

  A.dance  B.danced    C.are dancing   D.were dancing

4.When I got there,he______on the sofa.

  A.sleeps   B.slept     C.is sleeping    D.was sleeping









