
IBW2017·哈尔滨 | 参会准备 | 预习报告人的研究兴趣

2017-08-04 小丫 嘉因生物




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Yi Xing,Illuminating dark matters of the human transcriptome

The long-term goal of our research is to elucidate how genomic and environmental variation of RNA regulatory networks impacts phenotypic traits and diseases. We are a hybrid computational and experimental lab. We combine genomic, bioinformatic, molecular, and network approaches to study mRNA processing and post-transcriptional gene regulation in mammalian cells. We develop novel computational and statistical methods for analysis of massive genome and transcriptome data. We integrate computational studies with high-throughput and experimental research to systematically investigate the variation and dynamics of RNA regulatory networks between species, within human populations, and in response to developmental and disease signals. 

韩敬东,Integrative data analysis for development and aging

Our research is focused on three areas: 1) Integration of genomic and functional genomics data to formulate biological hypotheses for human disease-related processes. 2) Understanding complex human diseases through structure, dynamics and function of disease-related networks. 3) Genetic robustness or fail-safe mechanisms engineered to genetic networks. Using data-mining, statistics approaches and network theories, we first try to generate biological hypotheses and computational models, and then use molecular biology, cell biology and systems biology approaches to validate and refine models and hypotheses.

Ying Xu,Cell cycle in cancer cells

Our group's research and development center around the following areas:

Cancer Computational and Systems Biology: We are interested in developing integrated computational and omic techniques for (a) identification of biomarkers for a number of human cancers, detetable through analyses of serum/urine samples, and (b) understanding the relationships between molecular signatures and cancer formation & development. Our work involves microarray gene expression data generation and analyses, comparative genome analyses and analyses of other experimental data.

Study of Microbial Genome Structure and Application to Pathway & Network Inference: We are interested in understanding both the micro- and macro-structures of microbial genomes through computational studies and experimental validation, and in understanding why microbial genomes are organized the way they are. We are also interested applying the knowledge and information gained through such studies to prediction of pathways and networks in microbes.

王亚东,Challenges of analyzing big biological data


赵方庆,Ciruclar RNAs: composition, expression and evolution

1. Genetic variation and Precision medicine

2. Bioinformatics in Circular RNAs

3. Metagenomics and Human health

Ting Wang,The evolution of human epigenomes

Our research is to understand the evolution and adaption of human regulatory networks, with a focus on the impact of these processes on human health and disease. In particular, we investigate the evolutionary model of mobile elements (or transposable elements) and their roles in basic biology and cancer, including their genetic and epigenetic regulation.

We use integrative and systems methods. We develop statistical and computational algorithms to explore the human genome, to integrate cross-species comparative and high-throughput genomics data. We test our hypothesis and validate our predictions in the wet lab.

Our interests span areas of genomics, epigenomics, evolution, computation, systems biology and many more. We also have a general interest in large data integration and visualization, including developing genome and genomics browsers, and developing tools for analyzing high-throughput genomics data, including next-gen sequencing data.


在国防科技大学从事高性能计算、生物医药大数据、金融大数据、移动计算等研究工作,并担任高性能计算生命科学方向负责人,华大基因研究院 “特聘教授”。主持国家自科基金项目3项(重点1项)和国家发改委项目等,一作出版专著和论文50余篇(Nature Communication, ACM/ IEEE Transactions,《中国科学》等),参与天河系列超级计算机应用软件研发工作,获军队科技进步一等奖1项。CCF高性能计算和传感器网络专委会委员、CCF高级会员、YOCSEF长沙2015-2016副主席、ACM/IEEE会员。

高歌,Accurately annotate genetic variants: what we learned from 1.1 PB omics data

课题组以生物信息学分析技术、方法与平台开发为基础,通过综合运用大数据与统计学习(statistical learning)等计算方法,整合高通量遗传学与功能基因组学数据,探索新表达调控因子的功能与演化及其对生物体新性状和新功能的贡献。目前课题组主要研究方向包括1) 非编码RNA对干细胞命运决定过程的调控、与2) 基因组中适应性基因获得/丢失对调控网络演化的影响。

Wei Wang,Genomics and epigenomics

We are interested in understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying cell fate decision. Especially, we take a multi-scale approach that integrates computational and experimental investigation of epigenetic regulation in cell fate decision from molecular level to genomic level then to systems level. We aim to build computational and theoretical models to uncover fundamental principles that govern cell fate decision in development and cellular reprogramming and design strategies to intelligently manipulate cell state.

Our research is highly interdisciplinary. The methods we use range from molecular modeling of protein structures, to bioinformatics analysis of epigenomic data generated by sequencing technology, to statistical learning of genetic network, to biophysical modeling of epigenetic landscape. The theoretical work is tightly coupled with experimental investigation that exploits molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and genomic techniques.

杨力,Genome-wide characterization and evolutionary analysis of backspliced circRNAs

We are carrying out a series of work to focus on decoding the regulatory network of poly(A)- lncRNAs across species. First, we further improve computational algorithms for poly(A)- lncRNA identification and their function predication in different species. Second, with the application of high-throughput poly(A)- RNA sequencing and aforementioned algorithms, we are in the progress of systematically profiling various of poly(A)- lncRNAs from different species and cell lines. In addition, we plan to knock down/knock out some key enzymes that are known to involve in lncRNA biogenesis to identify more poly(A)- lncRNA across species. Moreover, we will predict and validate possible conserved/consensus motifs in poly(A)- lncRNAs across species to decipher their importance for lncRNA biogenesis during evolution. Furthermore, we plan to identify any possible protein, RNA and DNA partners that bind to specific poly(A)- lncRNAs by performing state-of-the-art binding assays, such as CHART (Capture Hybridization Analysis of RNA Targets) and ChIRP (Chromatin Isolation by RNA Purification). Finally, we have obtain human embryonic stem cells with specific poly(A)- lncRNA repression and are ready to fully address their potential functions by checking the genome-wide gene expression changes.

Jian Ma,New Algorithms to Decode Genome Organization

Our long-term goal is to develop novel computational methods to address a fundamental challenge in biology and biomedicine, i.e., how the changes in genome sequence give rise to the differences in phenotypes (at both cellular and organism levels). Such insights will shed new light on disease mechanisms. We develop algorithms to explore the human genome to identify different types of genomic changes and study their impact on genome function, chromatin and nuclear genome organization, and gene regulation. We develop systems biology approaches to identifying key genetic variants in cancer development and progression.

徐书华,Identifying and prioritizing adaptive variants from whole-genome sequences of Tibetan highlanders



  • 人类基因组的遗传结构

  • 人群混合及环境适应性

  • 数据库构建及软件开发

Yunlong Liu,Roles of alternative splicing in complex disease

The Liu Laboratory (Laboratory for Computational Genomics) uses systems biology approaches to understand regulatory mechanisms of gene expression, including transcriptional regulation, post-transcriptional regulation, and epigenetic regulation.  This area involves several interdisciplinary components, including functional genomics, genetics, computational and statistical modeling, computer science/engineering, and data management.  

Wei Li,3'UTR Shortening Represses Tumor Suppressors in trans by Disrupting ceRNA Crosstalk

Our lab is focused on the design and application of bioinformatics algorithms to elucidate global epigenetic mechanisms and transcription dynamics in normal development and diseases such as cancer.

We have developed a number of widely used algorithms to analyze next generation sequencing data from ChIP-seq (MACS, MACE), DNA methylation Bisulfite-seq (BSMAP/RRBSMAP, BSeQC, MOABS), nucleosome positioning MNase-seq (DANPOS), and RNA-seq (CPAT, RSeQC, DaPars). These algorithms have 47 32385 47 15288 0 0 2879 0 0:00:11 0:00:05 0:00:06 2984 been broadly adopted by thousands of academic users. For example, the MACS algorithm has gathered >3000 citations since 2008.

In collaboration with experimental biologists, we used these algorithms to gain novel biological insights from various biological processes and disease models.

李亦学,Genomic Analysis Reveals Hypoxia Adaptation in the Tibetan Mastiff by Introgression of the Grey Wolf from the Tibetan Plateau


Yun Li,Hugin: Hi-C Unifying Genomic Interrogator

The focus of my research is on the development of statistical methods and their application to the genetic dissection of complex diseases and traits. In particular, I have developed genotype imputation methods (implemented in software MaCH and MaCH-Admix) that have become standard in the analysis of genome-wide association scans. I have developed methods for meta-analysis, imputation, local ancestry inference, and region-based association analysis of rare variants in both genetically homogeneous populations and in admixed populations, and assessed different approaches to handle imputation uncertainty in subsequent association analysis. I have worked on genomewide scans for genetic variants underlying several metabolic, auto-immune and cardiovascular diseases and related quantitative traits. In addition, I have developed methods to accommodate low-coverage sequencing data for genotype calling and for association testing (implemented in software thunder [component of GotCloud], BETASEQ, UNCcombo) and have been actively involved in a number of next-generation sequencing (NGS) based studies including the 1000 Genomes Project (Project Leader on calling SNP genotypes from low-coverage pilot), identification of RNA-DNA differences (RDDs), targeted sequencing of selected exons in >14,000 individuals, the WHI whole exome sequencing project (WHISP), and whole genome sequencing based studies for type 2 diabetes, for cannabis and stimulant dependence, and for blood lipid levels, Exome Sequencing Project (ESP), and TOPMed project. More recently, I have worked on method development for Hi-C data, particularly to aid in the annotation of GWAS associated regulatory variants in terms of their target gene(s) and potential causal mechanism. I have also developed methods for DNA methylation data and actively participated in multiple epigenomewide association studies.

叶凯,Systematic discovery of complex insertions and deletions in human cancers


Sheng Zhong,Systematic mapping of RNA-chromatin interactions in vivo

We study gene regulation and cellular behavior by developing statistical and experimental methods. Our primary goal is to develop new technologies to map molecular networks, including RNA-RNA interactome [Nat Comm, 2016], RNA-chromatin interactome [Curr Biol, 2017], and protein-protein interactome. Our secondary quest is to model the variations of these networks in three axes, namely developmental time, personal difference, and evolutionary change. Our major tools include epigenomic and single-cell assays, single-molecule imaging, statistical modeling, and large scale computation.

钱文峰,Genetic interaction network as a major determinant of gene order in the genome

The long term goal of our lab is to understand basic rules in gene expression regulation and biological adaptation. There are four major ongoing research topics in our group.
(1) Regulatory mechanisms of transcription and translation, aiming to understand the function of each nucleotide;
(2) Single-cell DNA methylome and transcriptome, aiming to understand how robust transcriptome is maintained among isogenic cells that are in the same environment;
(3) The rates of point mutation and homologous recombination, and their impacts on the rate of adaptation;
(4) Ploidy and aneuploidy variation, and their impacts on the growth rate of cells (including tumor cells).

张治华,Delta: An integrative analysis and visualization platform for 3D genome

ZHANG’s lab combines the methods of computational systems biology with the cutting-edge experimental technologies to study the structure and function of 3D genome (Fig 1). There are four major research interests in our group.

1. 3D Genome. Gene transcription in eukaryotes is tightly regulated by a series of regulatory elements, e.g promoters, enhancers, inhibitors. Many of these regulatory elements located far away from their targeting genes. To determine the interactions between the distal regulatory elements and genes is critical in understanding gene regulatory network (GRN). We are interested in the questions like: a) how to predict target genes of a given distal regulatory element in this complex interaction network; b) how to predict the spatiotemporal expressive pattern by the feature of GRN; c) what is the spatial structure of chromatin fibers in nuclear and its relationship with the GRN functions; d) what is the connection between the 3D genome and variations detected in GWAS studies. 
2. Long noncoding RNAs. In the formation of 3D genome structure in nuclear, and the regulatory activity of distal elements, noncoding RNA plays an important role. We are interested in the questions like: a) how lncRNAs interact with chromatin associated proteins in the context of chromatin-chromatin interactions. b) How to predict the targeting genes of a long noncoding RNA ; c) the genesis, process and regulation of enhancer associated RNAs and circularRNAs. 
3. The micro-evolution of the gene regulatory network (GRN). We are focusing on how the topology and network dynamics change by the mutation in the process of tumorgenesis, the formation and development of tumor heterogeneity and tumor metastasis and how the changes affect the evolution of tumor in vivo. We anticipate developing a new computational method to identify the genetic or epigenetic variations which play important roles in this process from the point of view of the dynamic evolution of the GRN. 
4. Artificial intelligence and biomedical big data. We are focusing on using artificial intelligence to deep mining biomedical big data to understand the relationship between genetic or epigenetic variations and complex diseases, such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Han Liang,The Pan-Cancer Analysis using TCGA and ICGC data

The fundamental question driving our research paradigm is how to take full advantage of cancer genomic data to elucidate the molecular basis of human cancer and develop effective prognostic and therapeutic strategies, thereby contributing to the true promise of personalized or precision cancer therapy. Combining both computational and experimental approaches, my group research focuses on the following areas.

  1. Develop cutting-edge computational algorithms and bioinformatic tools for better analyzing cancer genomic data

  2. Pan-cancer analyses using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data

  3. Investigate the functional role of RNA editing in cancer

  4. Develop systems-biology approaches for inferring driver molecular events from next-generation sequencing data

汪小我,Regulation by competing: a hidden layer of gene regulatory networks



Xiaole Liu,Widespread B cell clonal expansions and related mechanisms of immune evasions in human cancers

Our research focuses on algorithm development and integrative mining from high throughput data to understand gene regulation in cancer biology. We have developed a number of widely used algorithms for transcription factor motif finding, ChIP-chip / ChIP-seq / DNase-seq / CRISPR screen data analysis. Through integrating genome-wide transcription factor binding, chromatin dynamics, gene expression profiles, and chemical and functional screens, we try to model the specificity and function of transcription factors, chromatin regulators, RNA binding proteins, kinases, and lncRNAs in tumor development, progression, drug response and resistance.

最后,睡前读一读榕二当年写的那篇《学术会议高手速成 之 七种武器 (全)》,点击左下角“阅读原文”直达。






