科研助力| 上海交通大学马丁适用语言学研究中心“从单模态到多模态”语料库培训班(10月22-26)
上海交通大学马丁适用语言学研究中心定于2016年10月22—26日举办“从单模态到多模态”语料库语言学系列培训课程,主讲人为澳大利亚科廷大学Kay O’Halloran教授及北京外国语大学李文中教授。本次培训报名限额20人(20 seats only),先到先得。
10月 22日 | Multimodal Approaches to Video Analysis Multimodal analysis: theory and practice. Introduction to Multimodal Analysis Video Software |
10月 23日 | Using the software to analyse videos Visualization of multimodal data |
10月 24日 | Practice session and discussion of the video analysis |
The aim of the seminar series is to introduce a multimodal approach (Jewitt, 2014; Jewitt, Bezemer, & O'Halloran, 2016) to video analysis using Multimodal Analysis Video software (O'Halloran, E, & Tan, 2014; O'Halloran, Tan, & E, 2015). The software has facilities to organize and code the analysis of language, image and sound resources according to different systems of meaning (e.g. linguistic, visual, gestural, actional, aural and so forth) for different speakers. The time-stamped annotations can be viewed as an interactive visualization where combinations of multimodal choices are displayed over time. The visualization is dynamic so that the patterns of systemic choices in the video and the time allocated to those combinations of choices can be discerned and related to higher levels of analysis (e.g. O'Halloran et al., 2014; O'Halloran & Lim, 2014). In this way, it is possible to investigate how multimodal resources combine to create meaning at different phases and to identify key patterns across multimodal corpora.
Seminar participants will be provided with a theoretical overview of multimodal analysis and will participant in ‘hands-on’ practical sessions where they will use the multimodal analysis software to analysis different videos. After the basics have been mastered, participants will analyze videos of their own choice and they have the opportunity to discuss the results of their analysis.Requirements: No prior knowledge is assumed. Participants will need to bring a laptop (Mac or Windows) and a video for analysis (video format: mpg, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .flv or .m4v).
10月25—26日1) 语料库标记、标注及数据提取技术内容简介:主要讨论语料库建库过程中元信息的标记、语料标注,以及标记标注信息的提取和应用;结合案例讨论标记方案设计、标记语言及文本处理技术。2)正则表达式及文本检索应用内容简介:正则表达式的基础应用和培训,结合第一讲的内容,讨论正则表达式与一般语料库软件相结合,进行语料库文本分析。3)语言型式分析的路径内容简介:讨论Sinclair语言学思想中意义单位、扩展意义单位、意义移变单位的分析路径及其重要价值;通过案例讨论和培训语言意义型式分析的基本技巧和方法。4)案例分析:一个评价型式
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电邮 | 手机 |
联系人王品 15121004695