

2016-09-25 外研社Unipus
为了帮助选手们知己知彼、高效备赛,小U专门 get了新技能,使用大赛指定赛事平台iTEST 3.0(大学外语测试与训练系统)的数据分析功能第一时间为U粉儿放送全国成绩分析报告!




模拟赛各版块成绩分布较好地体现了题目的难度梯度。三个版块中,各有选手获得满分,参赛选手发挥最好的为Part II: Read and Reason,其次为Part I: Read and Know,再次为Part III: Read and Question。不同版块对阅读能力的考查各有侧重:
Part I: Read and Know着重考查背景知识和英语阅读基本技巧,进行较短篇章的理解。在该部分取胜的关键在于平时要有较广的英语阅读面和知识面,并对英语阅读的基本技巧有一定了解。
Part II: Read and Reason着重考查阅读中的逻辑能力,主要为基本的逻辑题和较长的篇章阅读。该版块取胜的关键是要保持头脑清醒,读懂逻辑题的背景介绍,读懂文本并结合上下文进行逻辑推断。注意在进行逻辑推断时也要对比各选项之间的联系,找出差别,以甄选出正确选项。有时分析选项也有助于更好地理解阅读的篇章。
Part III: Read and Question着重考查对于同一话题下不同角度的长篇章阅读理解。一般来说该版块含三篇不同文体的长篇章,针对同一话题进行不同角度的阐述。该版块取胜的关键在于通过三个篇章全面理解话题,在读懂每个篇章的基础上,还要进行篇章之间的比对,透彻理解所述话题。  


1. 知识背景类


Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 3 minutes)Directions: Read the following quotes on the left and match the quotes with the people on the right. Please note there are three extra options you do not need. 


这道题目考查背景知识和分析能力,一是要读懂这些名言,二是要分析可能与哪位名人相关。如直接知道这句话是谁说的,那就会比较容易选出,譬如第2题,大多同学都知道老子的“千里之行,始于足下”,尽管是英文版,也是读懂了就可以判断出;第1题和第3题的两位名人大家可能不太熟悉,因此尽管读懂了也难以判断。其中第3题很多同学选择了Albert Einstein,证明差不多是读懂了意思,但是因为对正确答案这位名人不了解(Claude Lévi-Strauss),因此判断错了人。两条简单的背景知识供大家参考:
(1) 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope,1688年5月22日—1744年5月30日),18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,杰出的启蒙主义者。蒲柏是第一位受到欧洲大陆关注的英国诗人,他的著作被翻译成欧洲许多国家的文字。 (2)克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯(Claude Levi-Strauss,1908年11月28日—2009年10月30日),法国作家、哲学家、人类学家,结构主义人类学创始人和法兰西科学院院士。

2. 逻辑推理类

Questions 12 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)Directions: Read the definition of a logical fallacy. Answer the question according to the definition. 
False AnalogyThe fallacyof false analogy is an argumentbased on misleading, superficial, or implausible comparisons. It occurs when someone applies facts from one situation to another situation but the situations are substantially different and the same conclusion cannot logically be drawn.

12. Which of the following provides a typical example of a false analogy?A. If you don’t work extra hours every day, then our firm will fail the annual inspection.B. All camels have four legs and all reindeer have four legs, thus all camels are reindeer.C. Naughty children are a real headache. An aspirin will make a headache go away. So an aspirin will make naughty children go away.D. Children are like flowers. Flowers should avoid awful weather to grow. So children need to steer clear of everything adverse.
B选项属于The undistributed middle:
The undistributed middle is a logical fallacy of deduction in which the middle term of a syllogism is not distributed in at least one of the premises.According to the rules of logic, a term is "distributed" when a sentence says something about everything the term designates. A syllogism is invalid if both middle terms are undistributed.
Example:All men are mammals. Some mammals are rabbits, therefore some men are rabbits.(Even though the first two lines are correct, the middle term 'mammals' never once refers to all mammals. The middle term is thus undistributed and the deduction invalid.)
The fallacy of equivocation occurs when a key term or phrase in an argument is used in an ambiguous way, with one meaning in one portion of the argument and then another meaning in another portion of the argument.

Examples:The laws imply lawgivers. There are laws in nature. Therefore there must be a cosmic lawgiver.注意下划线关键词的不同含义。

3. 阅读理解类

Directions: Read the passage about English as a lingua franca. Answer the question according to the passage.…Does English pose a threat to local languages? It certainly does. In the countries where higher education is done in another language than the local one, the educated end up being unable to express what they think and know in their mother tongue. When this happens, the end is nigh. The use of the local language then tends to be restricted to everyday life while the vehicular language of education becomes the language of work and study. The situation slips out of control when the vehicular replaces local languages in primary and secondary schools, and this is already happening under our very noses: educated and well-off people in many places send their children to all-English schools for the élite. But what is good for the élite is usually desirable for other people too, and this may produce a social demand for all-English schools for everyone. Local languages then run the risk of being dropped altogether and disappearing. This is the sad fate suffered by many regional languages in Europe and elsewhere. A language is safe as long as parents use it with their children and they do this as long as it is able to express what they think and know. It becomes extinct when a generation or two feels it has stopped being useful and might even be a handicap for their children. They then tend to use another language. This is what happened to this author’s mother tongue, Alsatian, a Germanic dialect spoken in Alsace, a region of France. Our generation was educated in French and when we left university we were unable to express our newly-acquired knowledge in Alsatian. We stopped using Alsatian with our children and we used French instead because we felt French was the language of success and that Alsatian would only be a hindrance. This might also happen in Tanzania in a generation or two, as discussed above. Swahili might be the kiss of death for most other local languages.28. Which of the following descriptions is true about Swahili according to Passage B?A. It’s used as a lingua franca in Tanzania which endangers local dialects.B. Like the local language in Tanzania, it might disappear in the years to come.C. It’s originally a variation of French and later became an official language of Tanzania.D. Both Swahili and Alsatian are examples of dying mother tongues.

本题主要通过本段给出的Alsatian 和French这个例子以及本段最后一句话(This might also happen in Tanzania in a generation or two, as discussed above. Swahili might be the kiss of death for most other local languages.)来判断。前文说French作为更educated的语言逐渐替代了Alsatian,接下来Swahili是相同的情况。结合前例,并对“Swahili might be the kiss of death for most other local languages.”这句话作出准确理解便能答对本题;本句意思是Swahili这门语言会导致其他当地语言的死亡。



