
Principles we have summarized.....| 海读沙龙 High Talk No3

海读沙龙 海读沙龙 2022-07-05

High Talk No4 @21st April ,pls click 阅读原文 to read the notice

Previous event summary:

What you have been through during the Sring Festival(High talk No2)

Happier 2018 (High Talk No1) 

 [you can click the bule word link to check the summary]

We got 7 good English speakers on 25th March. This time, we talked over our life Principles, which is also the name of the book by Dalio we discussed one week before. 


Since we were all interested in this topic, we shared opinions on our principles on all aspects of life, including career, friendship, parenting, interpersonal relationships, etc.


Thefollowing are summaries of some of the participants’ talks:    


Dr. Li (Dr from Germany):


In this activity, I shared two of the principles in mywork: balance and update. Almost for every  treatment, we need tobalance its benefit and risk. For instance, thrombolysis (solve the blood clotto restore blood flow) is an effective therapy for acute ischemic stroke (a bloodclot stop the blood supply to the brain), but this therapy increase the risk ofhemorrhagic transformation. Thus we need to balance the benefit and risk ofthrombolysis. If a patient come to hospital too late, or is too severe, therisk might outweigh the benefit.


Medicine is  an ever-changingscience.  As new  research  and  clinical experience broaden  our  knowledge,  changes  in  treatment  and  drug therapy  are required. This sentence is from a famous book in neurology "Adams and Vitor's principles of neurology". Therefore, the competence of a doctor is not measured by his years of experience, but his effort to update knowledge and learn from practice. Deliberate practice is moreimportant than just repetitive work.


I also gain a lot from other people's speeches. Zhang,Xin shared a case in her work, and showed the importance of communication. We also face similar situations in clinical practice. Some patients and their relatives do not understand the limitation of medicine, we need to explain why we cannot achieve their expectation, this is also an important element in ourdaily work.


Ms. Gao (IP Laywer)


I would like to share my principles "never give up, believe in yourself and stick to your dream", and "don't count onone moment's gain and loss, your efforts will finally be rewarded"


My life has changed greatly in the past two weeks. I finally made a decision to quit my job as a legal adviser and entered into something new, although with no experience at all.  


After deciding to quit, I did not have a clear pictureof my future career, which industry, which function, which position. So much possibilities, and the fact that I don't have any experience but intellectual property made me fearful. 


Then I called Cathy, our Hireading Club's founder, for some recommendations. She told me about an excellent job opportunity at once. Although I don't have job experience in that field, I made a good impression to the department leader and is waiting for the final decision.  


Actually my volunteer experience at hireading club helps me a lot. I show HR and the leader about my articles published at HighReading's Wechat account, told them how I help organize each event, how to squeeze time to do these things with such heavy pressure. The leader is alsovery interested in Hireading's booklist. I did not make any money from Highreading, but I obtained many skills, obtained friendship, and obtained confidenceas well as much better job.


Although I don't have a clear picture on my career path, I am always strive for the better, as it is my dream to be a good person. My volunteer work at Hireading finally paid off, letting me to strive for abetter career and a better life.  


Ms. He (back from Britain)


Thanks to the HI READING club, I get to know the book“Principles” written by Ray Dalio. I have been reading this book in my sparetime, however, I have not finished yet. So I would like to share what I haveread so far.


In this book, Ray firstly talked about his lifestories and then he shared his principles in the work and life. This book trulyprovides me with a way of thinking in three questions: (1) what do you want?(2) what is true? (3) what are you going to do about it? These three questionsare quite hard for me to answer, perhaps I need to spend more time in learning before I can summarize my own principles.


Ray stated that “Principles are ways of successfullydealing with reality to get what you want out of life”. Ray believed that the successful people do by their own principles that help them be successful,because they have a clear way of thinking and explaining their own principles,although they each have their own goals and their own personality. Ray also stressed that having your good own principles will make better decisions andbetter lives.


Additionally, I am impressed by the story of author Ray Dalio’s son Matt. I am a deaf woman and I have a hearing disability, which leads me to be more sensible about disability. The book said that Matt foundedChild Care Foundation, which is to look after and help children with specialneeds, including Chinese orphans. The book did not tell us much about Matt’s story. Perhaps Matt followed his father Ray’s Principles, I guess.


Ray’s principles are summarized that (1) when making adecision, he has a habit of writing down his criteria on decision-making; (2)and the criteria can be systemized to develop his own principles. I do hope Ican quickly find out my own principles in the future like Ray can explain hisown principles in the book---Rather than thinking ‘I’m right’, I started to askmyself ‘how do I know I’m right’.


Ms. Zhang (Lawyer, back from UK)


The topic of last hi-talk is Principles. After a short self-introduction, I shared an example of “principles”in my career. As alawyer, I was faced with the dilemma of whether to meet all the demands of clients every day, which may be unreasonable and violating the ethics and practices disciplines . In my opinion, the first principle of dealing with thiskind of issue is to communicate with the clients and find an alternative way which may both meet the demands of clients and lawyer’s professional requirements. If the first principle did not work, upholding professionalrequirements is the second principle. Other participants shared their ownpersonal experiences, especially Dr. Li gave us his point of view in relationto the value of communication in dealing with doctor-patient relationship.


Ms. Lu (Post graduate, back from France)


My story about the topic “principle” was from my daily life, which related to the relationship towards me and my families. My principle is a promise made between my mom and me. She said to me when I was a teenager: I have responsibility to cultivate you to be a good woman; correspondingly,you have responsibility to let me know your activities and thinking. During recent 20 years, this principle is fixed between us. I told her all my storiesno matter what about, for instance, learning, work, friends, relationship,breakup, happiness, sadness and so on. I am very lucky that my mom is quiteopen-minded comparing to other typical Chinese parents. She is acceptable towards different culture and always updates her knowledge from internet. This principle gives us a pathway to communicate with child and parents, and we take advantage to this principle to open our heart to respect and accept othersfeeling. I would like to define such kind of relationship as “equal love”.




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复“NO+数字”或者“读书+数字”查阅往期读书会总结,例如:NO20 或者   读书21

NO3自私  生命的游戏弗兰克施尔马赫
NO12亲密关系克里斯多夫  孟
NO14My  country, my peopleLin  Yutang
NO17人类简史尤瓦尔  赫拉利
NO18SONNETWilliam  Shakespear
NO23史蒂夫  乔布斯传沃尔特·艾萨克森
NO30未来简史尤瓦尔  赫拉利
NO31THINK,  FAST AND SLOWDaniel  Kahneman
NO33创业维艰Ben  Horowitz
NO34军人与国家Samuel  Hengtington
NO35从1到无穷大乔治  伽莫夫


