
赢取丹麦设计之旅及万元现金丨HAY!YoungBirds! 2020年亚洲优秀青年大赛全球发布

嫩鸟计划 designverse设计宇宙 2023-05-04

- Rajeshwari Ghose, 《设计、发展、文化和亚洲文化遗产》

Nation states have identifiable cultural, socioeconomic, and esthetic aspirations and predictable patterns of lifestyle, which despite all their variegated heterogeneities, exhibit at lease a certain identifiable common cultural substance and provide the necessary tabula rasa on which modem design may be projected. 

- Rajeshwari Ghose, Design, Development, Culture,and Cultural Legacies In Asia


HAY! YoungBirds!由倡导多元文化合作的丹麦家具品牌HAY和国际设计竞赛平台Young Bird Plan共同打造的国际竞赛IP和设计舞台。2020年,大赛将激发和吸纳更多年轻、大胆、新潮的设计师参与,同时希冀作品呈现当代亚太市场之面貌。大赛分别有家具设计、灯具设计或配饰设计三个设计类别,要求参赛者设计分属于其中一个类别的单品或一套产品组合,同时体现HAY的品牌价值观:可生产性、建筑性、可持续性以及艺术性。

HAY! YoungBirds!is an international competition IP and a design stage created jointly by Danish contemporary design brand HAY, which endorses cross-cultural collaboration, and the Young Bird Plan, an international competition platform for global design talents. In 2020,this competition is committed to engaging more young, bold, and innovative designers who represent the contemporary Asia-Pacific market. The challenge is to design a single product or portfolio that belongs to Furniture, Lighting, or Accessories, and which mirrors the HAY brand values, including production, architecture, sustainability, and art.

—— 竞赛命题/ Proposition ——



With a long history, Asia-Pacific has nurtured many ancient and brilliant civilizations. Generations of Asia-Pacific ancestors have gone through the baptism of time and engraved their production and living practices into a time-honored history and profound civilization.


Due to the differences in geographical environment, the culture of the Asia-Pacific is extremely diverse. Different countries in different regions have their own unique cultural ecology. Cultures exchange because of diversity, and they learn from each other due to exchanges and finally develop after mutual learning.



Exchanging with diverse Asia-Pacific cultures is also what HAY seeks. This HAY!YoungBirds!Talent Award Asia 2020, therefore, is calling for civil product designs that mirror HAY brand values (production, fashion, architecture, sustainability and art) and integrate with Asia-Pacific cultural elements as well, to inject new vitality into the brand.


—— 评委阵容/Jury Panel ——


There are eight starring juries in HAY!YoungBirds!Talent Award Asia 2020 !

—— 设计要求/Design Challenges ——

①   竞赛分为三个品类:家具、配饰和灯具。

②   只限设计一个品类的单品或者一套产品组合,不可跨品类设计。

③   设计材料不限,但必须考虑环保和环境可持续。

④   参赛者必须确保设计作品为原创作品,且在竞赛期间确保参赛者本人拥有版权。

①Entries must belong to one of the following categories: Furniture, Lighting and Accessories.

②A single product or portfolio that belongs to Furniture, Lighting, or Accessorie is only allowed. A cross-category design is prohibited.

③There is no specific limitation on product materials, but environmental protection and sustainability must be considered.

④Entrants must ensure that your submission is original and you own the copyright during the competition.

—— 考核标准/Evaluation Criteria ——

① 符合HAY品牌文化和价值观;

② 切合亚太目标市场需求;

③ 考虑实用性与艺术性兼具;

④ 考虑材料与工艺成本,使作品本身具有可制造性;

⑤ 考虑环保和可持续性要求。

① Your design shall mirror the HAY brand values (production, fashion, architecture, sustainability and art)

② Meet the needs of target markets in Asia-Pacific;

③ Your design shall be economic, and aesthetic.

④ Your design shall take the materials and proccss cost into consideration, and it should be capable of manufacturing.

⑤Environmental protection and sustainability must be considered.


—— 作品提交/Submission Materials ——



-报名编号:位于图纸右上角。编号要求字体:Arial 字号:20;

-图纸需包含立面图、轴测图(效果图) 、细部图、模型图或爆炸图等。









①Each group shall submit only two entries at most. A scheme shall be presented in three A2 sheets in a clear, vertical way and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) and include following parts:

-Brief description:including Asia-Pacific market demand analysis, inspiration sources (no format,graphic or text);

-Registration No. shall be put in the upper right corner of the sheets, in Arial 20pt font;

-Elevation, axonometric drawing(rendering), detail drawing, model image or exploded drawing;

②If you have other design works, presented in one A2 sheets ( five works at most). This will be a reference for the judges and may be good for your results.

③A maximum of four A2 sheets in JPG format (no larger than 10MB for each) can be submitted;

④A scheme title shall be named; the scheme shall be saved in the “registration No. –Category– scheme title – sheet No.1/No.2/No.3” format;

⑤A scheme shall be submitted in bilingual (for Chinese-speaking entrants) or English (for English-speaking entrants);

⑥A scheme must not include ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION(Name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity;

⑦Please do not compress your files;

⑧The cover must be submitted online which should be a rendering of your design work; it must be uploaded in the size of 1024×768 pixels,72 dpi, less than 2MB.


Note: Top 30 winners should provide small mockup/ models used during the research process and deliver it to the designated place within the specified time. Please conform to the above Entry Requirements; any entry that fails to follow these items will be disqualified.


Deadline for submission: April 30, 2020 23:59 (GMT + 8)


All contents are subject to designverse official website

—— 参赛者要求/Eligibility ——

①  本次大赛免费开放,仅限亚太地区的在校生或2018-2019年度毕业生(奖项发布当季的2个自然年以内的毕业生),不限专业,不限年龄;

②  参赛者需提供一个有效亚太地区(中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、印度、纽西兰、新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度尼西亚等)地址/身份证明(包括但不限于:护照、身份证等)、联络方式,以及学历证明。

③  单人参赛和组队参赛均可,组队参赛每组不能超过3人且不可再单独报名。组队参赛作品亦不能由个人单独完成。

④  团队所有成员均需在designverse设计宇宙官网注册报名,常见问题请关注官网Q & A。

①This competition is free and open to students who are still enrolled in education or graduated between 2018 and 2019 in Asia-Pacific, with no limitation on major and age.

②A valid Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and other Asia-Pacific countries or regions) address or certificates of identification(including but not limited to: passport, ID card, etc), contact information, and education certificate are required. Individual entries are allowed. Interdisciplinary teams (three members at most and can't sign up alone) are encouraged to join. Participants needs to provide us with materials for Education Verification (e.g. highest diploma).

③ Designer who submit group work are not allowed to do it individually.

④Each participant has to register on our website; for any question, please visit our website.

—— 时间表/Timeline ——

2019年12月27日    报名启动

2020年 3 月15日    报名截止

2020年 4 月30日    提交作品截止

2020年 5 月10日    入围名单公布

2020年 5 月31日    Top 30 公布

2020年10月30日    Top 3及冠军公布


☞ 2019.12.27          Call for entries

☞ 2020.03.15          Registration deadline

☞ 2020.04.30         Submission deadline

☞ 2020.05.10          Release of shortlisted winners

☞ 2020.05.31          Release of Top 30

☞ 2020.10.30          Release of Top 3 and the Champion


The timeline is just for your reference not the final version. 


—— 奖项设置/Awards ——

★ 冠军奖金(1名):人民币30,000元(税前);2021年丹麦3 Days of Design设计节之旅

★ 三强奖金(2名):人民币10,000元(税前);2021年丹麦3 Days of Design设计节之旅

★ 三十强(27名):30强获奖证书。

★ 入围(数名):入围证书。




冠军和三强获奖作品将有机会在2021年丹麦设计周3 Days of Design展出,产品更有机会选入HAY产品系列。


获奖作品将有机会在竞赛主办方Young Bird Plan所属媒体平台designverse设计宇宙官网和旗下社交媒体平台上同步报道。只要你的实力足够突出和故事足够精彩,designverse将向你发出一封SuperNova专访邀约,并获得1天首页免费展示机会(有效期为奖项公布后两年内,过期作废)。

★ First Prize

1 winner; 30,000 RMB (pre-tax); A trip of 3 Days of Design in Denmark

★ Second Prize

2 winners; 10,000 RMB each (pre-tax); A trip of 3 Days of Design in Denmark

★ Top 30

27 winners; Top 30 honor of certificate.

★ Shortlists

Finalist certificate.

Note: More surprise awards will be announced after shortlisted winners are released. Stay attention!



The winning projects of the champion and top 3 winners will have the opportunity to be displayed at 3 Days of Design 2021(an annual design event in Denmark), and the products will have the opportunity to be selected into the HAY product line.


Press packages:

All shortlisted projects will be published on the media platforms designverse and its social official platforms. As long as your strength and story impresses us, designverse will send you an invitation of SuperNova Interview and your personal interview will be displayed on the front page of designverse for one day.


—— 报名方式/Registration ——

① 登录官网www.designverse.com.cn即可报名。

② 欢迎关注微信公众号:designverse设计宇宙;官方微博:@designverse设计宇宙获得竞赛最新资讯。

③ 欢迎关注微信公众号:HAYofficial;官方微博:@HayOfficial;官网:hay.dk了解更多HAY品牌信息。

④ 如有任何疑问,可以添加个人微信号:YoungBirdPlan进行咨询。

①Please register by logging into our website: www.designverse.com.cn

②For the latest information about this competition, please follow our official WeChat account: designverse设计宇宙 or our official Weibo account: @designverse设计宇宙;

③Learn more about the HAY brand, please follow the official WeChat account: HAYofficial;The official Weibo account: @HayOfficial or website: hay.dk;

④You can directly contact the competition team by add YoungBirdPlan as one of your Wechat friends. We remain at your service here for any further questions you may have. 

—— 主办方/Organizers ——




HAY, a Danish inspired furniture and accessories brand, was founded in 2002 with the ambition to create contemporary furniture with an eye for modern living and sophisticated industrial manufacturing. With this ambition over the past decades, HAY has set its vision that is to create straightforward, functional and aesthetic design in cooperation with some of the world’s most talented, curious and courageous designers.


Through its commitment to the design and production of furniture and accessories with an international appeal, HAY strives to make good design accessible to the largest possible audience. 

Young Bird Plan



Young Bird Plan

Founded in 2013 by Isa Ye, Young Bird Plan, is an international competition platform for global design talents. With three key elements, viz. fabrication, mentor’s guidance and interdisciplinary jury, it is fast becoming a leading voice in global design fields like urban design, architecturedesign, landscaping design, interior design, product design, logo design and fashion design. 

On the one hand, the platform constantly connects and meets various demands from political, business, and academic circles and actively fill supply and demand gaps among designers, manufacturers, developers, urban operators and users. We are committed to design and innovation, and offering opportunities for creative minds around the world to participate in creation process, so as to propel the implementation of design projects and products focusing on urban spaces and life aesthetics. Besides, Young Bird Plan is devoted to pushing the urban development and offering high-quality solutions to product updates. On the other hand, as one of the most influential design competition platforms around the world, we make every effort to create opportunities for young designers.


—— 版权申明/Copyright ——






In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, by participating in this competition, each Entrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the below statements about the copyrights for all submissions. 


1. Statement of Originality

All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure that his/her entry does not infringe any third party’s rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and so on. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualified from the competition, and the organizer will withdraw all the sponsorship money and materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability of infringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all the direct and indirect damages (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs, notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the organizer shall be compensated by the Entrant.


2. Statement of Consent

By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to publicly display the works, and accepts the on-line selection process. And before uploading a submission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has read and fully understands all of the clauses, and accepts them. The judging panel reserves the right to make a final decision on entry assessment and award list. 


The detailed Official Rules of this competition will be published on the designverse website soon. Please read them carefully.


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▲点击可查看Young Bird Plan 2018 Matrix 天玛行空模块化办公家具系统设计竞赛回顾!

