一、供应链供应链管理基础 - 需求管理 The Essential of Supply Chain Management■ 供应链管理的基本概念与供应链管理战略 The basic of SCM■ 新形势下企业面临的供应链挑战与需求预测的难点 The challenges of SCM in the new era.■ 需求管理的要素与模式 The elements and patterns of demand management■ 需求计划职能的重要性 The importance of demand planner二、预测的基础与形态■ 预测的分类 The classification of forecast,■ 定性预测介绍:德尔菲法、主观概率法 Qualitative Forecasting: Judgmental forecasts: Delphi, Subjective probability method■ 预测基础Basic of Forecasting:■ 预测的几种基础形态及如何判定 Time series data patterns■ 定量预测介绍 Quantitative Forecasting三、预测技术与模型介绍■ 定量预测模型:移动平均, 指数平滑 Moving average, Exponential smoothing,■ 课程练习:利用EXCEL分析工具进行预测:移动平均、指数平滑 Practice and Exercise: EXCEL skills for Forecast modeling: MA & ES■ 线性回归分析 Linear Regression■ 课程练习:利用EXCEL分析工具进行预测:线性回归分析 Practice and Exercise: EXCEL skills for Forecast modeling: Linear Regression■ 案例分析 Case study四、预测技术与模型介绍(续)■ 预测的季节性指数评估及计算方法 Time series with seasonal index and how to evaluate it■ 其他高级与复杂模型介绍 Other advanced forecast models.■ 课程练习:利用EXCEL分析工具进行预测:季节性分析 Practice and Exercise: EXCEL skills for Forecast modeling: Seasonal indicator evaluation and calculation methods■ 案例分析 Case study■ 预测模型的总结与要点 The summary of forecast models■ 不同预测的实际应用场景 The forecast technology applications for different business purpose五、预测准确率评估■ 预测准确率评估标准公式介绍 Forecast accuracy introduction■ 预测准确率分析 Forecast accuracy analysis■ 追踪客户预测的准确率,以做出持续改进■ 课程练习:利用EXCEL进行预测准确率分析Practice and Exercise: EXCEL skills for Forecast accuracy analysis六、预测制定流程 Demand Forecasting Management Process■ 如何做数据清洗 Data cleansing■ 基准预测与统计预测技术的结合 The combination of Baseline forecasting with data cleansing■ 新品预测与计划 New product forecast and demand plan■ 促销预测与计划 Promotion forecast and demand plan■ 电商渠道预测与计划 E-commerce channel forecast and plan■ 下市管理 Product off-market management■ 经销商预测与库存管理 Dealer forecasting and inventory management七、需求计划与产销协同流程 Demand Planning vs S&OP Process■ DP角色在产销协同预测会议的职责 DP role in S&OP process八、库存与库存补货策略Inventory Management and Replenishment Strategies (根据时间选定)■ 安全库存策略 Safety Stock and inventory strategy■ 安全库存模型与补货模型 Safety Stock Modeling and Replenishment九、课程总结Summary