
新译林版六年级英语下册Unit7 同步辅导资料

关注→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2023-01-03


summer holiday  英 [ˈsʌmə(r) ˈhɒlədeɪ]  美 [ˈsʌmər ˈhɑːlədeɪ]  暑假 

go back to  英 [ɡəʊ bæk tu]  美 [ɡoʊ bæk tu]  回去 

how long  英 [haʊ lɒŋ]  美 [haʊ lɔːŋ]  多久 

stay  [steɪ]  停留 

sound  [saʊnd]  听起来,听上去 

Disneyland  英 ['dɪznɪlænd]  美 [ˈdizniˌlænd]  迪士尼乐园 

Ocean Park  英 [ˈəʊʃn pɑːk]  美 [ˈoʊʃn pɑːrk]  (香港)海洋公园

Taipei  [ˈtaɪˌpeɪ]  台北 

photo  英 [ˈfəʊtəʊ]  美 [ˈfoʊtoʊ]  照片 

travel  [ˈtrævl]  旅游 

traveller  英 [ˈtrævələ(r)]  美 [ˈtrævələr]  旅行者 

travel around the world  英 [ˈtrævl əˈraʊnd ðə wɜːld] 美 [ˈtrævl əˈraʊnd ðə wɜːrld]  环游世界 

different  [ˈdɪfrənt]  不同的    

Story time

New words

Sound time

Culture time

Cartoon time


Unit 7 Story time①The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.孩子们正在谈论他们的暑假计划。Yang Ling: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike?杨玲:你将去哪里度假,迈克?Mike: I'll go back to London.迈克:我将回伦敦。Yang Ling: How long will you stay there?杨玲:你将在那里待多久?Mike: I'll stay there for a month. What about you?迈克:我将在那里待一个月。你呢?Yang Ling: I'll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing.杨玲:我将拜访我在北京的婶婶和叔叔。Mike: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane?迈克:那听起来很棒。你将乘飞机去北京吗?Yang Ling: No, I won't. I'll go by train.杨玲:不,我不会。我将乘火车去。② Liu Tao: Where will you go for the summer holiday, Su Hai?刘涛:暑假你将去哪里,苏海?Su Hai: I'll go to Hong Kong with my family.苏海:我将和我的家人去香港。Liu Tao: Will you go to Disneyland?刘涛:你将去迪士尼乐园吗?Su Hai: Yes, I will. We'll go to Ocean Park too. What about you, Liu Tao?苏海:是的,我将去。我们还将去海洋公园。你呢,刘涛?Liu Tao: I'll go to Taipei with my parents.刘涛:我将和我父母去台北。Su Hai: That's wonderful. I want to see the city too.苏海:那好极了。我也想看看那个城市。Liu Tao: OK.I'll show you some photos after the holiday.刘涛:好的。假期之后我将向你展示一些照片。Su Hai: Thanks!苏海:谢谢!
WordsBeijing 北京
Hong Kong 香港London 伦敦
Taipei 台北

Sound timeoy

boy 男孩joy  高兴toy  玩具
Look at the little boy 看这个小男孩
Playing with his toy. 正在玩他的玩具。
He really is so happy. 他是真的如此开心。
He’s so full of joy!他是如此充满快乐!
Culture timeYou’ll find Uluru in Australia.
You’ll find the Grand Canyon in the US.你能找到大峡谷在美国。
You’ll find Buckingham Palace in the UK.你能找到白金汉宫在英国。
You’ll find Niagara Falls in Canada.你能找到尼亚加纳大瀑布在加拿大。

Cartoon time①Bobby is reading a travel book.博比正在看一本游记。I want to be a traveller and travel around the world.我想成为一个旅行者,并且环游世界。②Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam.博比正在和萨姆谈论他的旅游计划。I'll visit many places. Will you go with me, Sam?我将游览许多地方。你会和我一起去吗,萨姆?Yes, I will.What are your plans?是的,我会和你一起去。你的计划是什么?First, I'll go to the UK. Next, I' ll go to the US.Then, I'll go to Australia.首先,我将去英国。接下来,我将去美国。然后,我将去澳大利亚。③Sam is excited about Bobby's plans.萨姆对博比的计划感到很兴奋。That sounds great! I'll go with you. How will we get to the UK, Bobby?那听起来很棒!我要和你一起去。我们要怎样到达英国,博比?Let's take a taxi.让我们乘出租车吧。



talk about 谈论

summer holiday暑假

go back toLondon 回伦敦

how long 多久

go to Beijing./ Hong Kong/ Disneyland/ Ocean Park去北京/香港/迪士尼乐园/海洋公园

by plane 乘飞机

by train 乘火车

with my family 和我的家人

show you some photos 给你看一些照片

after the holiday 假期之后

read a travel book 看一本游记

want to be a traveller 想成为一个旅行者

travel around the world 环游世界

talk about 谈论

travel plan 旅游计划

visit many places游览许多地方

go to the UK/ the US/ Australia去英国国/溴大利亚

get to 到达

take a taxi 乘出租车



1. What about you? 你呢?

2. That sounds great. 那听起来很棒。

3. That's wonderful. 那好极了。

4.OK. 好的。

5. Thanks. 谢谢。

6. That sounds great!那听起来很棒!

7. I'II go with you.我要和你一起去。



1. 询问某人将去何地的句型一 Where will...?

课文应用】Where will you go for the holiday,Mike?


I'll go back to London.



问句: Where will+主语十go(+其他)?

答语: 主语+ will go(to)+地点


  • where意为“在哪里”,针对地点进行提问。

  • will表示“将,将要”,没有人称和数的变化。


Mike: Where will you go this weekend?这个周末你将去哪里?

Mary: I will go to the library and read books.我将去图书馆看书。

2.询问某人某事将要做多久的句型 How long will...?

课文应用 How long will you stay there?你将在那里待多久?

I stay there for a month.我将在那里待一个月.。


问句: How long will+主语+动词(短语)原形(+其他)?

答语: 主语+will+动词(短语)原形+for+一段时间

【重点解析】how long意为“多久”



Mike: How long will we stay in Hainan?我们将在海南待多久?

Dad: We will stay there for two weeks.我们将在那里待两周。

3. 询问某人是否将要做某事的句型WiIl...?

课文应用】Will you go to Beijing by plane?你将乘飞机去北京吗?

No,I won't.不,我不会。


问句: Will+主语+动词(短语)原形(+其他)?

答语: Yes,主语+will./No,主语+won't.


【生活实例】Cathy和妈妈打算明天一起去动物园,爸爸下班回来了, Cathy问爸爸是否将和她们起去:

Cathy: Dad,will you go to the zoo with us tomorrow?


Dad: Yes,I will.



4. 询问某人将何时做某事的句型- When will...?

课文应用】When will we go?我们将什么时候去?

We will go in July.我们将在七月去。


问句: When will+主语+动词(短语)原形(+其他)?

答语: 主语+will+动词(短语)原形+时间


  • when意为“什么时候”。

  • 答语中的“时间”可以为 at Six(在六点), inJune(在六月), on Sunday(在星期日)等。


May: When will we meet at the bus stop?


Mike: We will meet at 9 o'clock.我们将在九点钟见面。

5. 询问某人将做什么的句型一-What will… do...?

【课文应用】What will she do there?她将在那里做什么?

She will visit Ocean Park.她将游海洋公园。


问句: What will+主语+do(+其他)?

答语: 主语+will+动词(短语)原形(+其他)


  • what意为“什么”,针对要做的事情进行提问。

  • will与动词(短语)原形搭配使用。


Mum: What will you do for your dad's birthday?


Mary: I will make a birthday card.





stay 停留

sound 听起来,听上去

Taipei 台北

photo 照片

travel 旅游

traveller 旅行者

Disneyland 迪土尼乐园

different 不同的


summer holiday 暑假

Ocean Park (香港)海洋公园

talk about 谈论

go back to 回去

by plane 乘飞机

travel around the world 环游世界



That sounds great. 那听起来很棒。

What about you? 你呢?

That's wonderful. 那好极了。

Well done! 做得好!




Where will she go next week?

Where will he go next month?

Where will you go tomorrow?

She will go to Bejing.

He will go to London.

I will go to Shanghai.


How long will they live there?

How long will he stay here?

How long will she read books?

They will live there for a month.

He will stay here for three days.

She will read books for an hour.


Will you have a Chinese class?

Will she come to Sydney?

Will they visit the Great Wall?


When will you meet?

When will she go to London?

When will he clean his room?

We will meet at six o'clock.

She will go to London next Monday.

He will clean his room tomorrow morning.









