

TOP-TALK designverse设计宇宙 2023-05-04



INTERVIEWEE:Kim Bukbjerg Fiedler  HAY亚太区总监

INTERVIEWER:葉春曦 嫩鸟品牌管理创始人



——  HAY亚太区总监 Kim Fiedler


Isa Ye: HAY is a young brand, but it is experienced in design, technology and other aspects. So could you please give us a brief introduction of its background?

Kim Fiedler:HAY由丹麦设计师Rolf HAYMette HAY夫妇于2002年创立并担任品牌创意总监,分别聚焦家具设计和饰品设计。


Kim Fiedler: HAY is a young brand compared to a lot of other European brands, which was established in 2002 by a Danish couple Rolf Hay and Mette Hay who are now creative directors respectively for furniture and accessories. HAY is committed to providing original and innovative design ideas to both market and customers. Meanwhile, HAY is positioned as an affordable luxury brand. So we made a reasonable and overall price list to ensure HAY's products are affordable tocustomers, and we believe it's also the principle guide line of HAY.


Isa Ye: Would you like to share more about HAY's price position in the Chinese market?


Kim Fiedler:类比时装品牌COS,他们有良好的设计,高质量的原材料,令人赏心悦目的产品外观,以及合适的市场定价。HAY在设计、质量和价格上也有着同样的追求和定位。


Kim Fiedler:Well. We can compare with COS, a fashion brand. Though it is well designed with high-quality raw materials and pleasing appearance. So this is how we stand out, relatively lower price with good design and high quality. 

HAY cooperates with designers all over the world, including some famous designers who also design for high-end brands. But I think our price is the DNA of HAY and is competitive among other brands, as in China the price is the sameas and even lower than in Europe. 

When we move into China we think it’s important that our DNA is that we want to be affordable. After all, we want to have a nice quality product and then we can sell to our customers and make more people know HAY. 


Isa Ye: HAY always likes to do something interesting and innovative, such as co-branding.Over the past years, HAY has cooperated with Sonos, a wireless audio manufacturer and COS, a fashion brand. So what will be considered when HAY chooses its partners?

Kim Fiedler:当Sonos的创始人和HAY的创始人Mette希望两个品牌一起做一些好玩的事情时, Mette选择了5个颜色应用于Sonos音响上,以表达和定义不同的使用场景,如厨房、客厅、浴室、书房等,HAY非常善于“玩”颜色。

Kim Fiedler: Cooperating with Sonos is a decision made by Mette, so it is difficult for me to give a whole picture. But Sonos actually asked Mette Hay to choose some colors for their speakers. And Mette Hay, she doesn’t think that should be one color because they were different things which could be applied for various scenes including kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms and study rooms. So that’s why they ended up being five colors. And we think it was a good opportunity for both companies to promote interesting events. 



除了与品牌之间的跨界合作,我们还在日本东京设立了全球唯一一家HAY Cafe,咖啡店里的很多器具都是由Mette和Frederik 从HAY厨房系列产品中特别甄选,Frederik本人在哥本哈根拥有自己的米其林餐厅、咖啡店。


We also cooperated with COS by decorating its seasonal show windows. We are willing to cooperate with local brands as HAY itself is an innovative furniture brand. Sometimes, we plan a series of events in different modes together with fashion brands and art galleries to promote our brands.

A part from that, we opened the only cafe in the world called HAY Cafe in Tokyo. Many products displayed in the cafe are selected from kitchen series of HAY by Mette and Frederik who owns a Michelin starred restaurant and a cafe. 



Isa Ye: At present, HAY is positioned as a simple furniture and accessories brand with both functionality and art. So after over ten years' market experience, what kind of products do you think are popular in this industry? And why?


Kim Fiedler:什么产品最受市场的欢迎?当然是充满创意并能适应多重场景的产品。


Kim Fiedler: Of course the original products. We create original products which can adjust to various scenes. Let's take this basic plastic chair as an example. People can choose this chair with different materials, patterns and colors, which means one chair may be applied for different scenes. If put it outside, people can choose the chair made of plastic; if put it in the dining room, fabric material is preferred and many other styles or raw materials can be chosen whatever people put it in the bedroom, living room or office.

About Collection (上排三图)和户外系列Palissade(下排图组)



We've learnt many companies and teams focused on only commercial products or only home furniture products. However our products are made in between, which apply for commercial scenes, offices and house hold. 

Besides,our design is simple with multiple functions. In our exhibition hall, it is an interesting experience for most customers to discover hidden functions of products.


比如Revolver Bar Stool就是一个很好的实例,也是我很钟爱的一个产品。它设计简洁,但你仔细看就能发现它原来还带有一个很酷的功能,这种不寻常的创新常能给你带来惊喜。你看,一个普通的巴凳设计成可以360度旋转,赋予它更多的实用性,让你的家居生活顿时灵动起来。

I like Revolver Bar Stool most because it's actually very simple, but when you look at it, you will find various hidden functions. It's not just like a normal product but will surprise you with its innovation. Have a look at this bar stool, and it can spin randomly and can be put anywhere.

Revolver Bar Stool


——  HAY亚太区总监 Kim Fiedler

葉春曦:2016-2017年是HAY在中国市场快速布点的两年,目前在中国的门店数量已经超过了原产国丹麦。基于目前中国市场对产品的需求, HAY是否有针对性的在设计方面做过调整?

Isa Ye: HAY developed fast in the Chinese market between 2016 and 2017. The number of stores in China even exceeds that in Denmark. Based on the perception of the Chinese market, can you analyze above phenomenon? Has HAY made any adjustments to the Chinese market in terms of design?

Kim Fiedler:丹麦的人口只有上海的四分之一,而人口的数量对市场的需求也起着至关重要的作用。当然,我能很自豪地说HAY在中国的发展速度比起在欧洲来说相当快。但是中国的一些企业发展得更快,而我们还像个婴儿一样。


Kim Fiedler:I can be very proud to say that we develop faster in China than in European countries, as the population in Denmark is only one fourth of in Shanghai and I think population is vital to market demands. However, there are so many Chinese companies who are so extremely faster and we are maybe just a small baby compared to them. 

Probably we're here in China so we see China as our home market. However, whether you go into a HAY Store in Denmark or in China, you basically see the same collection.As we all know, some of the products sells better in different regions. You know, for instance, give a good example for cushions. Cushions in Scandinavian sells so fast because this is the way people live, and they need to buy cushions for sofas, but this is not such a common thing in China to buy cushions for sofas with colors. Maybe you do, but in reality, it's not a lot of people doing this. So of course, in this way, there will be differences when products are sold in different stores. 



Of course, we look into trying to adapt. Obviously, we learn more about Denmark market and know the lifestyle of local people, so our products cater to local market. But now that we come to China, we will consider what kind of products adjust to China. And how can we change this, maybe the size, color or raw material of products to open Chinese market.



Isa Ye: What do you think of the opportunity brought about by consumption upgrading?

Kim Fiedler:当消费者没有太多预算的时候,可能会买一些刚好买得起的产品。随着收入水平增长,人们就会想去买更优质的、更能产生共鸣、更有设计感的产品,我觉得这就是一种消费升级。

Kim Fiedler: This is basically what we do every day. And I think it's the same pattern all over the world. When you don't have budgets or it's a little bit tight, you will find a product just to live. And when people get a little bit more money, they will be able to buy something that they have more feeling for them, probably more design programs. Based on that, we will design some products to meet their demands and build a better brand image.


We can see a lot of the people coming into our stores who may graduate from school, get married or move their house and buy things for their new home. And we try to constantly make a lot of new products to meet people's requirement in their different life period. HAY promotes new products weekly and monthly, so you will find fresh products each time you enter into HAY stores and will have more choices.  



Isa Ye: What is the planning of HAY and its products in the Chinese market in the following five years?

Kim Fiedler:我们正处在发展的关键阶段。目前来说,我们的目标依然是保持创新,包括做创新的设计、做创新的事件、建立创新的跨界合作。未来,我们会思考并深入了解中国家庭的生活方式,然后根据他们的需求和生活习惯、对家具尺寸的要求,调整设计出具有中国特色的产品。我们希望给到中国家庭更多的选择,即便在现有的产品系列上,调整更适合本土的细节,令生活更出彩。

We are now in the key period of development, so we need to keep new, do new things, and establish new cooperations. Based on that, we will further consider how to cater to Chinese market. In the future, we will learn more about the lifestyle and living habbits of a Chinese family so that we will create more products with Chinese characteristics. We hope to bring more choices to Chinese families.



Isa Ye: Muneaki Masuda, founder of Japanese Tsutaya Books, said that in the future, companies that can survive must have the ability to design and with life experience. So how can HAY stands out among so many furniture brands from Northern Europe and what’s the difference between HAY and other brands?


Kim Fiedler:我认为HAY是一个具有很强设计力的公司,在未来他会成为行业里的领军企业。因为HAY的决策者Rolf和Mette对家具和配饰有着深入的研究,且具有前瞻性,他们一直保有设计上的热情和激情。这也是HAY能发展至今的原动力,并且也将是指引HAY持续发展的驱动力。

I think HAY is a very strong design company and I think HAY will be the key driver in the industry. You know, HAY has great directors for furniture and accessories. And I think that they have always been ones who somehow look ahead with design passion in the future. And of course, this is how HAY came to ways today in quite a few years and will be what's going to drive HAY forward for the next many years.


很难说我们和其它品牌有什么本质的区别,因为大部分品牌的著名设计师也都是我们的朋友,与我们有合作关系。我们也跟新兴的、有天赋的设计师合作,带给品牌一些不同的新鲜的创意。未来,我们也会延续HAY的品牌DNA,那就是“Follow Price”设计优质的产品并以有优势的价格出售。

It's very difficult to tell the fundamental difference between HAY and other brands,because many designers who work for HAY also cooperate with other brands. We also partner with some emerging and talented designers to introduce fresh blood into our brand. However I think we have a quite clear brand DNA and this is a good path that we own. We want to follow this DNA of HAY. Make nice product for a good price.



In the Asia-Pacific region, HAY has set up a design studio. What's it going now? In the future, what role will the studio play in the overall development of the Asia-Pacific region?


Kim Fiedler:对于HAY来说,在亚太地区设立工作室其实是一种本土化的市场调整策略。更多地尝试让HAY的产品融入中国人的生活方式。

For HAY, it's about making a local adaption. we don’t want to change HAY or simple change its color, but to make them fit even better into the way of a Chinese. 


Scandinavian lifestyle is a little bit different from Chinese lifestyle. You know, and think to live in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, it's a very different lifestyle from other cities. So it's not as simple as making a five-year plan and try to get it. We prefer to cooperate with local enterprises to learn more about local demands. We are willing to see HAY's products fit local market even better.

◤Rebar 大理石茶几/边几


Though HAY comes from Denmark with its unique DNA, it brings you the same feeling even you go to different stores in different regions. 



HAY has DNA from Denmark, so will you give Chinese designers some opportunities to participate in the design of HAY?

Kim Fiedler:有一句话,叫做“设计无国界”。其实我们和全球的设计师合作,无论你是否有名,当HAY发现你的设计天赋,就有合作的可能。目前,我们已经与来自日本、澳大利亚以及欧洲各国的设计师合作,那么与中国产品设计师的合作,我们相信将来一定会发生,这只是一个时间的问题。我们在总部有一个设计工作室,会收到世界各地很多设计师的邮件以展示他们的设计想法和作品,我们会从中挖掘与HAY品牌契合的、优秀的设计。

HAY has talented designers from Europe, Japan, and Australia. So it's just a question about time to cooperate with Chinese designers.  And I hope that  will happen very soon. We have a mail box in our headquarter office for people send their design projects.  And we will cooperate with someone with design talent among them.

在去年米兰展上,我们有一款新品,是一个手工制作的花瓶,设计师是一位名叫Jessica HAN的年轻女生。当时她做了很多极具创意的产品,Mette看到之后觉得这些设计特别棒,就跟她一起推出了这一款产品。我们找了供应商使它实现量产,并在HAY的店铺里出售。我们会在全球范围内挖掘有创意、有潜力的设计师,对Mette本人来说,她也期待能够在中国看到有适合的设计师出现,因为我们认为这个市场有巨大的潜力。

Last year, we exhibited a new product - handmade vase which was designed by Jessica Han, a very young woman designer. She designed many innovative products at that time, and Mette find her designs interesting. So HAY determined to promote the product by cooperating with her. And we manufactured the vase in mass and sold them in HAY stores. So I mean, HAY will find potential talented designers all over the world. And to Mette, she is willing to cooperate with a Chinese designer as HAY hopes to take root in China.



Nowadays, designers in China enjoys more and more reputation. House owners will look for designers to design their new house. And most of our products are sold to engineering teams or design teams, so we cooperate with many local interior companies and join in many projects of offices, hotels and residence.

Therefore, we believe there will be more possibilities for HAY to cooperate with interior designers and product designers in China.

 ◤New Order 2.0 和办公用品


Nowadays, many international top brands call for design work to improve their brand images and embody their social responsibility through competitions. So in addition to cooperating with designers, has HAY ever thought of more ways to obtain design solutions and achieve multiple effects through one method?


Kim Fiedler:两年前,我们在丹麦也举办过设计竞赛,邀请了一些年轻的设计师参与其中,其中一个灯具作品脱颖而出,我们还(在HAY的门店)进行了产品的展示。通过深度了解,我们也看到了YoungBirdPlan做了许多特别的竞赛主题,并把设计作品进行落地。我们很期待能通过平台与更多国内外院校的年轻设计师和设计工作室交流,并共同举办产品或室内设计的大赛,将有天赋的设计师送到丹麦的总部,与创始人对话。

Yeah, we also had a design competition, I think two years ago in Denmark by inviting some young designers. A lamp design stood out of the design competition and we also exhibited the lamp. Through previous presentation, I have learnt Young Bird Plan launches many competitions and architecture will be built andproducts will be manufactured. We are looking forward to interact with young designers and institutes from all over the world through Young Bird Plan. If possible, we would like to partner with Young Bird Plan to launch a product orinterior design competition so that more young talents will be discovered.

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