

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2023-01-02








()1. A. dollar                B. cent              C. doctor

()2. A. hamburger            B. cola              C. hot dog

()3. A. enjoy                B. milk              C. soup

()4. A. meal                 B. noodles           C. rice[来源:学科网]

()5. A. juice                 B. water             C. trousers


1. I want chicken and some _______(果汁).

2. What do you want to _______(喝)?

3. I want some _______(米饭)and _______(茶).

4. It's thirteen _______(美元).


1. I want _______drinksome water.

2. A hot dog for _______I, please.

3. I want some _______egg.[来源:__]

4. Tom wants some _______milk.


()1. What do you want to eat,Amy?               A. Thank you.

()2. How much is the hamburger?                 B. Yes, please. I want a cola.

()3. Here you are.                              C. It is twodollars.

()4. Can I help you?                            D. I want to eat somebread.


()1. A. hot             B. dog             C. cold

()2. A. hamburger       B. a               C. ago

()3. A. much           B. cute             C. us

()4. A. is              B. it               C. kite

()5. A. be              B. we             C. help


()1. A. chicken         B. fish           C. menu           D. bread

()2. A. pear            B. apple          C. orange          D. fruit

()3. A. want            B. look          C. what            D. take

()4. A. cent            B. thirteen        C. fifteen           D. seven

()5. A. coat            B. colas          C. shorts            D. shoes


1. Hot d________ are very delicious.

2. It's twenty d________ and seventy-five cents.

3. I want a c________. I am thirsty.

4. What do you want to d________ ?

5. Let's e________ our meal.


1. four dollars and five cents ________       2. 好的 ________      3. apple juice________

4. 三罐可乐________                   5. newtrousers ________


()1. —What do you ________ to eat?—Some rice.

A. wants          B. want          C. wanted

()2. A hot dog ________ a dog.

A. is             B. does         C. isn't

()3. —________ is the soup? —It'seighty-five cents.

A. How much       B. Howmany      C. How

()4. Some rice ________ me, please.

A. to             B. for           C. of

()5. I want some________ forbreakfast.

A. breads         B. milk          C. teas


1. I want some ________fish.

2. It ________lookgood.

3. Look! Mike is ________eata hot dog.

4. Bob ________wantto eat somerice.

5. My mum ________havesome noodleslast night.


1. is,  a,  it, dog?


2. I,  want,  don't, cola,  a.


3. a,  for,  me, hamburger,  too.


4. I,  have,  can, egg,  an?


5. what,  drink,  do, want,  you,  to?



Cashier: 1. _________

Jack: Yes, please. I want to buy some food.

Cashier: What do you want?

Jack: 2. _________

Cashier: Here are three hamburgers and a cola.

Jack: 3 _________

Cashier: It's fifteen dollars and eight cents.

Jack: 4. _________

Cashier: Thank you. 5. _________

A. Enjoy your meal!

B. Here you are.

C. How much is it?

D. I want three hamburgers and a cola.

E. Can I help you?


There is asmall restaurant near our school. It is very nice. The food is very deliciousand cheap. Here is the menu:

Meat—$3.80                 Soup—90 cents

Fish—$2.45                  Hot Dog—$ 1.50

Noodles—$1.10              Hamburger—$2.40

Rice—85cents                Sandwich—$ 1.75

After school,we often go there to eat some food. I like hamburgers. But my friend Li Leilikes sandwiches and his brother Li Ping likes hot dogs. Sometimes our teachersgo there to have dinner.

()1. The restaurant is near ourschool.

()2. I have four dollars. I can havesome meat and some soup.

()3. Li Lei has one dollar. He canhave some soup or some rice.

()4. Li Lei and Li Ping like hotdogs.

()5. The teachers don't go to therestaurant to have dinner.




1. wet(反义词)_________       2. I(复数形式)_________            3. love(形容词形式)_________

4. four(同音词)_________      5. sandwich(复数形式)_________     6. rain(现在分词)_________


Daming, Simon and Simon's mum are going tohave a picnic in the 1. ______. They are going to eat at half past 2. ______.Simon is hungry. He wants to eat. But it is only half past 3. ______. Later, there aresome 4. _____ clouds in the sky. It starts to 5. ______ now. They run to thedry place. Now the ducks are eating their 6. ______.


()1. It's _______ now.

A. rain              B. raining            C. to rain

()2. _______ areyou going to run?

At seven o'clock.

A. What             B. Where            C. When

()3. There are some boats _______ the lake.

A. On               B. for               C. to

()4. Let's have _______ picnic.

A. us                B. we               C. our

()5. They _______ football tomorrow.[来源:学科网]

A. are going toplay    B. play              C. plays



1. eating,  the, grass,  cows,  are, now.


2. eleven,  we, at,  are,  leave, going,  to.


3. road,  the, on,  cars,  some, are,  there.


4. what,  we, do,  are,  going, to,  tomorrow?


5. picnic,  to,  going, we,  are,  a, have,  today.




()1. A. picnic         B. drink            C. rice

()2. A. dollar         B. cola             C. hot

()3. A. juice          B. much            C. up

()4. A. get            B. take            C. let

()5. A. only           B. fly             C. dry


()1. A. cool           B.warm         C. cold           D. sun

()2. A. fine           B.six           C. seven          D. five

()3. A. what          B.when         C. want           D. where

()4. A. go            B.read          C. doing          D. walk

()5. A. fly            B.ten           C. eat            D. have


1. He is going to_________buya new book.

2. Listen! A boy_________sing.

3. It will be_________windtomorrow.

4. It often_________snowhere in winter.

5. Here are your_________sandwichand drinks.


1. 吃早饭 _________          2. look like _________         3. 在湖面上 _________

4. get up_________            5. 淘气的鸭子们 _________


()1. I'm ________. I want to eat some bread.

A. thirsty        B. hungry         C. happy

()2. ________ willyour sister go to school? At half past six.

A. When         B. Where          C. What

()3. It is going to rain ________ Nanjing.

A. at            B. on             C. in

()4. ________ will snow tomorrow.

A. This          B. It             C. That

()5. What are theygoing to eat? ________.

A. Bread         B. Milk          C. Cola






A: It's Saturdaytomorrow. When are you going to get up?

B: 1. ________ Andyou?

A: I'm going toget up at five o'clock.

B: That's tooearly. Why?

A: 2. ________ I'mgoing to climb mountains.

B: That soundsgreat! 3. ________

A: Of course.4.________

B: At six o'clock.

A: OK. 5. ________

B: See youtomorrow.

A. Can I go with  you?

B. When are we  going to meet?

C. At half past  eight.

D. See you  tomorrow.

E. Because it  will be sunny tomorrow.



The weather in Shanghai is not always good.In winter, it is often cold and wet. In summer, it is not very hot. Spring isvery beautiful. It is not very hot or cold, but there is a lot of rain inspring. Fall is the best season. The air is clear and dry, and it is oftensunny and cool. The weather in Shanghai is sometimes warmer than that inBeijing. But in summer, the weather in Beijing is cooler than that in Shanghai.

()1. In winter, it is very dry in Shanghai.

()2: In spring, it is sunny and cool all the time in Shanghai.

()3. Fall is the best season of the year in Shanghai.

()4. In summer, the weather in Beijing is cooler than that inShanghai.

()5. There is no rain in spring in Beijing.













