CSCP 2019年课程资料、课程安排、费用明细及考试报名流程介绍
- 共售出32,000 CSCP 学习系统
- 超过24,000 人参加了CSCP 认证考试
- 全球近 15,000 名考生荣获了CSCP 称号
- 从事运营管理和供应链管理的职业人
- 运营管理和供应链管理相关的咨询顾问
- 企业资源管理—ERP系统的开发,销售和实施顾问
- 希望在运营管理和供应链管理领域拓展职业的有志之士
- 了解成功的供应链管理为企业创造的价值
- 学习如何创建与公司战略一致的供应链策略
- 深入了解供应链管理活动的设计、计划、执行,控制及监测
- 评估全球化物流中的制约因素和关键决策,建立与总体战略相符的物流网络
- 了解供应链的自然波动性,采购及供应商关系的战略重要性
- 学习用于供应链管理,具有全球化和协作商务的新兴信息科技
- 优化供应链运营的成熟的知识和组织能力
- 高效管理全球化供应链活动的工具
- 通过学习最佳实践、共同管理语言和沟通, 获得增强竞争力和培养协作的能力
- 了解推动卓越运营体系的规划和管理的先进技术
- 提高你在职场中的公信力和认可度
- 精通供应链管理领域的最前端的新理念和方法论
- CSCP的理论可以帮助你解决日常工作问题
- 你的学术和专业知识会使你对企业更有价值
- 平均提升薪资近21%
课程构成 :
- 教材课本分为3个模块,5本美国进口原版教材。
- 一个APICS在线学习账号,网上辅助学习系统CSCP learning system including
- 可以方便使用移动设备学习
- 每个模块有相应的学习活动
- 可提供详尽的个人进度报告
- DATACHEM备考练习光盘, 内含700道练习题
Module 1: Supply Chain Design
Module 1 Introduction
Section A: Develop the Supply Chain Strategy
· Chapter 1: Inputs to Supply Chain Strategy
o Topic 1: Business Model
o Topic 2: External Inputs to Supply Chain Strategy
· Chapter 2: Supply Chains and Supply Chain Strategy
o Topic 1: Supply Chains and Supply Chain Management
o Topic 2: Benefits of Strategic Supply Chain Management
o Topic 3: Supply Chain Strategy: Value Proposition
o Topic 4: Supply Chain Strategy: Core Capabilities
o Topic 5: Supply Chain Strategy: Cost Structure and Revenue Model
o Topic 6: Supply Chain Maturity
· Chapter 3: Resolving Misalignments or Gaps
o Topic 1: Reasons Misalignments or Gaps Occur
o Topic 2: Recognizing Misalignments or Gaps
o Topic 3: Resolving Misalignments or Gaps
· Chapter 4: Tools and Techniques
o Topic 1: Macro and Micro Economic Considerations
o Topic 2: Accounting and Financial Reporting Information
o Topic 3: Strategic Analysis Tools
Section B: Design the Supply Chain
· Chapter 1: Business Considerations
o Topic 1: Market, Financial, and Product Research and Modeling
o Topic 2: Reverse and Specialized Supply Chains
o Topic 3: Collaboration with Supply Chain Partners
· Chapter 2: Supply Chain Design
o Topic 1: Supply Chain Design and Configuration
o Topic 2: Inventory, Technology, and Metrics Design
o Topic 3: Fulfillment Strategies Considering Market Requirements
o Topic 4: Product Design for New Products or Requirements
o Topic 5: Supply Chain Network Optimization
· Chapter 3: Technology Design
o Topic 1: Information Technology and Supply Chain Management
o Topic 2: Electronic Business Considerations
o Topic 3: Key Technology Applications
o Topic 4: Data Acquisition and Management
· Chapter 4: Implementation Tools: Communications and Projects
o Topic 1: Communication Considerations
o Topic 2: Project Management Considerations
o Topic 3: Project Management Process Groups
Module 2: Supply Chain Planning and Execution
Module 2 Introduction
Section A: Procure and Deliver Goods and Services
· Chapter 1: Demand Management
o Topic 1: Components of Demand Management
o Topic 2: Forecasting Demand
o Topic 3: Demand Prioritization
o Topic 4: Demand Management Functional Responsibilities and Interfaces
· Chapter 2: Operations Planning and Control
o Topic 1: Implementation of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)
o Topic 2: Master Scheduling
o Topic 3: Controlling Priorities
o Topic 4: Materials and Inventory
o Topic 5: Capacity Management, Planning, and Control
· Chapter 3: Inventory Management
o Topic 1: The Need for Inventory
o Topic 2: Aggregate and Item Inventory Management
o Topic 3: Flow of Inventory
o Topic 4: Functions of Inventory
o Topic 5: Inventory-Related Cost Categories
o Topic 6: Effects of Inventory on the Financial Statements
o Topic 7: Inventory Planning
o Topic 8: Inventory Control
· Chapter 4: Supply Management
o Topic 1: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
o Topic 2: Make-Versus-Buy Analysis
o Topic 3: Range of Buyer-Supplier Relationships
o Topic 4: Developing Supply Plans
o Topic 5: Contracting
o Topic 6: Expediting
· Chapter 5: Warehousing, Logistics, and Transportation
o Topic 1: Warehouse Management Introduction
o Topic 2: Warehousing Objectives and Considerations
o Topic 3: Warehouse Capacity Forecasting and Planning
o Topic 4: Materials-Handling
o Topic 5: Tradeoffs between Warehousing and Transportation Processes
o Topic 6: Logistics Introduction
o Topic 7: Logistics Objectives and Considerations
o Topic 8: Transportation Objectives and Considerations
o Topic 9: Transportation Capacity Forecasting and Planning
o Topic 10: Use of Logistics Service Providers
o Topic 11: Modes of Transportation and Considerations for Selection
o Topic 12: Expediting Processes
o Topic 13: Delivery Patterns
· Chapter 6: Monetary, Regulatory, and Trade Considerations
o Topic 1: Currency Considerations and Funds Flow
o Topic 2: Regulatory Requirements
o Topic 3: Trade Considerations
Section B: Manage the Relationship with Supply Chain Partners
· Chapter 1: Segmentation
o Topic 1: Segmentation and Customer-Driven Marketing
o Topic 2: Market Segmentation
o Topic 3: Customer and Supplier Segmentation
o Topic 4: Segmentation by Other Supply Chain Partners
· Chapter 2: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
o Topic 1: Introduction to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
o Topic 2: CRM Strategy
o Topic 3: Customer Selection or Segmentation
o Topic 4: Customer Relationship Types
o Topic 5: Performance Management
o Topic 6: Technology Usage
· Chapter 3: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
o Topic 1: Introduction to Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
o Topic 2: Supplier Selection
o Topic 3: Supplier Relationship Types
o Topic 4: Performance Management
o Topic 5: Technology Usage
· Chapter 4: Linkages between CRM and SRM
o Topic 1: How Various Organizations Can Leverage CRM and SRM
o Topic 2: Negotiation and Collaboration
o Topic 3: Terms and Conditions
o Topic 4: Contracts and Enforceability
Section C: Manage Reverse Logistics
· Chapter 1: Reverse Logistics
o Topic 1: Reverse Logistics Introduction
o Topic 2: Strategy and Design for Reverse Logistics
o Topic 3: Reverse Logistics Benefits and Costs
· Chapter 2: Waste Considerations
o Topic 1: Waste Hierarchy
o Topic 2: Waste Exchange and Hazardous Waste
Module 3: Supply Chain Improvement and Best Practices
Module 3 Introduction
Section A: Comply with Standards, Regulations, and Sustainable Best Practices
· Chapter 1: International Standards and Regulatory Compliance
o Topic 1: Import/Export, Intellectual Property, and Licensing Compliance
o Topic 2: International Accounting, Tax, and Labor Laws
· Chapter 2: Corporate Social Responsibility Considerations
o Topic 1: Triple Bottom Line
o Topic 2: The UN Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative
o Topic 3: Other Sustainability Guidelines
· Chapter 3: Social, Environmental, Safety, and Quality Accreditations and Certifications
o Topic 1: Standards, Accreditations, and Certifications
o Topic 2: Quality Accreditations and Certifications
o Topic 3: Environmental Accreditations and Certifications
o Topic 4: Social Accreditations and Certifications
o Topic 5: Safety Accreditations and Certifications
Section B: Manage Risk in the Supply Chain
· Chapter 1: Risk Identification
o Topic 1: Risk Management
o Topic 2: Risk Identification and Documentation
o Topic 3: Supply Chain Risk
· Chapter 2: Risk Assessment and Classification
o Topic 1: Qualitative Risk Analysis
o Topic 2: Quantitative Risk Analysis
· Chapter 3: Risk Response
o Topic 1: Risk Response Planning
o Topic 2: Preventive and Contingent Action Plans for the Supply Chain
o Topic 3: Business Continuity and Plan Implementation
· Chapter 4: Security, Regulatory, and Compliance Concerns
o Topic 1: Security and Regulatory Concerns
o Topic 2: Risk Standards
Section C: Measure, Analyze, and Improve the Supply Chain
· Chapter 1: Supply Chain Metrics
o Topic 1: Supply Chain Strategy and Metrics Selection
o Topic 2: Customer-Focused Metrics
o Topic 3: Financial Metrics
o Topic 4: Operational Metrics
· Chapter 2: Measuring Performance and Customer Service
o Topic 1: Measuring and Communicating Performance
o Topic 2: SCOR Performance Measures
o Topic 3: Measuring Operational and Financial Performance
o Topic 4: Measuring Customer Service Levels
· Chapter 3: Continuous Improvement and Change Management
o Topic 1: Continuous Improvement
o Topic 2: Lean and Just-In-Time
o Topic 3: Other Continuous Improvement Philosophies
o Topic 4: Change Management
CSCP 2019年课程安排:
课程名称 | 天数 | 时间安排 |
CSCP | 5 | 3月20-24日上海 (确定开课) |
CSCP | 5 | 3月27-31日北京 (确定开课) |
CSCP | 5 | 5月15-19日上海 |
CSCP | 5 | 5月22-26日北京 |
CSCP | 5 | 5月29-02日深圳 |
CSCP | 5 | 8月21-25日上海 |
CSCP | 5 | 8月14-18日北京 |
CSCP | 5 | 10月23-27日上海 |
CSCP | 5 | 11月13-17日北京 |
CSCP | 5 | 12月18-22日上海 |
CSCP 2019年最新报价详解(RMB):
收费明细 | 高级会员价 | 非会员价 |
APICS Plus Member(高级会员年费) | 1450 | |
CSCP Exam Price (考试费) | 6600 | 8400 |
CSCP Learning System(Including 1-year Online Learning System CSCP学习系统(包括一年在线学习账号) | 6500 | 10300 |
CSCP Training Fee (CSCP培训费)(5天线下面授课程) | 9950 | 9950 |
CSCP Bundle(Book+Exam)(仅限高级会员) CSCP 优惠套餐 (教材+考试) | 12500 | |
CSCP Retake Exam Price(重考费) | 3500 |
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