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2016-05-08 石晓蔚 陈寿文




1.A H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book One: Elements of the Real in Man, 《钻石途径 I:现代心理学与灵修的整合》

2. A H. Almaas, Diamond Heart Book Three: Being and the Meaning of Life, 《钻石途径 III:探索真相的火焰》

3. Andrew Harvey, The Direct Path, 《自悟之路》

4. Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas, 《印加能量疗法:一位人类学家的巫士学习之旅》

5. Antoinette Moltzan, A Course in Light, 《光的课程:开啟内在生命之光的途径》

6. Being-in-Dreaming. Florinda Donner in Conversation with Alexander Blair-Ewart, Dimensions, Feb., 1992.

7. Benjamin Epstein, Interview with Carlos Castaneda, Los Angeles Times, Dec. 26, 1995

8. Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber, Hunter Beaumont, Love's Hidden Symmetry: what makes love work in relationships, 《家族星座治疗:海寧格的系统心理疗法》

9. Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan, 《解离的真实:与巫士唐望的对话》

10. Carlos Castaneda, Carlos Castaneda and the Death Defier, Abridged from a Tensegrity Lecture.

11. Carlos Castaneda, Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan, 《巫士唐望的世界》

12. Carlos Castaneda, Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico

13. Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity, 《战士旅行者:巫士唐望的最终指引》

14. Carlos Castaneda, The Art of Dreaming, 《做梦的艺术》

15. Carlos Castaneda, The Eagle's Gift, 《老鹰的赠予─唐望故事》

16. Carlos Castaneda, The Fire from Within, 《内在的火焰─唐望故事》

17. Carlos Castaneda, The Power of Silence, 《寂静的知识─唐望故事》

18. Carlos Castaneda, The Second Ring of Power, 《巫士的传承─唐望故事》

19. Carlos Castaneda, The Tales of Power, 《力量的传奇─唐望故事》

20. Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, 《巫士唐望的教诲》

21. Carlos Castaneda, The Wheel Of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe (时间之轮)

22. Carol Tiggs Chronology, http://www.sustainedaction.org

23. Concha Labarta, Interview with Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar and Carol Tiggs, Mas Alla Magazine, Apr., 1997, Spain

24. Cyril Scott, The Boy Who Saw True, 《通灵日记:看见真相的男孩》

25. Dalai Lama, Francisco J. Varela ed., Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying: An exploration of consciousness with the Dalai Lama, 《达赖:心与梦的解析》

26. Dalai Lama, Consciousness at the Crossroads : Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brainscience and Buddhism, 《意识的歧路:佛法 VS. 科学;心 VS. 脑》

27. Daniel Goleman ed., Healing Emotions: conversations with Dailai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health, 《情绪疗癒》

28. Daniel Trujillo Rovas, Navigaitng into the Unknown: An Inerview with Carlos Castaneda, Uno Mismo, Chile and Argentina, February, 1977. 鲁宓网路译稿,〈领航进入未知:访谈卡罗斯?卡斯塔尼达〉。

29. David Pond, Chakras for Beginners, 《气轮?能量?爱相随》

30. Deepak Chopra, How to Know God: The Soul's Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries, 《看见神:认识神的七种面貌》

31. Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, 《让心自由》

32. Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment, 《当下的力量:灵性开悟之指引》

33. Ein Kursbuch Von Bert Hellinger, Ordnungen Der Liebe, 《爱的序位》

34. Florinda Donner-Grau, Being-in-Dreaming: An Initiation into the Sorcerers' World

35. G.I. Gurdjieff, Meetings with Remarkable Men, 《与奇人相遇:第四道大师葛吉夫的灵修之路》

36. G.I. Gurdjieff, Views from the Real World, 《来自真实世界的声音》

37. Gary E. Schwartz & William L. Simon, The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death, 《灵魂实验》

38. Gayle Delaney, Living Your Dreams, 《你是作梦大师:孵梦?解梦?活用梦》

39. Hegen Herrigel, Zen in the Art of Archery / The Method of Zen, 《开悟的神祕与趣味》

40. J. Krishnamurti, Freedom, Love and Action, 《自由?爱?行动》

41. J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life: Daily meditations with Krishnamurti, 《生命之书:365日的静心冥想》

42. James F. Twyman, Emissary of Light, 《战地灵光》

43. Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, 《个人与群体事件的本质》(赛斯书)

44. Jane Roberts, Adventures in Consciousness, 《意识的探险》

45. Jane Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment, 《梦、进化与价值完成》(赛斯书)

46. Jane Roberts, How to Develop Your ESP Power, 《赛思秘件:灵媒超感应力的真相》

47. Jane Roberts, Psychic Politics, 《心灵政治》

48. Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, 《灵魂永生》(赛斯书)

49. Jane Roberts, Seth, Dreams & Projection of Consciousness, 《梦与意识投射》(赛斯书)

50. Jane Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality (Volume One & Two), 《未知的实相》(赛斯书) 一、二卷

51. Jane Roberts, The Further Education of Oversoul, 《穿梭实相幻相》(超灵七号系列 2)

52. Jane Roberts, The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto

53. Jane Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, 《个人与群体事件的本质》(赛斯书)

54. Jane Roberts, The Magical Approach, 《神奇之道》(赛斯书)

55. Jane Roberts, The Nature of Personal Reality, 《个人实相的本质(上、下》(赛斯书)

56. Jane Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, 《心灵的本质》(赛斯书)

57. Jane Roberts, The Seth Material, 《灵界的讯息》(赛斯书)

58. Jane Roberts, The Way Toward Health, 《健康之道:最后的一堂赛斯课》(赛斯书)

59. Jayne Gackenbach & Jane Bosveld, Control Your Dreams, 《梦的指南:解析奥妙的清明之梦》

60. Jeffrey A. Wands & Tom Philbin, The Psychic in You – Understand and Harness Your Natural Psychic Power, 《飞进第六感:一位灵媒的亲身经歷》

61. Jeremy W. Hayward & Francisco J. Varela ed., Gentle Bridges: Conversations with Dailai Lama on Sciences of Mind,《揭开心智的奥秘》

62. John Lash, Gnostic Parallels in the Writings of Carlos Castaneda, June, 2005.

63. Judith Orloff, M.D., Second Sight, 《神奇的第二视觉:一个心理医生的灵视之旅》

64. Julia M. Busch, My Secret Life with an Angel: Earth in the Seventh Circle, 《与天使对话的秘密:一个通灵者的自述》

65. Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, 《先知》

66. Ken Wilber, Grace and Grit: spirituality and healing in the life and death of Treya Killam Wilber, 《恩宠与勇气》

67. Ken Wilber, One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber, 《一味》

68. Ken Wilber, The Spectrum of Consciousness(意识的光谱)

69. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life: Daily meditations with Krishnamurti, 《生命之书:365 日的静思冥想》

70. Larry Wachowski, The Many Meanings of the Matrix, 网路译稿:郭大路

71. Lynn V. Andrews, Medicine Woman, 《药女》

72. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental meditation, 《超觉静坐:本体科学与生活的艺术》

73. Marlo Morgan, Message from Forever, 《旷野之歌》

74. Marlo Morgan, Mutant Message Down Under, 《旷野的声音》

75. Michael J. Road, Getting There, 《少年海鸟之歌》

76. Michael J. Roads, Into a Timeless Realm, 《走出时间之外》

77. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, 《全像宇宙投影三部曲:【第一部】发现现实世界》

78. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, 《全像宇宙投影三部曲:【第二部】心志与肉体》

79. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, 《全像宇宙投影三部曲:【第三部】时间与空间》

80. Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner & Alan Vaughan, Dream Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal Extrasensory Perception, 《梦境实验室:夜间的超感知觉经验》

81. Murray Stein, Jung's Map of the Soul: an introduction, 《荣格心灵地图》

82. Nancy Ashley, A Seth Workbook: Create Your Own Reality, 《心灵探险:赛斯修练法 》

83. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Book II) , 《与神对话 II》

84. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Book III) , 《与神对话 III》

85. Norbu Namkhai, Michael Katz ed., Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light, 《梦瑜珈》

86. Osho, And the Flower Showered,《花落繽纷》

87. Osho, Autobiography of a Spiritually. Incorrect Mystic, 《叛逆的灵魂:奥修自传》

88. Osho, Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance, 《觉察:品尝自在合一的佛性滋味》

89. Osho, In Search of the Miraculous, vol. I, 《找寻奇蹟(上册)》

90. Osho, In Search of the Miraculous, vol. II, 《找寻奇蹟(下册)》

91. Osho, Joy: The happiness that comes from within, 《喜悦:从内在深处涌现的快乐》

92. Osho, Meeting with Remarkable People, 《与先哲奇人相遇》

93. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot, 《奥修禪卡:禪宗超凡的游戏》

94. Osho, The Book of Ego: Free from Illusion, 《奥修说自我:从幻象中解脱》

95. Osho, The Book of Wisdom, 《清醒后离开:最后的叛逆》

96. Osho, The Seven Vital Energy Centers, 《脉轮能量书 I:回归存在的意识地图》

97. Osho, Tantra, The Supreme Understanding : discourses on the tantric way of Tilopa’ s song of Mahamudra, 《存在之诗:藏密教义的终极体验》

98. Peter D. Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, 《探索奇蹟:认识第四道大师葛吉夫》

99. Patricia Joudry & Maurie D.Pressman, M.D., Twin Souls: Finding your true spiritual partner, 《寻觅孪生的灵性伴侣》

100. Pat Rodegast, Emmanual’s Book, 《宇宙逍遥游》(伊曼纽书)

101. Ramana Maharshi, The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi, 《回到你心中》

102. Richard Bach, Illusions, 《梦幻飞行》

103. Robert A. Monroe, Far Journeys, 《灵魂出体》

104. Robert A. Monroe, The Ultimate Journey

105. Robert H. Hopcke, There Are No Accidents--Synchronicity and the Stories of Our Lives, 《意外的礼物:生命中的机缘与巧合》

106. Roger Walsh & Frances Vaughan ed., Paths Beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision, 《超越自我之道:超个人心理学的大趋势》

107. Russ Michael, Finding Your Soul Mate, 《寻找灵魂伴侣》

108. Sanaya Roman, Living with Joy, 《喜悦之道:个人力量与灵性成长之钥》(欧林书)

109. Sanaya Roman, LuminEssence: Qualities of Divine Will, 《神圣意志能量接引:从心而上——谈穿透的宇宙能量与身心灵的转化》(欧林书)

110. Serena Roney-Dougal, Where Science & Magic Meet, 《科学与神祕的交叉点》

111. Shirley MacLaine, The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit, 《圣地牙哥性灵之旅》

112. Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, 《西藏生死书》

113. Stanislav Grof, M.D. & Hal Bennett, Ph.D., The Holotropic Mind, 《探索意识极境:意识革命》

114. Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaran & Andre Percia de Carvalho, Extraordinary Dreams: and How to Work with Them, 《超凡之梦:激发你的创意与超感知觉》

115. Stephen Segaller & Merrill Berger, The Wisdom of the Dream: The world of C.G. Jung,《梦的智慧:荣格的世界》

116. Swami Rama, Living With the Himalayan Masters, 《大师在喜马拉雅山》

117. Sylvia Browne & Lindsay Harrison, Blessing from the Other Side, 《来自灵界的答案:让我们超越生死无常的灵界真相》

118. Sylvia Browne & Lindsay Harrison, The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond, 《灵魂之旅:一位灵媒眼中的灵界与尘世》

119. Sylvia Browne, Past Lives, Future Healing, 《细胞记忆:揭开前世今生超连结、业障病、细胞灵魂印记的惊人祕密》

120. Taisha Abelar , Sorcerers' Crossing: A Woman's Journey (巫士的穿越)

121. Terry Lynn Taylor & Mary Beth Crain, Angel Journey Cards, 《天使占卜卡:自我发现游戏 》

122. Thich Nhat Hanh一行禪师, The Sun My Heart,《观照的奇蹟》

123. Tracy Chapman, Carlos Castaneda and the Matrix; a question and a passage.

124. Zara Houshmand, Robert B. Livingston, B. Alan Wallace ed., Consciousness at the Crossroads, 《意识的歧路:佛法 vs. 科学;心 vs. 脑》

125. 王季庆,《心内革命:迈入爱与光的新时代》

126. 王季庆,《赛斯让你成為命运的创造者》

127. 王静蓉,《沐浴在光中》

128. 王静蓉,《从直觉到通灵:一条抵达寧静的道路》

129. 柳时和,《穷人的幸福》

130. 张伟杰, (图丹?班玛华丹),《藏密睡梦瑜珈》

131. 鲁宓等著,《关於性的最高观点:人,如何透过性提昇到最高境界》

132. 黎国雄,《灵魂出窍与意识潜能:超脱形体束缚的神祕力量》

