英国最大工业集群碳中和愿景 | 会士论坛大会报告
“第五届英国皇家化学会会士论坛”将于 2023 年 10 月 19-20 日在宁波诺丁汉大学举行,论坛主席为厦门大学田中群院士和宁波诺丁汉大学副校长吴韬教授。本次论坛将聚焦“产学研深度融合”,探讨如何通过产学研融合推动相关学科的发展与进步,如何促进多学科合作及环境可持续发展等相关议题。本次论坛邀请到英国工业联合会 (CBI) 亨伯产业集群 (Humber Cluster) 项目负责人 Jonathan Oxley 做大会报告,主题为:“Collaborating to decarbonise the UK’s largest industrial cluster”。Humber Cluster 是英国最大的工业集群,每年的产值高达 180 亿英镑,CO₂ 年度排放量达 2000 万吨,因此亨伯产业集群的碳中和对英国整体碳中和目标的实现至关重要。Jonathan Oxley 也是英国皇家化学会理事、会员社群委员会主席。此外他还有着丰富的工业界经历,曾在英国石油 (BP) 工作超 24 年,还曾在世界能源理事会担任过高级主任 (Senior Director)。报告时间:10 月 19 日 10:30–10:50,欢迎报名线上参与!
Jonathan Oxley FRSCJonathan Oxley graduated from Heriot Watt University with a degree in Chemistry, joining BP for a career of 24 years, latterly across the sustainable energy sector, including a secondment to the Energy Technologies Institute where he co-led a bioenergy project to underpin 2008 UK Climate Act. Jonathan was most recently at the World Energy Council, where he led their member, government, and institutional engagement. Currently he is the Director of Humber Cluster at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), a position in which he leads the efforts to convene businesses across the Humber area of the UK in service of decarbonising industry. A Chartered Fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Chartered Management Institute, Jonathan has a passion for sustainability in business and for engaging communities in a common endeavour. He is a Tallow Chandler gold medal winner and was previously a member of UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Innovation Advisory Board. He currently is a trustee and the chair of Member Communities Board of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
第五届英国皇家化学会会士论坛 10 🈷️ 19 日上午线上转播议程安排:10 月 19 日 上午 8:30–12:008:30 – 9:00 开幕式开幕致辞、聘任证书获奖者证书颁发
9:00 – 9:35 大会报告Opportunities in Energy Catalysis for Carbon Neutrality包信和 HonFRSC
9:35 – 10:10 大会报告Discovery of Novel Antiviral Compounds
10:10 – 10:50 大会报告
Chemistry for a Sustainable Future: Practices and Perspectives from UK Academia and Industry
Developing Greener Chemistry: from the fundamental to the applied Tom Welton FRSC
伦敦帝国理工学院可持续化学教授,英国皇家化学会前主席,RSC Sustainability 主编Collaborating to decarbonise the UK’s largest industrial cluster Jonathan Oxley FRSC
10:50 – 11:25 RSC 获奖者报告Bismuth-based therapy for emerging infectious diseases: from fundamental research to molecular medicine
孙红哲 FRSC
香港大学化学系讲座教授、叶志成-范港喜基金教授 (生物无机化学),2023 RSC Dalton Horizon Prize 获奖团队负责人
11:25 – 12:00 RSC 获奖者报告Nanozymes: rational design and translational applications
南京大学教授,2023 RSC Dalton Horizon Prize 获奖团队负责人
为了惠及更多人群,10 月 19 日上午的议程将进行在线直播,直播注册通道现已开启,欢迎通过扫描下方二维码报名参与!如果有任何问题,请通过 RSCChina@rsc.org 联系我们。
📧 RSCChina@rsc.org