









(   )1. A. forty          B. fourteen     

        C. shirt            D. morning

(   )2. A. blouse       B. mouth        

        C. brown         D. yellow

(   )3. A. down         B. cousin       

          C. mouse       D. how

 (   )4. A. short         B. skirt           

            C. nurse       D. Thursday

(   )5. A. her             B. girl             

         C. bird             D. for



1. the best season _____________       

2. go to bed earlier __________________ 

3. at the second stop ______________   

4. write to him ________________       

5. most of the time________________    

6. 去野餐________________

7. 每5分钟___________________

 8. 和……一样年轻_________________

 9. 一位英国女孩__________________

 10. 去散步_________________


(     )1. --- Where ______ you just now? 

           --- I ________ in the playground.

A. was, were         B. was, was         

C. were, was         D.were,were

(     )2. "Keep off the grass" means _______.

A. we shouldn't make any noise on the grass

B. we shouldn't walk on the grass

C. we shouldn't eat on the grass

D. we shouldn't drink on the grass

(     )3.My birthday is ______the 2nd of June .Nancy’s birthday is _____June ,too.

A. on,on       B. in,on       

C. on,in        D. in,in

(     )4. How  _______  is the cinema from here?

A.far                  B.many            

C.much              D.long    

(     )5. I would like _______.Can you come with me,please?

A.to go shop          

B.to go shop         

C.go to shop  

D.to go shopping

(     )6. Does it often _______in summer?  

A. rainy             B. rain         

C. rains             D.raining

(     )7. I know a lot about football.Now I want to learn ______about it.

A.many               B.some               

C.more                D.any

(     )8. I am 150cm ,Tom is 152cm .So Tom is _______ than me .

A. taller                B. younger      

C.shorter             D. lower

(     )9. _______ ruler is longer, yours or _______ ?

A. Who, mine          B. Whose, mine      

C. Whose, my          A. Who, my   

(     )10. 7 Every morning Ben’s grandfather _______ for  a walk around the lake.

A .go             B.is going         

C. went         D. goes



1. Yesterday I ________ (read) about an interesting story in the newspaper.

2. I’m going to tell _________ (he) about my school.

3. My eyes are bigger than  ______ (she).

4. You can get off at the __________ (three) stop.

5. We ______  (go) for a walk in the park last Sunday morning..

6. My mother ___________(make) some delicious food now .

7. We _________ (play)football this afternoon.

8. __________(be) there any water in the bottle now ?



(  )1.How do we go there?                  

(  )2. Are you as heavy as your sister?     

(  )3.Can I have your e-mail address?      

(  )4.What’s the matter?                 

(  )5.Who do you want to write to?         

(  )6. Let’s go swimming this afternoon.   

(  )7.Hello, may I speak to Gao Shan?      

(  )8.What did you do last week?          

A.I’ve got a headache.

B. Great!

C. Mary.

D.I made a kite.

E.No,I’m not.

F.Sorry, wrong number.

G.Yes,of course.

H.By taxi.


1.A: Which   ____   do you like ____?

B: I like  ____.

A: Why?

B: Because it’s  ____ , I can  ____ .

2.A: Excuse me, can you  ____  me the ____ to the park?

   B: Go  ____ this street and  _____    ____   at the  ____  crossing.         

   A: How ____ is it from here?

   B: It’s about 5 kilometres  ____. You can____ bus NO.11.  

   A: Thank you very much.                             

   B: You’re ______.  



1. 他们正在讨论他们的周末计划。

They are talking about _________ _______ _______ the weekends.

2. 南京秋天的天气怎么样?

 What’s the _______ like in _______ in Nanjing?

3. 吉姆跑步和迈克一样快吗?                  

   _____ Jim _______ as _____ as Mike ?

4. 我父亲正在他的书房里写信。

My father _______ ________ _______ _______ in his study .



A) 判断下列内容与短文是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”(5分)

Fangfang is a Chinese girl. She lives with her grandparents in Xi’an because her parents work in France. Last Friday, Fangfang got an e-mail from her French penfriend, Clare. Clare is eleven years old. She likes playing chess and singing. She likes China very much. She hopes to come to China next year. She speaks and writes in Chinese. She always writes to Fangfang in Chinese. In her e-mails, sometimes she writes about her school and her family. There are five people in her family. They are her father, mother, brother and sister. Her brother and sister are twins. They are two years younger than Clare.

(   )1. Fangfang is a Chinese girl, but she lives in France.

(   )2. Fangfang’s penfriend is from France.

(   )3. Clare and her brother are twins.

(   )4. Clare can speak a little Chinese, but she can’t write in Chinese.

(   )5. There are five people in Clare’s family.


It is Sunday morning. Kate is walking along the street. She wants to go to the bookshop. Suddenly, it starts to rain. She runs into a shop nearby. She meets her friend Betty there.

Kate: Bad weather, isn’t it?

Betty: Yes, it always rains in spring here.

Kate: I don’t like rainy days. So I don’t like spring here.

Betty: Summer is my favourite season. I can go swimming. I like it a lot.

Kate: I like winter better than summer because I can go skating in winter.

Betty: What an exciting sport! But I can’t skate.

Kate: Don’t worry. I can teach you.

Betty: That would be great!

(   )1. Who is walking along the street?

 A. Kate.      B. Betty.       C. Helen.

 (   )2. What day is it?

 A. It’s Saturday.     

B. On Sunday morning.  

C. It’s Sunday.

(   )3. Where does the girl want to go?

A. A shop.        

B. A bookshop.         

C. A cinema.

(   )4. What’s Kate’s favourite season?

A. Summer.      B. Winter.    C. Spring.

(   )5. What is Kate going to do in winter? She is going to teach Betty _____.

A. to ski              

B. to make snowmen      

C. to skate



你最喜欢哪个季节?为什么?请以“My favourite season”为题写一篇小短文描述一下。不少于5句话。












C  D  B  A  D


1. 最好的季节  2. 更早去睡觉 3. 在第二站  4. 给他写信  

5. 大部分时间  6. have a picnic  7. every five minutes  8. as young as

9. an English girl  10. go for a walk


 1.C  2.B  3.C  4.A  5.D  6.B  7.C  8.A  9.B  10.D


1.read   2.him   3. hers   4.third   5.went   

6. is making   7. will play/are going to play   8.Is




1.season  best  summer  hot  go  swimming

2.tell  way  along  turn  right  second  far  away  take  welcome


1. their  plans  for  2. weather  autumn  

3. Does  run  fast    4. is  writing  a  letter


A) 判断下列内容与短文是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”(5分)

F  T  F  F  T


  A  C  B  B  C









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