
人教精通版六年级下册英语Unit1 Lesson 2同步辅导资料

关注→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2023-01-03

Let's chant

Just practise


Lesson 2

Just practise 练习一下

What did you do during your holidays? 你假期做什么了?

I went to Sanya. 我去了三亚。

go to the beach 去沙滩

enjoy sunbathing 享受日光浴

enjoy the moon and stars 看星星月亮

stay at home 在家

have a party 开派对

enjoy Spring Festival 过春节

Let s chant 一起唱吧


The holiday was interesting. 假期很有趣。

We all enjoyed playing. 我们都很开心的玩。

The holiday was exciting. 假期很令人兴奋。

We all enjoyed travelling. 我们都很享受旅行。


Lesson 2同步练习


1.去沙滩________________               2.待在家里____________  

3.乘飞机_______________                4.享受日光浴______________  

5.聚会______________                   6.在晚上_______________

7.看星星和月亮___________________      8.过春节_______________  


   1. Betty spent two hours ______ the concert.       

A. listen         B. listento        C. listening to       D. listened to

   2. We should ______ when we are waiting for thebus.

A. wait in line    B. waitfor line     C. wait on line       D. jump in line

   3. They _____ lots of photos when they ______ inBeijing.

A. took; are       B. taken;are      C. take; were         D. took; were

   4. ---Did you go to the movies last night?


A. Yes, I was      B. Sorry, I can’t    C. No, I didn’t        D. Yes, I do

   5. I have so much homework to do today, _____ Ihad to stay at home and do it. 

A. but           B. however         C. so      D. because


   1. Did you enjoy your holidays?                    A. We listened and played.

   2. What did you learn in your English lessons?        B.By train.

   3. Where did you go during the holidays?            C. Yes, we did.

   4. How did you get there?                         D. I had a big party.

   5. What did you do during your holidays?            E. We went to Sanya.


1. interested, in,English, very, are, we, (.)


2. learned,English, we, doing by, things,(.)


3. you, learn,English, did, how, (?)



Do you knowsomething about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong usedto take part in an English holiday camp in their holidays. And their parentsweren’t with them, though they were very young.

Now they stillenjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents. Manyparents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order tolearn some practical knowledge in their life. And also learn some knowledgeabout living skills, science, reading and writing... The most important for thechildren is to learn to look after themselves.

Holiday camps inHong Kong are not so expensive. Most of the families can afford to send theirchildren there for further study, for making their bodies strong... And thegovernment never charges (收费) for them.

It is said thatstudents in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things. Perhaps it hassomething to do with the kinds of holiday camps.

    1. When students in Hong Kong are in the holiday camps, theirparents______.

A. must be withthem    B. have to look after them nearby 

C. must stay athome     D. aren’t with them

    2. The cost to take part in a holiday camp is______.

A. very dear        B. not cheap     C.very high         D. low

    3. The students who often take part in the holiday camps ______.

          A. must have much knowledge        B. must be very thin 

C. must be verytall                 D. must be verybeautiful



go to the beach     stay at home      by plane

enjoy sunbathing    have a party             at night

enjoy the moon and stars  enjoy Spring Festival




1.C  2.A   3.E   4.B  5.D  


1. We are very interested in English.

2. We learned English by doing things.

3. How did you learn English?


1—3 DDA






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