
黑色豹纹斑点 那不勒斯披萨的美味证据 The Perfect Neapolitan Pizza Crust


One of the things that really catches your eye when you first order an authentic Neapolitan pizza is the small black charred spots spread across the pizza crust. So what are these little charred spots? And why do you only find them on Neapolitan pizza? 


High heat from baking, both from the floor of the oven, and radiating heat from the ceiling, contributes to charring.


Conventional ovens only reach a temperature of around 250 degrees. Neapolitan pizzas are cooked at almost twice the temperature.


To create this amazing pattern of charred spots on the pizza crust, the edge of your pizza has to be a bit uneven or contain air bubbles from the fermentation process. When you bake the pizza in the oven, the the parts that are closer to the heat will get more charred. These charred spots also contribute to the smoky, wood-fired flavours that make Neapolitan pizza so delicious.


Small spots (about size of a dime) on the crust are a distinct characteristic of true Neapolitan pizza. The charring also adds a more complex flavor to the pizza. So pizza should be charred, both on the bottom of the pizza and a leopard pattern on the crust. It should not be burned though, there is a difference between burned and charred pizza.


All of the world’s authentic Neapolitan pizzerias have black charred spots on their crusts. This is a sign that the dough has been well fermented and cooked to perfection. 

意库-披萨世家 源自意大利

2020/2021 连续两年获得意餐世界的米其林“大红虾”颁发的最高奖。中国唯一一家获奖披萨餐厅

2021 “亚洲TOP1披萨餐厅”由国际权威披萨餐厅榜单50TopPizza颁布 意库荣获亚洲第一的称号。

Bottega is awarded Asia’s Top Pizzeria by 50 Top Pizza, list that features the world’s best Neapolitan pizzerias. Also is the only pizzeria in China and one of only two pizzeria’s in Asia to receive Three Slices by Gambero Rosso, Italy’s highest authority on fine dining.


We recommend trying Roman style pizza, which is thin, crispy and has no charred spots on the crust. 


Our sister brand Forno serves up the city’s most authentic Roman style pizza, which we also highly recommend for those that enjoy a totally different pizza experience.

