
SCôP Exhibition | 《天·地·人:徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖40周年特展》即将开幕

上海摄影艺术中心 SCOP 2021-09-25



People and Place

Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary

2020.11.28 - 2021.01.31

上海摄影艺术中心(SCoP)与徕卡(Leica)荣幸联合呈现:《天·地·人:徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖40周年特展》(People and Place:Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary)。展览精选了2020年“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”(LOBA)获奖及优秀入围作品,并全面回顾了该奖项从1980年创办至今40年的悠久历史。同时,本次展览也是“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”(下称 LOBA)线下巡展首次来到中国。



LOBA 创办于1980年,以庆祝第一台徕卡相机的发明者奥斯卡·巴纳克(Oskar Barnack)百年诞辰,纪念他对摄影带来的先驱贡献。巴纳克从1914年就开始使用他创造的“原型徕卡”(Ur-Leica)拍摄照片,凭借大量的拍摄创作,巴纳克成为了最早通过摄影去记录人与环境关系的摄影师之一。LOBA 奖项设立之初,就旨在表彰那些“拥有敏锐洞察力,通过摄影作品探讨人与生存环境之间关系”的摄影师。回溯40年的历史,LOBA 表现了新闻摄影世界的多样性和人文关怀理念。

历届获奖者包括了如今享誉世界的知名摄影师,如塞巴斯蒂昂·萨尔加多(Sebastião Salgado)、詹尼·贝伦戈·加丁(Gianni Berengo Gardin)、温蒂·瓦翠丝(Wendy Watriss)、简·伊芙琳·阿特伍德(Jane Evelyn Atwood)、戴维·C·特恩利(David C. Turnley)等。诸多摄影师的职业生涯也因 LOBA 获得了重要的推动。


© 塞巴斯蒂昂·萨尔加多,LOBA 1985

© 温蒂·瓦翠丝,LOBA 1982

© 简·伊芙琳·阿特伍德,LOBA 1997


与 LOBA 2020一同触摸时代的脉搏

《天·地·人:徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖40周年特展》重点展示了8位 LOBA 2020年度决赛入围摄影师,他们以超凡的观察力及独特的视觉表达,用摄影作品探讨了当下这个时代,我们与自然及社会环境间的关系。

作为本次展览的亮点,LOBA 2020 奖项获得者意大利摄影师卢卡·洛卡特利(Luca Locatelli),在他的摄影项目《未来研究》(Future Studies)中,质疑了“经济需保持长期增长”的观念,借由摄影来探索人类在地球生存的未来新模式,用图像对人与自然和科技的关系展开研究,以此回应我们面临的愈加严峻的生态危机。新人奖得主葡萄牙摄影师贡伽罗·方塞卡(Gonçalo Fonseca)的系列作品《新里斯本》(New Lisbon),则通过表现葡萄牙首都里斯本深受住房危机影响的弱势群体们的生活,揭示了城市中产阶级化和房地产价格暴涨后戏剧性的社会变化。

© 卢卡·洛卡特利,LOBA 2020 奖项得主

© 贡伽罗·方塞卡,LOBA 2020 新人奖摄影师

本次展览摄影师们的作品为我们展现了摄影的力量,不仅具有纪实性和社会讨论价值,同时充满令人耳目一新的艺术吸引力和强烈审美趣味。来自世界各地不同文化背景的摄影师,通过各自多元的兴趣和无界限的个性表达,让 LOBA 得以历久弥新。

SCoP 很高兴携手徕卡共同举办《天·地·人:徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖40周年特展》。我们希望借此契机,为观众提供一个了解摄影历史的宝贵机会,并通过年轻一代摄影师的视野来观察和剖析我们的时代,邀请大家与我们一起见证新闻摄影和纪实摄影40年的历程。

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Shanghai Center of Photography (SCoP) is delighted to present in collaboration with Leica the exhibition “People and Place: Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary”. The exhibition selects 2020 LOBA winners, whose works are displayed together with a snapshot overview of the award’s four-decade history from 1980 till now in a selection of images from past winners. This is the first time that LOBA exhibition tours to China.


“LOBA is definitely one of the most prestigious photography awards. It’s incredible to look back at its history, which – considering the talented award-winners – is like looking at the history of photography.”

Alessia Glaviano, Brand Visual Director VogueItalia


“I was impressed by the high quality level of the submissions. I was touched by the great awareness of the photographers‘ eyes and hearts. With unique stories, they used very individual and creative ways to deal with the important issues of our times.”

Karin Rehn-Kaufmann, Executive Vice President Leica Galleries International


“The range of subject matter, aesthetics and execution of the winning images feels unique to the LOBA. There’s always an emphasis on interesting storytelling, and Leica as a brand is synonymous with quality and style, with a well-earned place in photographic history.”

Caroline Hunter, Picture Editor of The Guardian Weekend magazine


“The first thing is the durability and consistency of the LOBA; the 40th anniversary is special, and for photographers that validation over four decades means all the more. The other thing is the association with a camera maker that has played a big part in the history of photography. The roll call of previous LOBA winners is really impressive.”

Azu Nwagbogu, Founder and Director of the Lagos Photo Festival and the African Artists’ Foundation


40 Years of History

Exploring the relationship between

humanity and the environment through photography

LOBA was launched in 1980 to celebrate the centenary of Oskar Barnack’s birth and the contribution of a photographic pioneer who invented the first Leica camera. From 1914, Barnack used the prototype camera he developed – today known as the Ur-Leica -- to take photographs. Through the large series’ of images he produced, Barnack became one of the earliest photographers to document the relationship between man and the environment. From the launch of the award, the aim was to celebrate photographers with a “keen talent for observation that vividly expresses the relationship between humanity and the environment”. Looking back over the forty years of its history, the LOBA award captures the shifting world of photojournalism in all its diversity and humanist concerns.


Previous winners have included now world-renown photographers such as Sebastião Salgado, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Wendy Watriss, Jane Evelyn Atwood, David C. Turnley and Max Pinckers. Many careers received a decisive boost as a result of the LOBA.


Timeless Spirit

Seeing the trend of the times with LOBA 2020

“People and Place: Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary” presents the eight shortlisted photographers of LOBA 2020, whose works explore our current relationship with nature and social environments by their extraordinary perception and unique visual expression.


As the highlight of the exhibition, the winner of LOBA 2020 is the Italian photographer, Luca Locatelli, whose series “Future Studies” questions the need for permanent economic growth, using images to open up the debate about our relationship to nature and technology by presenting technologies that are damaging the present alongside those intended to offer alternatives for the future. Winner of the LOBA 2020 Newcomer award is the Portuguese photographer Gonçalo Fonseca. Photographing the lives of those most affected by recent the housing crisis in Lisbon, Portugal, his series “New Lisbon” reveals the dramatic social change that occurs through inner city gentrification, and the explosion in property prices that follows.


The works of all photographers on the 2020 LOBA shortlist represent the strengths of the photographic medium. The combined values of social documentary with a keen aesthetic appeal to the eye and the mind. This, together with the geographic diversity of the photographers, their backgrounds and interests, and the diverse ways in which they express their response to topics, gives LOBA a place in the present, as well as in history.


SCoP is delighted to work with Leica to host the exhibition “People and Place:Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary”. We hope this will be a great opportunity for visitors to access the history of photography, and to gain insight into our times through the visions of a young generation of photographers. The glimpse of past winners that is included makes for a journey through documentary photography and photo-journalism over the recent 40 years.


“People and Place: Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary” will open on November 28 at SCoP. Look forward to your visit!


“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”(LOBA)于1980年设立,以摄影史上的传奇人物、徕卡相机的发明者——奥斯卡·巴纳克的名字命名。在此后的40年里,逐渐发展成为最具声望的国际奖项之一。LOBA 通过来自全球不同国家摄影师们的镜头,关注人与生存环境之间的关系。从2009年起增设新人奖,鼓励和挖掘世界各地的年轻摄影师。

徕卡相机公司是一家专业生产高端相机和运动光学产品的国际公司。徕卡镜头奠定了该公司的百年传奇。与创新技术相结合,徕卡不断在各种环境下创造视觉与感知层面都更显优质的成像效果。徕卡相机公司总部位于德国黑森州的威兹勒,另一个生产基地位于葡萄牙的 Vila Nova de Famalicão,并运营着遍布全球的徕卡零售商店、徕卡画廊和徕卡学院等组织。

卢卡·洛卡特利(Luca Locatelli);贡伽罗·方塞卡(Gonçalo Fonseca);拉格纳·阿克塞尔森(Ragnar Axelsson)、马修·阿伯特(Matthew Abbott)、麦穆娜·古艾雷丝(Maïmouna Guerresi)、达维德·蒙泰莱奥内(Davide Monteleone)、克里斯蒂娜·德·梅德(Cristina de Middel)、文森特·福尼尔(Vincent Fournier)。


同时我们向50位“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”创办至今的历届 LOBA 大奖得主及新人奖获奖摄影师致敬。


Early bird tickets



地址:上海市徐汇区龙腾大道 2555-1

参观时间:10:30 - 17:30 周二至周日,周一闭馆  

联系我们:(021) - 64289516



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