
Mireille Lavoie + Alexandre David|The breathing room

米诺Mino Mstudio 2022-08-05

M'room Art  project



The breathing room


Basically, we plan on working with a strip of adhesive chalkboard surface that will surround the space, following the existing features (doors, windows, corners). This pictorial plane, will define a new space within the existing space. On the surface of this chalkboard, images and "visual notes" will present what we call "breathable spaces". The idea is to give a sense of an intimate space that one can inhabit metaphorically. The drawings on the chalkboards will be made in such a way that the drawn space sort of interfere with the real space. This ephemeral project is also like a laboratory for ideas, with chalk, erased again and again, functionning somewhat like mentally moving through ideas. 

Mireille Lavoie and Alexandre David  2017-11

艺术家简介Short biographies:

Mireille Lavoie 是一个加拿大艺术家,居住并且工作在蒙特利尔,是Edouard-Montpetit大学的一位老师。她的作品在加拿大的多个画廊、艺术中心以及公共场合展出。

Mireille Lavoie is a Canadian artist that lives and works in Montreal. Her work in sculpture, that  revolves around the fragility of ornamental arrangements, has been shown in different galleries, art centers and public spaces in Canada. She also teaches art at Edouard-Montpetit College.

▲艺术家Mireille Lavoie

Alexandre David 是一个居住于蒙特利尔的艺术家并且也是魁北克Laval大学的教授。他的雕塑作品经常与建筑有关,作品在加拿大、英国、荷兰、瑞士、法国、奥地利、克罗地亚以及中国的多个美术馆和画廊中展出。他曾获得很多加拿大的荣誉以及奖金,是蒙特利尔的Parisian Laundry Gallery签约艺术家。

Alexandre David is a Canadian artist based in Montreal and professor at the School of Art of Laval University in Quebec City. His work in sculpture often relates to architecture. David's work has been shown in museums and galleries across Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Austria, Croatia and China. He has received numerous grants and awards in Canada. He is represented by the Parisian Laundry Gallery in Montreal.

艺术家Alexandre David

Mireille Lavoie和Alexandre David自2010年开始一起合作一些艺术项目。

Mireille Lavoie and Alexandre David have collaborated together on a few projects since 2010.



2017年11月4日下午3点,Mireille Lavoie和Alexandre David《呼吸的房间》在Mstudio开幕。下午5点,我将和加拿大策展人周琰及两位艺术家一同,就他们的艺术创作、参与“M的房间”的机缘、国外独立空间的生态等话题进行交流。


Two Canadian artists are going to do a collaboration art work in M’s Room, which is the first international art project taking place in here. Mireille and Alexandre’d like to invite Chinese artists to join in them for this one-day project. Artist Aviitaguo will do the drawing with them together, screenwriter and dancer Linn’s going to do an improvisation performance combined with some dance according to the project theme. 

3pm, on Nov 4 of 2017, this Saturday, the breathing room by Mireille Lavoie and Alexandre David will start.  At 5pm, Mireille Lavoie、Alexandre David,a Canadian curator Zhou Yan and I are going to do a talk on line, about the two artists’work, how they get to know M’s Room and how the western independent art spaces are doing. 

Please scan the QR code blow, get the access to the on-line talk.

米诺Mino  2017-11-01

Art works|Mireille Lavoie


Mireille Lavoie works in sculpture, that revolves around the fragility of ornamental arrangements, exploring the temporality of natural and human-made forms with a delicate, serene, and subtle touch. A kind of spontaneous fracture, deconstruction and quietly in peace with time and space streaming through her work.


Alexandre David often makes use of architectural material plywoods to create sculptures, installations and interventions in public spaces, which lie in between architecture and sculpture, private and public, inside and outside, physical experience and mental representation, the functional and the useless. His pieces have structural simplicity, explore the form and function of the built environment, and are grounded in the relationship between visual experience and use. Simple, economical, inciting physical engagement and active participation in the built environment are his aesthetic attitude. His other forms of works such as drawing and media works are not limited but in accordance with these principles.


Art works|Alexandre David

尬聊地址:黑桥中心艺术幼儿园 Mstudio










