
新展预告 | 并行中的肖像:南非当代摄影展

盒子酱 盒子美术馆 BoxesArtMuseum


开幕时间:2021.04.09 17:30
展览时间:2021.04.09 - 05.20
项目监制:刘可 何岸 
工作团队:郭燕 何金芳 邓子军 袁泽强 邓芷婷 陈思佳 曾芸 林婉婷 石嘉琦 林昀

Portraits In Dialogue:

South African Contemporary Photography

Artist:Alice Mann, Lebohang Kganye

Curator:Lee Ambrozy

Organizer: OCT Boxes Art Museum

Co-organizer: Daliang Cultural Centre

Coordinator: Oil Painting Department Curatorial Group of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Consultant: Institute of Art and Culture Innovation Research and Development, Sun Yat-sen University

Art Director:Zhou Li

Project Supervisor:Liu Ke, He An

Work Team: Guo Yan, He Jinfang, Deng Zijun, Yuan Zeqiang, Deng Zhiting, Chen Sijia, Zeng Yun, Lin Wanting, Shi Jiaqi, Lin Yun

Designer:Liu Ting

Exhibition place:OCT Boxes Art Museum, Shunfeng Mountain Park(350m), Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province.

About Artists

Alice Mann

艾丽斯·曼恩 (Alice Mann) 1991年生于开普敦,是驻南非的英国摄影艺术家,现生活和工作在开普敦和伦敦之间。她的肖像作品探讨了协作中的摄影概念。她的目标是创造赋予她主体力量的图像,长时间专注于创建项目,从而实现生动细致的表达。

她的作品曾在红钩实验室(纽约),看不见的摄影展(阿姆斯特丹),亚的斯摄影节(亚的斯亚贝巴),纽约国际摄影中心,1:54当代非洲艺术博览会(伦敦)上展出。曼恩的个人和委托作品已在国际范围内出版,包括《卫报》,《纽约客》,《纽约时报》,Artsy,British Vogue,《英国摄影杂志》和《国家地理》。

她屡获殊荣的“Drummies”系列探索了南非的女鼓队长文化,已获Lensculture新兴摄影师奖(2018)和PH美术馆颁发给新兴女性摄影师的“New Generation”奖(2018)。该系列的四幅图像在享有盛名的泰勒·韦辛肖像画奖(2018)中获得了第一名。曼恩还是第34届Hyeres国际时尚与摄影节(2019)的大奖赛获奖者。

Alice Mann (b.1991) is a South African photographic artist who’s intimate portraiture essays explore notions of picture making as an act of collaboration. She aims to create images that empower her subjects and creates projects over extended periods, allowing for engaged and nuanced representations.

Her work has been exhibited internationally at Red Hook Labs (NYC), Unseen Photo Fair (Amsterdam), Addis Foto Fest (Addis Ababa), the International Centre of Photography (NYC) and at 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair (London). Mann’s personal and commissioned work has been published internationally including The Guardian, The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, Artsy, British Vogue, The British Journal of Photography, and National Geographic.

Her award winning series ‘Drummies’ exploring female drum majorette teams in South Africa, has been selected as a winner of the Lensculture emerging photographer prize (2018), the PH Museum Women’s ‘New Generation’ prize for an emerging photographer (2018). Four images from the series were awarded first place at the prestigious Taylor Wessing portraiture prize (2018). Mann was also the recipient of the Grand Prix at the 34th edition of the Hyeres International Festival of Fashion and Photography (2019).


Artworks Preview

The Night is Young Series (Excerpts), 2017

Lebohang Kganye




勒博杭 · 克加尼目前是2019年Paulo Cunha e Silva艺术奖的决赛入围者,同时也是2019年Camera Austria的获奖者,以及2019年Rolex Mentor&Protégé Arts Initiative的决赛入围者。克加尼是东京国际摄影奖的获奖者,还获得了2018年的年度最佳全球艺术奖,2015年在巴马科非洲摄影双年展上获评审团奖。

Born in 1990, Lebohang Kganye lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa. Although primarily a photographer, Lebohang Kganye often incorporates her interest in sculpture, performance, installation and film in her work. She explores fictional history by using archives to merge illusive characters with “real” characters in a new universe. Her work combines the portraits of herself and her family and the historical and social images of South Africa, reflecting the reality while presenting fictional universe.

Kganye received her introduction to photography at the Market Photo Workshop, in Johannesburg, in 2009 and completed the Advanced Photography Programme in 2011. She is currently doing her Masters in Fine Arts at the Witwatersrand University.

Kganye is currently a finalist for the Paulo Cunha e Silva Art Prize, 2019. She was the recipient of the Camera Austria Award, 2019 and the finalist of the Rolex Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative, 2019. Kganye was the recipient of the Tokyo International Photography Prize, 2019, the Rise Art Prize Global Artist of the Year in 2018, and the Jury Prize at the Bamako Encounters Biennale of African Photography, 2015.


Artworks Preview

Her Story Series (Excerpts) ,2013

LighthouseKeeper Series (Excerpts),2017

About Curator

Lee Ambrozy


Curator, art historian and translator focused on Chinese arts and visual culture. She was formerly editor-in-chief of Artforum International’s Chinese language website Artforum.com.cn. She was also the editor and translator of Ai Weiwei's Blog (MIT Press, 2011), and editor of Inside the White Cube (《白立方内外》, Sanlian Books, 2017) a collection of seminal contemporary and modern art criticism from Artforum Magazine in Chinese translation. She has an MA in art history from Beijing's Central Academy of Fine Arts, and she is currently a Ph.D. candidate in art history and archaeology at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, where her current research examines urbanism, material and visual culture from the late Tang through Song dynasties.



盒子美术馆 BoxesArtMuseum

