

2017-05-09 上海语言学通讯 语言学通讯


Target | International Journal of Translation Studies

John Benjamins

ISSN 0924-1884 | E-ISSN 1569-9986 

编者按:Target一般是1年2期的半年刊,但是不时推出1期专刊。2016年的special issue的主题是Audiovisual Translation: Theoretical and methodological challenges; 2017年第二期的special issue主题是Translation in times of technocapitalism 欢迎关注期刊热点。


http://www.editorialmanager.com/target/default.aspx 由于是半年刊,本刊审稿速度和发表周期较长,最长的有1年半之久,具有时效性稿件在投稿前请谨慎。

About the Journal

Target promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from any part of the world and welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature. The journal’s focus is on research on the theory, history, culture and sociology of translation and on the description and pedagogy that underpin and interact with these foci. We welcome contributions with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. We especially welcome papers on topics at the cutting edge of the discipline, as well as shorter positioning statements which may encourage discussion by contributors to the “Forum” section of the journal. The purpose of the review section is to introduce and discuss the most important publications in the field and to reflect its evolution.

Target publishes its articles Online First.

On Target’s new multilingual website we publish translations of articles and reviews into multiple languages which are linked to the original article, bringing into practice the journal’s core topic and honoring multilingualism. If you are interested in translating a (review) article from a previous Target issue, please contact our Multilingual Website Editor at lore.vandevoorde(at)ugent.be.


编者按:刊物突出描写译学,文化学派,社会翻译学,翻译史等的跨学科研究。另外,我们调查了汤森路透数据库,分析了Target的引文分析(参数h5 指数:13,h5 中位数:17)

近期被引文献推荐[ 顺序为标题,作者,发表文章的卷/(期),页码,被引次数,年代] ,请自行分析期刊规律

[1] When and why do translators add connectives?: A corpus-based study
V Becher
Target 23 (1), 26-47    36    2011    

[2] Language variation in source texts and their translations: The case of L3 in film translation
M Corrius Gimbert, P Zabalbeascoa
Target 23 (1), 113-130    24    2011    

[3] The borrowers: Researching the cognitive aspects of translation
S O'Brien
Target 25 (1), 5-17    23    2013    

[4] Is translated language more standardized than non-translated language?: Using profile-based correspondence analysis for measuring linguistic distances between language varieties.
I Delaere, G De Sutter, K Plevoets
Target 24 (2), 203-224    21    2012    

[5] Investigating the conceptual-procedural distinction in the translation process: A relevance-theoretic analysis of micro and macro translation units
F Alves, JL Gonçalves
Target 25 (1), 107-124    18    2013    

[6] Towards a new linguistic-cognitive orientation in translation studies
J House
Target 25 (1), 46-60    18    2013    

[7] “How do I apply narrative theory?”: Socio-narrative theory in translation studies
SA Harding
Target 24 (2), 286-309    17    2012    

[8] Extended Translation: A Sociocognitive Research Agenda
H Risku, F Windhager
Target 25 (1), 33-45    17    2013    

[9] Translation competence: Explaining development and stagnation from a dynamic systems perspective
S Göpferich
Target 25 (1), 61-76    16    2013    

[10] Cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting: Measures and methods
KG Seeber
Target 25 (1), 18-32    15    2013    

[11] The role of archival and manuscript research in the investigation of translator decision-making
J Munday
Target 25 (1), 125-139    14    2013    

[12] Unknown agents in translated political discourse
C Schäffner
Target 24 (1), 103-125    14    2012    

[13] Translation studies at a cross-roads
S Bassnett
Target 24 (1), 15-25    13    2012


如果需要以上文献电子版,可以联系代理下载,业务联络 dianzishu@126.com

Editorial Borad


Dirk Delabastita | University of Namur

Sandra L. Halverson | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Founding Editors

Gideon Toury † | Tel Aviv University

José Lambert | CETRA, KU Leuven & UFC, Fortaleza

Review Editor

Reine Meylaerts | KU Leuven

Multilingual Website Editor

Lore Vandevoorde | Ghent University

Editorial Board

Paul Bandia | Concordia University

Susan Bassnett | University of Warwick

Andrew Chesterman | University of Helsinki

Lieven D’hulst | KU Leuven/Kulak, Belgium

Itamar Even-Zohar | Tel Aviv University

Yves Gambier | University of Turku & Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), Kaliningrad, Russia

Daniel Gile | Université Paris 3

Juliane House | University of Hamburg & Hellenic American University, Athens

Judith A. Inggs | University of Witwatersrand

Riitta Jääskeläinen | University of Eastern Finland

Rachel Lung | Lingnan University

Kirsten Malmkjaer | University of Leicester

Franz Pöchhacker | University of Vienna

Anthony Pym | University of Melbourne & Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Christina Schäffner | Aston University

Mary Snell-Hornby | University of Vienna

Ubaldo Stecconi | European Commission, Brussels

Harish Trivedi | University of Delhi

Lawrence Venuti | Temple University

Journal metrics

Impact Factor: 0.838 (5-year: 0.542)
CiteScore: 1.040
SNIP: 1.585   SJR: 0.641

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: 

Arts & Humanities Citation Index ; 


Current Contents/Arts & Humanities ; 

Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences ; 



Linguistics Abstracts Online ;

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) ; 

MLA Bibliography ;Scopus ; 

Social Sciences Citation Index ; 

Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)



Article length may vary but is preferably between 6,000 and 8,000 words (footnotes, references and appendices included).

Please use Word. If you use any special characters, tables or figures, please supply a PDF file as well.

Please number all pages consecutively.

Please use font size Times New Roman 12 point and double line spacing throughout, quotations, notes and references included. Please define margins so as to obtain a text area of 13 x 22 cm (or 5 x 8.6 inches).

Begin the References on a new page.

Notes should be kept to a minimum. Note indicators in the text should appear at the end of sentences or phrases, and follow the respective punctuation marks.

Contributions should be consistent in their use of language and spelling; for instance, articles should be in British English or American English throughout.

Please use a reader-friendly style! Manuscripts submitted to Target must be written in clear, concise and grammatical English. If not written by a native speaker, it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker.

编者按:6000字是基本字数限制,本期刊使用芝加哥第十六版体例格式,字体使用Times New Roman12,行距2。综述文章一般不接受unsolicited review。中国学者被拒稿的很大一个原因是学术英语不过关,请投稿之前务必请母语者校对润色,以免耽误投稿。




1 期刊动态| 香港翻译学会会刊《翻译季刊》EBSCO数据库检索

期刊动态| 臺灣人文學核心期刊(THCI)《編譯論叢》 

期刊动态| 国际译联(FIT)SSCI刊物Babel简介、投稿方式与体例要求

科研助力| 国际翻译学期刊 Translation& Interpreting(汤森路透WoS检索)

期刊动态| 台湾翻译学期刊《广译》征稿简则


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