
国际视野 | 《Progress in Human Geography》2018年第5期目录


Social justice and spatial inequality

Toward a conceptual framework

Emil Israel, Amnon Frenkel

Conceptualizing the carceral in carceral geography

Dominique Moran, Jennifer Turner, Anna K. Schliehe

Exogenous sources of regional industrial change

Attraction and absorption of non-local knowledge for new path development

Michaela Trippl, Markus Grillitsch, Arne Isaksen

The business of care

Marketization and the new geographies of childcare

Aisling Gallagher

The Angel of Geography

Superman, Tiger Mother, aspiration management, and the child as waste

Cindi Katz

Peace geographies

Expanding from modern-liberal peace to radical trans-relational peace

Christopher Courtheyn

Progress Reports

Political geography III


Alison Mountz


History and philosophy of geography II

The excluded, the evil, and the anarchic

Innes M. Keighren


Qualitative methods III

Experimenting, picturing, sensing

Robyn Dowling, Kate Lloyd, Sandie Suchet-Pearson

Health geographies I

The presence of hope

Gavin J. Andrews


The politics of conceptualizing the carceral

A commentary on Moran et al. (2017)

Madeleine Hamlin, Jessie Speer


Response to the commentary on ‘Conceptualizing the carceral in carceral geography’ by Moran et al.

Dominique Moran, Jennifer Turner, Anna K. Schliehe

-The End-

资料来源 | SAGE Journal

整理、排版 | 毛雅倩

责任编辑 | 徐晓凡

审核人:任宇飞  王冠  王波涛


地理趣谈 | 东北人为什么天生惹人爱?

会议通知 | 第六届《地理学与中国全球战略高层论坛》(第一号)

佳文欣赏 | 龙花楼研究员:论土地整治与乡村振兴

佳文欣赏 | 基于创新的城市化——中国270个地级及以上城市数据的实证分析

