
每日一篇 | 《经济学人》读译参考 Day92

2017-09-22 聚英南京考研网




Bussiness Schumpeter:They’ve lost that loving feeling 

商业 熊彼特:爱意已褪

Foreign firms were lukewarm on America long before Donald Trump. Which is it? The home of free speech, the rule of law and the rich world’s most dynamic economy? Or a land of social decay, septic politics and the rich world’s worst roads and schools? America divides foreign observers.



It divides foreign firms, too. Some bosses fall head over heels for its insatiable consumers and dazzling technology. Other executives are put off by its insufferable lawyers and hypocritical protectionism. Donald Trump promises to give foreign firms a rude awakening when he reaches the White House: last month he beat up Toyota for making cars in Mexico and selling them north of the border. But in truth many foreign firms fell out of love with America years ago. The conventional view is that foreign companies are irresistibly attracted to the place. If one affair ends in tears, there is always a new paramour in the wings.



In the 1970s British buccaneers, led by Sir James Goldsmith, picked up neglected firms. In the 1980s Japanese firms lost their financial virginity by paying too much for Hollywood studios and Californian skyscrapers.


上世纪70年代,以詹姆斯·戈德史密斯爵士(Sir James Goldsmith)为首的英国“海盗”把受冷落的美国公司收入囊中。80年代,日本公司首度大举投资,高价收购好莱坞的电影公司和加州的摩天大楼。

A decade later continental European firms rushed across the pond, culminating in Daimler’s doomed tryst with Chrysler, a rival carmaker. By this account, Chinese firms are the latest to get the love bug, with China’s richest man, Wang Jianlin, in the role of the besotted tycoon, having paid a blockbuster $4bn to assemble a chain of mature American cinemas since 2012. But this narrative is hopelessly out of date. The most accurate metaphor for foreign firms in America today is of disappointed hopes.



Their share of private output has been flat at about 6% since 2000. The share of sales that European firms make in America has declined from 20% in 2003 to 17% now, according to Morgan Stanley, a bank. Foreign firms’ profits in America fell from $134bn in 2006 to $123bn in 2014, the latest year for which figures are available. Their return on equity fell to 6%, compared with 11% in 2006. American multinationals make 12% on their home turf. 



This souring romance reflects three deep shifts in America’s economy. First, technology has a greater importance than it used to. At the same time the gap between Silicon Valley’s giants and their peers abroad has grown wider. A generation ago Europe and Japan had real contenders in the technology industry, such as Nokia and Sony. Now they have no answer to the likes of Apple, Google and Uber. 



Second, waves of mergers and acquisitions have made the economy more concentrated. That has raised the barriers to entry for outsiders. If you split the world’s companies into 68 industries, American firms are the largest in two-thirds of them. Foreign companies in America are often subscale and too small to buy the leading firms in their sector. So they try to grow organically or buy weaklings instead. In 2013 SoftBank, a Japanese technology group, paid $22bn to buy a struggling mobile-phone operator, Sprint, which is now losing a billion dollars a year. The most profitable investment in living memory by a foreign firm in America was not a gutsy triumph but a passive stake in a domestic oligopoly: Vodafone’s 45% share of Verizon Wireless, which it sold for $130bn in 2014.


第二,并购浪潮令美国经济更为集中。这提高了外来者进入美国市场的门槛。如果将全世界的公司分为68个行业,其中有三分之二都由美国公司称霸。在美国的外国公司通常规模较小,无法收购所在行业的领先企业。所以它们试图内生扩展或转而收购较弱小的公司。2013年,日本科技企业软银斥资220亿美元收购苦苦挣扎的美国手机运营商Sprint,而现在Sprint年亏损十亿美元。记忆中,外国公司在美国投资获利最丰厚的并非是大胆行动获取的胜利,而是来自对美国国内寡头的被动投资:2014年,沃达丰以1300亿美元出售其拥有的威讯无线(Verizon Wireless)45%的股份。


1.free speech 言论自由

例句:When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.


2.out of date 过时

例句:Much of the information in that book is now out of date.


3.end in tears 以悲剧收场

例句:This does not have to end in tears.


4.compared with 与...相比较

例句:He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.



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