

爱疯学习 爱疯学习 2023-03-09


|基本句型的扩展 ||



John visited a farm. 
这是一个典型的SVO(主谓宾) 句型,通过增加并列成分可扩展为:
John, Mike and their classmates went to the countryside and visited a farm and a nursing home.
句中Mike and their classmates 是John的并列主语,went to the countryside 是visited的并列谓语,a nursing home是a farm的并列宾语。

         如:I help her and she helps me . 我帮助她,她帮助我。[简单句(主+谓+宾)+并列连词and+简单句(主+谓+宾)]     
I bought her a birthday present but she doesn’t like it . 我给她买了份生日礼物,但她不喜欢。[简单句(主+谓+宾+宾补)+并列连词but+简单句(主+谓+宾)

常用并列连词有 and, or, so,  but, not only …but also,  both…and, either…or, neither…nor,  rather than, as well as等。

1. The development of technology has changed our way of communicating.
The development of technology has changed our ____ ____ ______________, ____ ___ _______,and even the way____ _________.
(2)科技的发展不仅改变了我们的工作方式,而且也改变了我们的思维方式。(not only…but also)
The development of technology has ____ ______ changed _____ ____ ___ ________, ____ _____ changed ____ ____ ___ ______.

2. Tom didn’t go to school yesterday.
Tom ________went to school _____ _____ his homework yesterday.
________Tom _______his brother ______to school yesterday.

3. My brother’s efforts brought him success.
My brother’s efforts brought him_____ _____and _______.
(2)我哥哥的努力和才能给他带来了名声和财富。(as well as)
My brother’s efforts and ________ brought him wealth _____ ______ ____ _______.

4. The man finished his meal.
The man finished his meal, ______ _____ _____, ______ then _______the hotel.

5. You have to hand in your report.
_______ you ____he _____ to hand in the report.

6. Some grandparents spoiled their grandchildren.
有些爷爷奶奶不是爱而是娇惯他们的孙子。(rather than) 
Some grandparents spoil their grandchildren _____ ______ _____them.

在基本句型中, 我们还可以增加各类修饰语来对简单句加以扩展。修饰语包括定语、状语和同位语,可以分别由名词和名词短语、形容词和形容词短语、副词和副词短语来担任,也可以由介词短语和非谓语动词短语来担任。例如下列例句中的画线部分均为添加的修饰语:
He sells socks.(主谓宾基本句型) 
He sells women’s socks.
He sells old women’s socks.
He sells old women’ssocks made in China.
He sells the best old women’s socks made in China every evening in the market.

I am a student. 我是一名学生。
I am a student of Senior Three. 我是一名高三学生。
I’ll give you some advice. 我会给你一些建议。
I’ll give you some advice on how to learn English well. 我会给你一些学好英语的建议。

A friend _______ ________ is a friend________.

____ _____ ________ __________ ___________, the headmaster made a ______ _____ _________ speech.

3. 为了养活全家,父亲每天工作十小时以上。(用不定式短语) 
______ __________ ______ ___________, Dad worked over ten hours every day.

4. 他很害羞,在学校交朋友有些困难。(用-ing短语) 
He is shy and has trouble _________ ________ at school.

5. 多年前,有位老木匠住在这个小屋里。(用时间状语和-ing短语) 
______ ______ _____, there was an old carpenter _______ in this cottage.

6. 中山大学音乐系的学生星期五下午要给我们表演节目。(用介词短语) 
The students of music _____ ____________ ___________will give us a performance _____ __________ ______________.

7. 委员会主席史密斯先生出席了昨天的新闻发布会。(用名词短语作同位语) 
Mr. Smith, ___________ _______ ______ ____________, was present at the press conference yesterday.

8. 重建破碎的友谊可能很难,但不管怎样,你应该试一下。(用-ed分词和副词) 
Rebuilding a ________friendship can be difficult, but ________________you should try.

9. 由于被同学们取笑,他在学校一点也不开心。(用-ed分词短语) 
____________ _____ _____ ______ ___________, he is not happy at all at school.

10. 我下周要去纽约参加一个国际会议。(用不定式短语) 
Next week, I am leaving for New York ________ ________ _____ ____________ ____________.

11. Finally they successfully reached the top of Mount Kinabalu,____________________  ___________________  (东南亚最高峰之一).(同位语)

12. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, ___________________________(他多年来保持的一个习惯),makes him full of energy every day.(同位语)

13. I am fond of reading the articles _______________________________(勇于表达与众不同的观点).(非谓语动词)

14.Many people like the furniture ______________(由 Peter 设计的) not only fashionable,but also cheap.(非谓语动词)

15. These young people are planning to set up a completely new website ________________________________________(介绍世界各地奇怪但是有趣的事情).(非谓语动词)

16. In his spare time he likes lying in the big sofa in the living room, __________________________(要么看书,要么看电视,要么睡觉).(非谓语动词)

17.Hemingway always took time out for outdoor fishing trips,_____________________ (还把这些旅行写在他的作品里).(定语从句)

18. Jenny, __________________________________ (最近迷上了观鸟),told us her new hobby had taught her a lot of things including patience and respect for the nature. (定语从句) 

扩展句型的另一主要手段就是使用各种从句,包括定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句(宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句、同位语从句) 等以构成主从复合句。
As he has been working very hard, he has passed the exam. 因为他一直很努力,所以他通过了这次考试。[关联词As+简单句(主+谓+宾),简单句(主+谓)]
He has passed the exam because he has been working very hard. 他通过了这次考试,因为他一直都非常努力。[简单句(主+谓+宾)+关联词 because +简单句(主+谓)]

1. 同学们参观了约翰父亲工作的那家工厂。(定语从句) 
The students visited the factory ____________________________.

2. 我一下飞机就会给你打电话。(时间状语从句) 
I’ll call you ________________________________.

3. 我永远忘不了我们一起度过的那个暑假。(定语从句) 
I will never forget the summer vacation _____________________________.

4. 不到长城非好汉。(定语从句) 
He ______________________________ is not a true man.

5. 他讲得很慢以便每个人都能听懂。(目的状语从句) 
He spoke rather slowly_________________________________.          
6. 她如此兴奋以致于不能入睡。(结果状语从句) 
She was so excited _____________________________.

7. 我很难相信父亲已经戒烟这一事实。(同位语从句) 
I can hardly believe the fact ___________________________________.

8. 他缺席讲座的原因是他母亲生病了。(定语从句;表语从句) 
The reason _______________________________ was ______________________.

9. 问题是我们能不能让这些外国朋友听懂我们的意思。(表语从句) 
The problem is ___________we can make ourselves ___________by those foreign friends.

10. 无论谁违反了规则都应该受处罚。(主语从句) 
_____________________________should be punished.

11. 既然是你的过错,你就应该向她道歉。(原因状语从句) 
___________________________, you should make an apology to her.

12. 不管他怎么用功,他总是赶不上其他同学。(让步状语从句) 
________________________________, he cannot catch up with other students.

13. 端砚盛行于宋朝时期,当时深受中国文人(literati)的青睐。
Duan Inkstone became universally popular in Song Dynasty, ___________________________________________.

14. In my opinion, the government should make laws to punish those enterprises ________________________(造成严重污染的). (定语从句)

15. This excellent film has been made in honor of Mandela, _____________________________________________________
(这真的值得看,因为你可以从中受益很大). (非限制性定语从句,其中再含一个原因状语从句)

16. Concerning this position, I feel qualified for the job _____________________________________ (因为我是非常开朗的人). (原因状语从句,里面再含一个定语从句)

17. With the development of economics, more and more families possess private cars, ________________________________________________  (这会造成交通拥堵和环境污染). (非限制性定语从句)

18. In China, more than 30% of the students are unwilling to share their feelings ____________________________________________ (无论他们高兴的时候还是忧虑的时候).

1.(1) way, of, communicating, way, of, learning, of,working
  (2) not, only, our, way, of, working, but, also, our, way, of, thinking
2.(1)Neither, nor, did 
  (2) Neither, nor, went
3.(1)both, fame, wealth
  (2)talent, as, well,As, fame
4. paid, the, bill, and, left
5. either, or, has
6. rather, than, love

1. in, need, indeed
2. At, the, school, opening, ceremony, but, short, inspiring
3. To, support, the, family
4. making, friends
5. Many, years, ago, living
6. from,Zhongshan, University, on, Friday, afternoon
7. Chairman, of, the, Committee
8. broken, anyway/anyhow
9. Laughed, at, by, his, classmates
10. to, attend, an, international, conference
11. one of the highest mountains in the Southeast Asia 
12. a habit that he has kept for years
13. bravely expressing different opinions
14. designed by Peter
15. introducing strange but interesting things from all over the world
16. reading books, watching TV or sleeping
17. which he wrote about in his works
18. who fell into love with birdwatching  recently

1. where/in which John’s father works
2. as soon as /the moment I get off the plane
3. that/which we spent together
4. who fails to reach the Great Wall
5. so that/in order that everyone could follow him
6. that she could not fall asleep
7. that my father has given up smoking
8. why he was absent from the lecture,that his mother was ill
9. whether,understood
10. Whoever breaks the regulations
11. Since/Now that it’s your fault
12. However hard he works/ No matter how hard he works
13. when it was favored by ancient Chinese literati
14. which cause serious pollution
15. which is really worth seeing because you can benefit a lot from it
16. because I am a person who is outgoing
17. which causes traffic jams and environment pollution
18. no matter when they are delighted or worried



《爱疯英语/名师指津  一轮总复习》




