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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.
推荐大家3本Routledge, Springer国际知名出版新出的
A Corpus-assisted Multimodal Analysis to Policy Addresses of Macao SAR Government
作者:Michelle Lam Sut I
ISBN : 978-981-99-1194-3 (精装版)
This book introduces an integrated framework with corpus-assisted approach to deal with large set of data of discourse with multimodal factors to investigate how policy addresses (the government reports of Macao SAR) as a discourse type function in the social changes of Macao SAR through discussing the social factors to the production and consumption of policy addresses. The book explores research models or methodology in dealing with the contemporary topics in translation studies with a detailed presentation of the application of an analytical framework which marries corpus-assisted analysis, discourse analysis from socio-cultural perspective and multimodality with translation studies. Withal, the book is with the chapters to review the development of the social approach to discourse analysis and to introduce the stories of Macao with the summary of the development of this special region, in academic field, political and cultural fields.购买本书:精装版1325元(本文价格涵盖书费、国际物流、关税、报关费用、税票等一揽子在内)国际物流9-12周左右,支持对公转账,开具电子发票,下单3个工作日内开电子发票
扫码即可购买,如需发票请在地址栏下方的留言栏里自行备注Email, 抬头和税号,否则无法收到电子发票。谢谢合作!
Lam Sut I Michelle is a resident fellow at University of Macau. Previously, she taught English and translation at City University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute and University of Macau. Dr. Lam Sut I has published book chapters in Routledge and Springer and papers on academic journals related to translation studies, linguistics and Macau studies. Her current research interests include discourse analysis, multimodal analysis and corpus-based analysis to translation studies.
Michelle Lam Sut I
Michelle Lam Sut I
Michelle Lam Sut I
Michelle Lam Sut I
Michelle Lam Sut I
Pictorial Framing in Moral Politics:A Corpus-Based Experimental Study
作者:Ahmed Abdel-Raheem
ISBN : 978-1-138-35176-9
This book seeks to extend research on framing beyond linguistic and cognitive perspectives by examining framing in visual and multimodal texts and their impact on moral cognition and attitudes. Drawing on perspectives from frame semantics, blending theory, relevance theory, and pragmatics, the volume establishes a model of "pictorial framing", arguing that subtle alterations in the visual presentation of issues around judgment and choice in such texts impact perception, and applies this framework to a range of case studies from Egyptian, British, and American cartoons and illustrations. The book demonstrates the affordances of applying this framework in enhancing our understanding of both the nature of word-image relations and issues of representation in the op-ed genre, but also in other forms of media more generally. The volume will be of particular interest to students and scholars in multimodality, critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, social psychology, and communication studies. From a cognitive science perspective, all thought is physical, with mostly unconscious mental structures characterised by neural circuitry in the brain. Fillmore (1982 ) suggests that frames are the most commonplace mental structures, and Lakoff ( 1993 ) demonstrates how a large number of mental structures are metaphorical, mapping from one frame to another (see also Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). All forms of communication—whether language, images, cartoons, or gestures—may be seen to work via the activation of such frames. The more a mental structure is activated, the stronger the neural circuitry that comprises it will become. Worldviews can thus be viewed as long-term systems of conceptual frames and metaphors in the brain. People can only make sense of ideas that fi t their fi xed systems of frames and metaphors. Many people have access to more than one worldview. If one view is activated more than another, the one most activated will become increasingly strong and the others increasingly weak. The use of language and cartoons in the media can have a strong effect on which worldviews are strengthened in members of the public. The study of frame semantics, thus, evolves into investigating the answers to six research questions ( Lakoff, 2014 , para. 11; Wehling, 2018 ): 1. Which frames do people use in conceptualising their experience? 2. What elements (also called semantic roles) and scenarios defi ne each frame? 3. What words (etc.) are defi ned by which frames? 4. What is the grammar associated with the frame elements (FEs)? 5. How are frames related to one another? 6. What effects can frames exert on people’s political cognition?
Ahmed Abdel-Raheem is Assistant Professor at the Department of English Studies at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. He is founder and co-editor of the John Benjamins journal Moral Cognition and Communication. He has published internationally in a number of journals, such as Discourse and Society, Multimodal Communication, Information Design Journal, Metaphor and the Social World, Visual Communication Quarterly, Pragmatics and Cognition, Cognitive Linguistic Studies, and Sciences de la Société
ISBN 9780367672911| 官网书价 129英镑(不计入国际物流关税等费用)语言学通讯特惠一口价:1350元
在世界发展大变局与复杂的国际舆论环境下,提高我国国际传播能力与国际话语权已被提升到了国家战略的新高度。在此背景下,讲好中国故事,向国际社会展示一个真实、立体、全面的中国,是我国战略传播的重要使命。战略传播的要旨在于综合使用新闻、广告、公共关系、品牌营销、学术科研等领域的多种策略,构建多主体、立体化的传播格局。其中,话语与传播等领域学者通过在国际期刊与出版社发表相关论文与著作,在国际人文社科学术界发出更强中国声音,是战略传播体系的重要组成部分,也是提高国际话语权的重要途径。一方面,我们需要从学者角度用国际化的学术语言讲述真实立体的中国故事;另一方面,我们需要研究中国故事的多模态、现代化、国际化表达方式及其传播效果。为此,本书提出多模态中国话语与传播应成为一个新的跨学科研究领域,从不同的学科、理论、方法出发,考察并建构多主体、全方位、立体化的多模态中国话语体系。本书作为一个初步尝试,从中国视角全面考察了国家层面、社会层面、个人层面的多模态话语,包括中国梦海报、国家形象宣传片、电商网站、抖音视频、电视真人秀、网络直播等多种话语形式,全方位展示了全球化背景下当代中国政治、经济、文化等各方面兼容并包、中西荟萃的社会风貌,希望为讲好中国故事,让世界了解中国,增进国际理解与信任贡献绵薄之力。同时,本书为多模态研究提供了许多具有创新性与可操作性的分析框架,如多模态隐喻分析、多模态评价分析、多模态体裁分析、多模态身份研究等,可供对多模态话语分析感兴趣的学者借鉴使用、批判改进。This book helps readers to understand communication and society in contemporary China through systematic analysis of multimodal discourse at the national, institutional, and individual levels. China has undergone profound changes during the past decade or so. Politically, the Chinese government has been more proactive in domestic governance and foreign policies, as manifested in the Chinese Dream campaign and the national image publicity films respectively. Hand-in-hand with the socio-political change is the rapid development of new media, which has been changing how corporates do business, how institutions brand their images, as well as how individuals construct their identities and social relations. These developments have brought about significant changes to the discursive practices at the national, institutional, and individual level, characterized by the extensive use of multimodal resources and distinct promotional purposes.Feng systematically investigates and discusses the new discursive features in relation to relevant socio-cultural contexts. The analysis and discussion provide researchers with a social semiotic perspective on various aspects of communicative and social changes in contemporary China. The book also contributes to the growing field of multimodality by developing a set of cross-disciplinary analytical frameworks to deal with complex discourse forms in print media, moving images, and new media.The research findings provide a unique Chinese perspective on a broad spectrum of issues such as discursive governance, nation branding, university marketization, and identity performance. The book is relevant not only to discourse analysis and multimodality, but also to other disciplines which will benefit from a systematic understanding of Chinese discourse, such as cultural studies, communication studies and area/China studies.
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1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Foundation and Analytical Frameworks
3. Multimodal Metaphor and the Communication of the Chinese Dream
4. Multimodal Evaluation and the Promotion of China’s National Image
5. Fashion, Lifestyle, and Clothes Branding in E-commerce
6. Marketization and University Re-branding on TikTok
7. Tradition, Modernity, and the Multimodal Construction of Chinese Masculinity in a Reality Dating Show
8. Wanghong Girls’ Performance of Femininity in Livestreaming
9. Concluding Remarks
第1章. 引言
第2章. 理论基础与分析框架
第3章. 多模态隐喻与中国梦的传播
第4章. 多模态评价与中国国家形象建构
第5章. 时尚品位、生活方式与电商网站的服饰广告
第6章. 市场化与大学在抖音上的品牌建构
第7章. 传统与现代之间的中国理想男性
第8章. 网络直播中网红身份的多模态建构
第9章. 结语
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